Windows Python Extension Packages

时间:2023-03-09 16:45:09
Windows Python Extension Packages


1.先要安装wheel库:pip install wheel

2.下载wheel,切换至下载路径,然后安装:pip install wheel库名.whl

Windows Python Extension Packages

by Christoph Gohlke, Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine.

Other useful packages and applications not currently available on this page

  • AIDA implements the Adaptive Image Deconvolution Algorithm.
  • Alglib, a cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library.
  • Babel, tools for internationalizing Python applications.
  • BALLView, a molecular modeling and visualization application.
  • Bioformats read and write life sciences file formats using Bio-Formats.
    Requires javabridge.
  • Biogeme performs estimation of discrete choice models.
  • BioImageXD is software for analysis and visualization of multidimensional biomedical images.
  • BisQue (Bio-Image Semantic Query User Environment), store, visualize, organize and analyze images in the cloud.
  • Blaze translates NumPy/Pandas-like syntax to systems like databases.
  • Bokeh, an implementation of the Grammar of Graphics for output to the HTML5 Canvas.
    Requires many dependencies.
  • CasADi implements automatic differentiation in forward and adjoint modes.
  • Certifi provides Mozilla's CA Bundle.
  • CGAL-Python, bindings for the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library.
  • Coloc_utils computes colocalization coefficients from confocal images.
  • Cryptography exposes cryptographic primitives and recipes.
  • CVXPY, a modeling language for convex optimization problems.
    Requires numpy+mkl, scipy, cvxopt, scs, and ecos.
  • DeVIDE, a dataflow application builder for the rapid prototyping of medical visualization and image processing techniques.
  • Django, a high-level Web framework.
  • Docutils processes plaintext documentation into HTML, LaTeX, man-pages, open-document or XML.
  • Dpmix, a library for fitting massive mixture models.
  • EMAN2, a greyscale scientific image processing suite with a focus on transmission electron microscopy. Supports many image formats.
  • Epydoc, a tool for generating module API documentation.
  • FARSIGHT, a toolkit for microscopy image analysis based using Bio-Formats.
  • FiPy, a finite volume PDE solver.
    Requires pysparse.
  • Flask, a microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions.
  • Gexiv2, a GObject-based wrapper around the exiv2 library for image metadata.
  • GHMM, the General Hidden Markov Model library.
  • Graph-tool, an efficient module for manipulation and statistical analysis of graphs.
  • Ilastik, an interactive learning and segmentation toolkit.
  • IPython, an interactive computing environment.
    IPython 4 requires Jupyter.
    Some functions require setuptools, pyzmq, tornado, pygments, markupsafe, jinja2, mistune, rpy2, pycairo, matplotlib, pyqt4 or pyside, pandoc, and whatnot.
  • Iris, a library for analysing and visualising meteorological and oceanographic data sets
    Requires scipy, netcdf4-python, cartopy, shapely, udunits2 and other dependencies.
  • ITK (Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit), a software system for image analysis.
  • Jupyter, an interactive computing environment.
    Some functions require setuptools, ipython4, pyzmq, tornado, pygments, markupsafe, jinja2, mistune, rpy2, pycairo, matplotlib, pyqt4 or pyside, pandoc, and whatnot.
  • Lmfit, a least-squares minimization with constraints.
  • M2Crypto, a complete wrapper for OpenSSL.
  • Mako, a fast templating language.
  • Mantid, a framework that supports high-performance computing and visualization of scientific data.
  • MathGL, a library for scientific data visualization.
  • MDP, the Modular toolkit for Data Processing.
  • mMass, an mass spectrometry tool.
  • MMCorePy allows to control microscope hardware via Micro-Manager.
  • Msim, superresolution fluorescence microscopy of multicellular organisms.
  • Ncrypt is yet another OpenSSL wrapper.
  • NetworkX, a package for complex networks.
  • NiBabel, access a cacophony of neuro-imaging file formats.
  • Nipype, workflows and interfaces for neuroimaging packages.
  • NLTK, the Natural Language Toolkit.
    Requires pyyaml.
  • Nodebox-GL, a library for generating 2D animations.
  • Nose extends unittest to make testing easier.
  • Numeric is deprecated, superseded by Numpy.
  • OpenGLContext, a testing and learning environment for PyOpenGL.
  • OpenKinect provides access to the Xbox Kinect device.
    Requires LibUSB 1.2.6.
  • OpenMDAO, a Multidisciplinary Design Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) framework.
  • OpenSlide reads whole-slide images, high resolution images exceeding RAM sizes.
  • Panda3D, a framework for 3D rendering and game development.
  • ParticleStats performs analysis of intracellular particle motility and cytoskeletal polarity.
  • Patsy, a package for describing statistical models and for building design matrices.
  • Peak_detection implements the Gaussian peak detection described in Segré et al.
  • Pims, Python Image Sequence, loads video and sequential images.
  • Pip is the recommended tool for installing Python packages.
    Pip and setuptools are included with Python >=3.4 and >=2.7.9.
    To bootstrap pip on installations without pip, use the script or run
    python.exe pip-7.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pip install pip-7.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl.
  • Pmw, a toolkit for building high-level compound widgets using the Tkinter module.
  • PolyVox, a library for the storage and processing of volumetric environments.
  • Priithon, a platform for image analysis and algorithm development.
    Includes HIS, SDT, SIF, and SPE file readers.
  • PsychoPy, software for psychology and neuroscience.
  • Py-bcrypt, a wrapper of OpenBSD's Blowfish password hashing code.
  • PyAudiere, a high-level audio interface using the Audiere sound library.
  • pyCGNS provides an interface to the CGNS/SIDS data model.
  • Pycparser, a complete parser for the C language.
  • PyCrypto provides cryptographic modules.
  • PyDSTool, a dynamical systems modeling, simulation and analysis environment.
  • Pyffmpeg, a wrapper for FFmpeg, a solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.
  • PyFFTW3 are bindings to the FFTW C library.
  • Pyglet, a cross-platform windowing and multimedia library using AVbin.
  • Pygments, a generic syntax highlighter.
  • PyGreSQL interfaces to a PostgreSQL database.
  • Pygrib, a module for reading GRIB meteorological files.
  • PyGSL provides an interface for the GNU Scientific Library (gsl).
  • PyGst, bindings for the GStreamer multimedia framework.
  • Pykit, a backend compiler for high-level typed code.
  • PyME,
    the Python Microscopy Environment, provides image acquisition and data
    analysis functionality for widefield microscopy applications.
  • Pymex embeds Python in a MATLAB(tm) 2011b extension module.
  • pyNFFT, a wrapper around the NFFT library.
  • PyNIfTI provides access to NIfTI and ANALYZE files.
  • Pyo, a digital signal processing module.
  • PyODE, a set of bindings for the Open Dynamics Engine.
  • pyOpenSSL, an interface to the OpenSSL library.
  • Pyparsing creates and executes simple grammars.
  • PyQt5, a set of bindings for the Qt5 application framework.
  • PyReadline (unstable, deprecated), a ctypes-based readline for Windows.
  • Pysam, a module for reading and manipulating SAM nucleotide sequence alignment files.
  • PySerial encapsulates the access for the serial port.
  • Pysifreader reads Andor SIF multi-channel image files.
  • PySUNDIALS provides bindings for the SUNDIALS suite of solvers.
  • PySVN interfaces the Subversion version control system.
  • Python-Dateutil extends the standard datetime module.
    Requires six.
  • Python-Ogre, an interface to the Ogre 3D graphics library.
  • Pythonisosurfaces, a marching cubes iso-surface implementation.
  • PythonOCC, a 3D CAD/CAE/PLM development framework.
  • PythonQwt, Qt plotting widgets.
    Requires pyqt4.
  • Pytools, a collection of tools.
    Requires six, decorator and appdirs.
  • Pytz provides world timezone definitions, modern and historical.
  • PyVISA, bindings to the "Virtual Instrument Software Architecture" VISA library.
  • Requests, a HTTP library for human beings.
  • RootPy provides an interface with the ROOT data analysis framework on top of PyROOT.
  • Scikit-bio (unstable) provides data structures, algorithms, and educational resources for bioinformatics.
  • Scikit-tracker, objects detection and robust tracking for cell biology.
  • SciTools are useful tools for scientific computing.
  • SCons, a software construction tool.
  • Setuptools downloads, builds, installs, upgrades, and uninstalls Python packages.
  • Sherpa, a modeling and fitting application.
  • Simpleaudio, simple audio playback.
  • SimpleCV, a framework for building computer vision applications.
  • Six, a Python 2 and 3 compatibility library.
  • SMC.FreeImage, a wrapper for the FreeImage library.
  • SpacePy tools for the space science community.
  • Spyder, the Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment.
    Requires guiqwt and other dependencies.
  • Stdic computes a deformation function between images (image registration).
  • STScI_python provides a general astronomical data analysis infrastructure.
  • Sympy, a library for symbolic mathematics.
  • Trackpy, tools for particle tracking.
  • Trfit fits time-resolved fluorescence decays.
  • VIPS, an image processing library with no image size limits.
  • Virtualenv, a virtual Python environment builder.
  • VisionEgg produces stimuli for vision research experiments.
  • Vispy, OpenGL-based interactive visualization.
  • Visvis, a library for visualization of 1D to 4D data in an object oriented way.
  • ViTables, a GUI for browsing and editing files in PyTables and HDF5 formats.
  • WFastCGI provides a gateway between IIS's FastCGI support to Python's WSGI protocol.
  • Xmlsec, bindings for the XML Security Library.
  • Xray, N-D labeled arrays and datasets.
  • ZODB, the Zope Object Database, provides an object-oriented database.

Build Environment

  1. Libraries (built from source):
  2. Alembic
  3. AMD
  4. ANGLE
  5. ANN
  6. ASIO
  7. Aspell
  8. Assimp
  9. AVbin
  10. BerkeleyDB
  11. BLAS
  12. Blosc
  13. Boost
  14. Box2D
  15. bsd-xdr
  16. bzip2
  17. C-ares
  18. Cairo
  19. Cassowary
  20. CFitsIO
  21. CGAL
  22. Chipmunk2D
  23. EasyBMP
  24. Eigen
  25. Expat
  26. FFTW
  27. FLAC
  28. FLANN
  29. FLTK
  30. FMILibrary
  31. Freeglut
  32. FreeImage
  33. FreeTDS
  34. FreeType
  35. FreeXL
  36. GDAL
  37. GEOS
  38. GeoTIFF
  39. GLEW
  40. GLFW
  41. GLPK
  42. GLUT
  43. GraphicsMagick
  44. Graphviz
  45. GSL
  46. HDF4
  47. HDF5
  48. iconv
  49. ICU
  50. igraph
  51. ImageMagick
  52. ITK
  53. JasPer
  54. jsoncpp
  55. Jxrlib
  56. Kerberos
  57. KissFFT
  58. Klib
  59. LAME
  60. LAPACK
  61. LEMON
  62. lib3ds
  63. libcurl
  64. libevent
  65. Libffi
  66. libGD
  67. libgit2
  68. Libidn
  69. libInChI
  70. libjpeg
  71. libjpeg-turbo
  73. liblzma
  74. libmng
  75. libpng
  76. LibRaw
  77. libsamplerate
  78. libSBML
  79. libsodium
  80. libspatialindex
  81. LIBSVM
  82. LibTIFF
  83. libusb
  84. Libxml2
  85. Libxslt
  86. LibYAML
  87. Little CMS
  88. LLVM
  89. lp_solve
  90. lz4
  91. LZMA
  92. LZO
  93. Mesa
  94. METIS
  95. Minizip
  96. MPC
  97. MPEG_Encode
  98. MPFR
  99. MPIR
  100. MUMPS
  101. Muparser
  102. MySQL Connector/C
  103. NetCDF
  104. Netpbm
  105. ODE
  106. Ogg
  107. OpenAL
  108. OpenBabel
  109. OpenColorIO
  110. OpenCV
  111. OpenEXR
  112. OpenImageIO
  113. OpenJPEG
  114. OpenLDAP
  115. OpenMPI
  116. OpenNI
  117. OpenPGM
  118. OpenSSL
  119. PDCurses
  120. Pixman
  121. PortAudio
  122. PortMidi
  123. PostgreSQL
  124. PROJ.4
  125. Ptex
  126. Pthreads-w32
  127. Qhull
  128. Qt
  129. QuickFIX
  130. RE2
  131. RtMidi
  132. SASL
  133. SDL
  134. SDL_gfx
  135. SDL_image
  136. SDL_mixer
  137. SDL_ttf
  138. SFML2
  139. Silo
  140. SLICOT
  141. Smpeg
  142. Snappy
  143. sparsehash
  145. SQLite
  146. SuiteSparse
  148. SuperLU
  149. SZip
  150. TCL/TK
  151. UDUNITS
  152. UMFPACK
  153. ViennaCL
  154. Vorbis
  155. VTK
  156. WebP
  157. wxWidgets
  158. Xerces
  159. Xmlsec
  160. YAML
  161. ZeroMQ
  162. zlib
  1. SDKs and libraries (prebuilt):
  2. Apache HTTP Server
  4. Bio-Formats
  5. ESRI File Geodatabase API
  6. GTK2
  7. Intel Integrated Performance Primitives
  8. Intel Math Kernel Library
  9. Intel SDK for OpenCL Applications
  10. Intel Threading Building Blocks
  11. libsndfile
  12. MATLAB(tm)
  13. Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)
  14. Microsoft MPI v6
  15. Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2
  16. Microsoft SQL Server
  17. Microsoft Windows SDK v6.1 Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5
  18. Microsoft Windows SDK v7.0 for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1
  19. Microsoft Windows SDK v7.1 for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4
  20. NVidia CG Toolkit
  21. NVidia CUDA Toolkit
  22. Oracle Instant Client
  23. Oracle Java SE Development Kit
  24. Python
  25. R
  1. Compilers:
  2. Clang
  3. Intel Composer XE 2013 SP1
  4. Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016 Composer
  5. Lazarus
  6. Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2
  7. Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack
  8. Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7
  9. Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
  10. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Pro
  11. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Pro
  12. Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community
  13. MinGW
  14. MinGW-w64
  15. Mingw-w64-for-python
  16. NASM
  17. Rtools
  18. Yasm
  1. Build tools:
  2. ActivePerl
  3. Ant
  4. Bazaar
  5. Bento
  6. BJam
  7. CMake
  8. CVS
  9. Cygwin
  10. Cython
  11. doxygen
  12. Epydoc
  13. Git
  14. JCC
  15. Jom
  16. M4
  17. Mercurial
  18. MSYS
  19. MSYS2
  20. Node.js
  21. Nose
  22. NSIS
  23. PyPy
  24. Python
  25. SCons
  26. SIP
  27. Sphinx
  28. Subversion
  29. SWIG
  30. Waf
  1. Other software:
  2. 7-Zip
  3. Avconv
  4. com0com
  5. Dependency Walker
  6. FFmpeg
  7. GhostScript
  8. GnuWin32
  9. Info-ZIP
  10. Inkscape
  11. InpOutx64
  12. MEncoder
  13. MiKTeX
  14. Notepad++
  15. Pandoc
  16. PTVS
  17. Redis
  18. Spyder
  19. Sysinternals Suite
  20. Ubuntu
  21. Windows 10
  22. WingIDE
  23. WinMerge
  1. Other CPython distributions:
  2. ActivePython
  3. Anaconda
  4. Python(x,y)
  5. Pyzo
  6. WinPython

Christoph Gohlke, Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics