ADODC控件为ACCESS数据库建立新表的一种方法时间:2021-12-17 15:47:471、添加ADODC到窗体 2、ACESS数据库中至少有一张表存在。 Private Sub Form_Load() Adodc1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _ "C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/" & _ "My Documents/11.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" Adodc1.CommandType = adCmdUnknown Adodc1.RecordSource = "select top 1 * from tb11" Adodc1.Refresh With Adodc1.Recordset.ActiveConnection .Execute = "CREATE TABLE [NT_channel_product3]([Id] counter CONSTRAINT id PRIMARY KEY," & _ "[ChID] long NOT NULL ,title text(100) NOT NULL ,[ClassID] long NOT NULL ," & _ "[SpecialID] text (200) NULL ,[TitleColor] text (10) NULL ," & _ "[TitleITF] byte NULL ,[TitleBTF] byte NULL ,[PicURL] text (200) NULL ," & _ "[Content] memo NULL ,[NaviContent] text (200) NULL ," & _ "[ContentProperty] text (9) NULL ,[Author] text (100) NULL ," & _ "[EdITor] text (50) NULL ,[Souce] text (100) NULL ,[OrderID] byte NOT NULL ," & _ "[Tags] text (100) NULL ,[Templet] text (200) NULL ," & _ "[SavePath] text (200) NULL ,[FileName] text (100) NULL ," & _ "[isDelPoint] byte NOT NULL ,[Gpoint] long NULL ,[iPoint] long NULL ," & _ "[GroupNumber] memo NULL ,[Metakeywords] text (200) NULL ," & _ "[Metadesc] text (200) NULL ,[Click] long NULL ," & _ "[CreatTime] datetime NULL ,[isHTML] byte NOT NULL ," & _ "[isConstr] byte NOT NULL ,[ConstrTF] byte NOT NULL)" End With End Sub