大气象 CComboBox *comboBox=(CComboBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO1); comboBox->InsertString(0,_T("9:30 "));
comboBox->InsertString(1, _T("10:30 "));
comboBox->SetCurSel(1); //设置选中的项
CString selStr;
int nIndex = comboBox->GetCurSel();//取得选中的索引
comboBox->GetLBText(nIndex,selStr); MessageBox(selStr);
void set_DropDownSize(CComboBox& box, UINT LinesToDisplay);
大气象 void CMySdiView::set_DropDownSize(CComboBox& box, UINT LinesToDisplay)
* Purpose: Set the proper number of lines in a drop-down list or
* combo box.
* Description: Resizes the combo box window to fit the proper number
* of lines. The window must exist before calling this function.
* This function should be called when the combo box is created, and when
* the font of the combo box changes. (e.g. WM_SETTINGCHANGE)
* Testing needed:
* Are there cases where SM_CYBORDER should be used instead of SM_CYEDGE?
* owner-draw variable height combo box
* Subclassed combo box with horizontal scroll-bar
* Returns: nothing
* Author: KTM
ASSERT(IsWindow(box)); // Window must exist or SetWindowPos won't work CRect cbSize; // current size of combo box
int Height; // new height for drop-down portion of combo box box.GetClientRect(cbSize);
Height = box.GetItemHeight(-1); // start with size of the edit-box portion
Height += box.GetItemHeight(0) * LinesToDisplay; // add height of lines of text // Note: The use of SM_CYEDGE assumes that we're using Windows '95
// Now add on the height of the border of the edit box
Height += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE) * 2; // top & bottom edges // The height of the border of the drop-down box
Height += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE) * 2; // top & bottom edges // now set the size of the window
box.SetWindowPos(NULL, // not relative to any other windows
0, 0, // TopLeft corner doesn't change
cbSize.right, Height, // existing width, new height
SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER // don't move box or change z-ordering.
CComboBox *comboBox=(CComboBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO1);
set_DropDownSize(*comboBox,5);// 第二个参数决定高度是显示几行