
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE ibatorConfiguration PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Apache iBATIS Ibator Configuration 1.0//EN" "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/ibator-config_1_0.dtd" >
<ibatorConfiguration> <classPathEntry
location="F:\sqljdbc.jar" />
<ibatorContext id="context1" targetRuntime="Ibatis2Java5"> <!--
classPathEntry 指定数据库jdbc驱动jar包的绝对路径。
--> <!--
id 这个id可以在使用命令行运行Abator时指定,以单独处理某一个ibatorContext targetRuntime
Ibatis2Java5 生成适合JDK5.0的类,另一个选项是 Ibatis2Java2,生成适合Java2的类。
--> <ibatorPlugin
<property name="searchString" value="Example$" />
<property name="replaceString" value="Example" />
</ibatorPlugin> <!--
ibatorPlugin 继承自IbatorPluginAdapter,包名必须是
org.apache.ibatis.ibator.plugins,具体实现可以参考官方文档 必须有替换和被替换字符属性。
<jdbcConnection driverClass="org.postgresql.Driver"
connectionURL="jdbc:postgresql://" userId="postgres"
password="postgres" />
<jdbcConnection driverClass="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
connectionURL="jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=PanaDatabase" userId="sa"
password="sasa" /> <!--
driverClass 数据库驱动类 connectionURL 数据库连接地址 userId 用户 password 密码 还可以使用以下格式添加数据库的其他连接属性 <property name="" value=""/>
--> <javaTypeResolver> <property name="forceBigDecimals" value="false" /> <!--
默认false,把JDBC DECIMAL 和 NUMERIC 类型解析为 Integer true,把JDBC DECIMAL 和
NUMERIC 类型解析为java.math.BigDecimal
--> </javaTypeResolver> <javaModelGenerator targetPackage="abator.model"
targetProject="comboFramework/tools" /> <!--
targetProject 生成的Java Bean放置在哪个项目的哪个目录下 targetPackage 生成的Java Bean的包名
一个有用的属性 <property name="trimStrings" value="true" /> 从数据库返回的值被清理前后的空格
<property name="enableSubPackages" value="false" /> 是否在包名后加上scheme名称
--> <sqlMapGenerator targetPackage="abator.sqlmap"
targetProject="comboFramework/tools" /> <!--
targetProject 生成的 SqlMap.xml 文件放置在哪个项目的哪个目录下 targetPackage 生成的
SqlMap.xml 文件的包名 <property name="enableSubPackages" value="false" />
--> <daoGenerator targetPackage="abator.dao" targetProject="comboFramework/tools"
type="GENERIC-CI" /> <table tableName="InfoVoteItm"></table> </ibatorContext>

location="F:\sqljdbc.jar" />
<ibatorContext id="context1" targetRuntime="Ibatis2Java5">
<jdbcConnection driverClass="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
connectionURL="jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=PanaDatabase" userId="sa"
password="sasa" />

targetProject 生成的Java Bean放置在哪个项目的哪个目录下 targetPackage 生成的Java Bean的包名
一个有用的属性 <property name="trimStrings" value="true" /> 从数据库返回的值被清理前后的空格
<property name="enableSubPackages" value="false" /> 是否在包名后加上scheme名称
--> <sqlMapGenerator targetPackage="abator.sqlmap"
targetProject="comboFramework/tools" /> <!--
targetProject 生成的 SqlMap.xml 文件放置在哪个项目的哪个目录下 targetPackage 生成的
SqlMap.xml 文件的包名 <property name="enableSubPackages" value="false" />
--> <daoGenerator targetPackage="abator.dao" targetProject="comboFramework/tools"
type="GENERIC-CI" />

<table tableName="InfoVoteItm"></table>

USE [PanaDatabase]
/****** 对象: Table [dbo].[InfoVoteItm] 脚本日期: 06/04/2012 16:22:55 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[InfoVoteItm](
[EmpID] [nvarchar](250) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL,
[InfoDetail_ID] [int] NULL,
[VoteItmDate] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_InfoVoteItm_VoteItmDate] DEFAULT (getdate())


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN" "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/sql-map-2.dtd" >
<sqlMap namespace="InfoVoteItm" >
<resultMap id="ibatorgenerated_BaseResultMap" class="abator.model.Infovoteitm" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
<result column="EmpID" property="empid" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="InfoDetail_ID" property="infodetailId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="VoteItmDate" property="voteitmdate" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
<sql id="ibatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
<iterate property="oredCriteria" conjunction="or" prepend="where" removeFirstPrepend="iterate" >
<isEqual property="oredCriteria[].valid" compareValue="true" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithoutValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithSingleValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithListValue" conjunction="and" >
<iterate property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithListValue[].values" open="(" close=")" conjunction="," >
<iterate prepend="and" property="oredCriteria[].criteriaWithBetweenValue" conjunction="and" >
#oredCriteria[].criteriaWithBetweenValue[].values[0]# and
<select id="ibatorgenerated_selectByExample" resultMap="ibatorgenerated_BaseResultMap" parameterClass="abator.model.InfovoteitmExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
select EmpID, InfoDetail_ID, VoteItmDate
from InfoVoteItm
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<isNotNull property="orderByClause" >
order by $orderByClause$
<delete id="ibatorgenerated_deleteByExample" parameterClass="abator.model.InfovoteitmExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
delete from InfoVoteItm
<include refid="InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<insert id="ibatorgenerated_insert" parameterClass="abator.model.Infovoteitm" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
insert into InfoVoteItm (EmpID, InfoDetail_ID, VoteItmDate)
values (#empid:VARCHAR#, #infodetailId:INTEGER#, #voteitmdate:TIMESTAMP#)
<insert id="ibatorgenerated_insertSelective" parameterClass="abator.model.Infovoteitm" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
insert into InfoVoteItm
<dynamic prepend="(" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="empid" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="infodetailId" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="voteitmdate" >
<dynamic prepend="(" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="empid" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="infodetailId" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="voteitmdate" >
<select id="ibatorgenerated_countByExample" parameterClass="abator.model.InfovoteitmExample" resultClass="java.lang.Integer" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
select count(*) from InfoVoteItm
<include refid="InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<update id="ibatorgenerated_updateByExampleSelective" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
update InfoVoteItm
<dynamic prepend="set" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.empid" >
EmpID = #record.empid:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.infodetailId" >
InfoDetail_ID = #record.infodetailId:INTEGER#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.voteitmdate" >
VoteItmDate = #record.voteitmdate:TIMESTAMP#
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<update id="ibatorgenerated_updateByExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
update InfoVoteItm
set EmpID = #record.empid:VARCHAR#,
InfoDetail_ID = #record.infodetailId:INTEGER#,
VoteItmDate = #record.voteitmdate:TIMESTAMP#
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />


<resultMap id="ibatorgenerated_BaseResultMap" class="abator.model.Infovoteitm" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
<result column="EmpID" property="empid" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="InfoDetail_ID" property="infodetailId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="VoteItmDate" property="voteitmdate" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />


<select id="ibatorgenerated_selectByExample" resultMap="ibatorgenerated_BaseResultMap" parameterClass="abator.model.InfovoteitmExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
select EmpID, InfoDetail_ID, VoteItmDate
from InfoVoteItm
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />
<isNotNull property="orderByClause" >
order by $orderByClause$


<select id="ibatorgenerated_countByExample" parameterClass="abator.model.InfovoteitmExample" resultClass="java.lang.Integer" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
select count(*) from InfoVoteItm
<include refid="InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />


<delete id="ibatorgenerated_deleteByExample" parameterClass="abator.model.InfovoteitmExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
delete from InfoVoteItm
<include refid="InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />


<insert id="ibatorgenerated_insert" parameterClass="abator.model.Infovoteitm" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
insert into InfoVoteItm (EmpID, InfoDetail_ID, VoteItmDate)
values (#empid:VARCHAR#, #infodetailId:INTEGER#, #voteitmdate:TIMESTAMP#)


<insert id="ibatorgenerated_insertSelective" parameterClass="abator.model.Infovoteitm" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
insert into InfoVoteItm
<dynamic prepend="(" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="empid" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="infodetailId" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="voteitmdate" >
<dynamic prepend="(" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="empid" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="infodetailId" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="voteitmdate" >


<update id="ibatorgenerated_updateByExampleSelective" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
update InfoVoteItm
<dynamic prepend="set" >
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.empid" >
EmpID = #record.empid:VARCHAR#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.infodetailId" >
InfoDetail_ID = #record.infodetailId:INTEGER#
<isNotNull prepend="," property="record.voteitmdate" >
VoteItmDate = #record.voteitmdate:TIMESTAMP#
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />


<update id="ibatorgenerated_updateByExample" >
WARNING - This element is automatically generated by Apache iBATIS ibator, do not modify.
This element was generated on Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011.
update InfoVoteItm
set EmpID = #record.empid:VARCHAR#,
InfoDetail_ID = #record.infodetailId:INTEGER#,
VoteItmDate = #record.voteitmdate:TIMESTAMP#
<isParameterPresent >
<include refid="InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_Example_Where_Clause" />

InfovoteitmDAO 接口

package abator.dao; import abator.model.Infovoteitm;
import abator.model.InfovoteitmExample;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List; public interface InfovoteitmDAO {
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
int countByExample(InfovoteitmExample example) throws SQLException; /**
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
int deleteByExample(InfovoteitmExample example) throws SQLException; /**
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
void insert(Infovoteitm record) throws SQLException; /**
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
void insertSelective(Infovoteitm record) throws SQLException; /**
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
List<Infovoteitm> selectByExample(InfovoteitmExample example) throws SQLException; /**
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
int updateByExampleSelective(Infovoteitm record, InfovoteitmExample example) throws SQLException; /**
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
int updateByExample(Infovoteitm record, InfovoteitmExample example) throws SQLException;


package abator.dao; import abator.model.Infovoteitm;
import abator.model.InfovoteitmExample;
import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List; public class InfovoteitmDAOImpl implements InfovoteitmDAO {
* This field was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This field corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
private SqlMapClient sqlMapClient; /**
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
public InfovoteitmDAOImpl(SqlMapClient sqlMapClient) {
this.sqlMapClient = sqlMapClient;
} /**
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
public int countByExample(InfovoteitmExample example) throws SQLException {
Integer count = (Integer) sqlMapClient.queryForObject("InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_countByExample", example);
return count;
} /**
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
public int deleteByExample(InfovoteitmExample example) throws SQLException {
int rows = sqlMapClient.delete("InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_deleteByExample", example);
return rows;
} /**
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
public void insert(Infovoteitm record) throws SQLException {
sqlMapClient.insert("InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_insert", record);
} /**
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
public void insertSelective(Infovoteitm record) throws SQLException {
sqlMapClient.insert("InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_insertSelective", record);
} /**
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
public List<Infovoteitm> selectByExample(InfovoteitmExample example) throws SQLException {
List<Infovoteitm> list = sqlMapClient.queryForList("InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_selectByExample", example);
return list;
} /**
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
public int updateByExampleSelective(Infovoteitm record, InfovoteitmExample example) throws SQLException {
UpdateByExampleParms parms = new UpdateByExampleParms(record, example);
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_updateByExampleSelective", parms);
return rows;
} /**
* This method was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This method corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
public int updateByExample(Infovoteitm record, InfovoteitmExample example) throws SQLException {
UpdateByExampleParms parms = new UpdateByExampleParms(record, example);
int rows = sqlMapClient.update("InfoVoteItm.ibatorgenerated_updateByExample", parms);
return rows;
} /**
* This class was generated by Apache iBATIS ibator.
* This class corresponds to the database table InfoVoteItm
* @ibatorgenerated Wed Mar 09 16:57:25 CST 2011
private static class UpdateByExampleParms extends InfovoteitmExample {
private Object record; public UpdateByExampleParms(Object record, InfovoteitmExample example) {
this.record = record;
} public Object getRecord() {
return record;