重构 改善既有代码的设计 Replace Method with Method Object(以函数对象取代函数)

时间:2023-02-09 18:35:38

你有一个大型函数,其中对局部变量的使用使你无法采用Extract Method




但是,局部变量的存在会增加函数分解难度。如果一个函数中局部变量泛滥成灾,那么这个时候Replace Temp with Query可以帮助你。有时候根本无法拆解一个需要拆解的函数,这时候Replace Method with Method Object就发挥作用了。

Replace Method with Method Object会将所有局部变量都变成函数对象的字段。然后就可以对这个新函数使用Extract Method创造新函数,从而达到拆解的目的。



重构 改善既有代码的设计 Replace Method with Method Object(以函数对象取代函数)
class Account
int Gamma(int inputVal, int quantity, int yearToDate)
int importantValue1 = inputVal * quantity + Delta();
int importantValue2 = inputVal * yearToDate + 100;
if (yearToDate - importantValue1 > 100)
importantValue2 -= 20;
int importantValue3 = importantValue2 * 7;
//and so on...
return importantValue3 - 2 * importantValue1;
public int Delta()
return 100;
重构 改善既有代码的设计 Replace Method with Method Object(以函数对象取代函数)


重构 改善既有代码的设计 Replace Method with Method Object(以函数对象取代函数)
class Gamma
{ private readonly Account _account; private readonly int _inputVal; private readonly int _quantity; private readonly int _yearToDate; private int _importantValue1; private int _importantValue2; private int _importantValue3;
重构 改善既有代码的设计 Replace Method with Method Object(以函数对象取代函数)


重构 改善既有代码的设计 Replace Method with Method Object(以函数对象取代函数)
public Gamma(Account account, int inputVal, int quantity, int yearToDate)
_account = account;
_inputVal = inputVal;
_quantity = quantity;
_yearToDate = yearToDate;
重构 改善既有代码的设计 Replace Method with Method Object(以函数对象取代函数)


重构 改善既有代码的设计 Replace Method with Method Object(以函数对象取代函数)
public int Compute()
_importantValue1 = _inputVal * _quantity + _account.Delta();
_importantValue2 = _inputVal * _yearToDate + 100;
if (_yearToDate - _importantValue1 > 100)
_importantValue2 -= 20;
_importantValue3 = _importantValue2 * 7;
//and so on...
return _importantValue3 - 2 * _importantValue1;
重构 改善既有代码的设计 Replace Method with Method Object(以函数对象取代函数)


重构 改善既有代码的设计 Replace Method with Method Object(以函数对象取代函数)
class Gamma
{ private readonly Account _account; private readonly int _inputVal; private readonly int _quantity; private readonly int _yearToDate; private int _importantValue1; private int _importantValue2; private int _importantValue3;
public Gamma(Account account, int inputVal, int quantity, int yearToDate)
_account = account;
_inputVal = inputVal;
_quantity = quantity;
_yearToDate = yearToDate;
public int Compute()
_importantValue1 = _inputVal * _quantity + _account.Delta();
_importantValue2 = _inputVal * _yearToDate + 100;
if (_yearToDate - _importantValue1 > 100)
_importantValue2 -= 20;
_importantValue3 = _importantValue2 * 7;
//and so on...
return _importantValue3 - 2 * _importantValue1;
重构 改善既有代码的设计 Replace Method with Method Object(以函数对象取代函数)


int Gamma(int inputVal, int quantity, int yearToDate)
return new Gamma(this, inputVal, quantity, yearToDate).Compute();

这就是本项重构的基本原则。它的好处是:现在我们可以轻松地对Compute()函数采取Extract Method,不必担心参数传递的问题。


重构 改善既有代码的设计 Replace Method with Method Object(以函数对象取代函数)
public int Compute()
_importantValue1 = _inputVal * _quantity + _account.Delta();
_importantValue2 = _inputVal * _yearToDate + 100;
_importantValue3 = _importantValue2 * 7;
//and so on...
return _importantValue3 - 2 * _importantValue1;
} void GetImportantThing()
if (_yearToDate - _importantValue1 > 100)
_importantValue2 -= 20;
重构 改善既有代码的设计 Replace Method with Method Object(以函数对象取代函数)