Google Analytics通过广告系列过滤后返回用户定义

时间:2022-03-03 18:02:06

I have a campaign link setup by the url builder with campaign codes and I want to know how many users return if their first touch to the site is by the campaign URL while their return visits could be through any channel.


If i did a segmentation to filter on my campaign code and then set the dimension to be user type (new vs returning users):


  • will the returning users number equal to users who first came in through that code regardless of the channel they came in on their subsequent visit?
  • 返回的用户数量是否等于通过该代码首次进入的用户,无论他们在后续访问中进入的频道如何?

  • Or does the returning users equal to users who came in by clicking on my campaign link again?
  • 或者返回的用户是否等同于再次点击我的广告系列链接进来的用户?

1 个解决方案


Segments represent either subsets of sessions or subsets of users. In your case, your isolating your data to all sessions originating from your campaign.


So the returning users wil be equal to users who first came in through that code regardless of the channel they came in on their subsequent visit.



Segments represent either subsets of sessions or subsets of users. In your case, your isolating your data to all sessions originating from your campaign.


So the returning users wil be equal to users who first came in through that code regardless of the channel they came in on their subsequent visit.
