In recent years, experiment teaching plays an increasingly important role in the teaching of colleges and universities. It not only exercises the students' practical hands and innovation ability, but also cultivates the team spirit of the students. This kind of experiment teaching can not replaced by other teaching. However, with the expansion of the number of college students and the expansion of the scale of experimentequipment, which makes the students, experimentequipment, information management and experiment teaching task arrangements become very cumbersome, so the experiment teaching schedule has brought a great trouble, compared to the traditional Internet of things security experimentsystem can not fully meet the current experiment teaching requirements, and affect the efficiency of experimentteaching[1]. Therefore, in the experimentteaching [2]–[3][4] how to facilitate the implementation of the experiment, enhance the experimentresults and enhance teachers in the experiment teaching of the experimenttask schedule, management and experimentassessment capabilities, but also to improve the comprehensive ability of students, This is also the country's colleges and universities are very concerned about the problem, but also to strengthen the school experimentsafety information management imminent problem.
Analysis of Safety Experiment Modules
(1) RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Experiment
The RFID experimentfunction module including theregister access experiment, RFID continuous card search experiment (without anti-collision), RFID continuous card experiment (with anti-collision), label lock experiment, label KILL command experiment and label encryption experiment[5]. The purpose of RFID experiment is make students understand the experimentworking principle, such as RFID continuous search card experiment, through the experiment enable students to master through the CC2530 chip to control RMU900 +, so as to achieve through the RFID-900 module for continuous card operation. The tag's encryption experiment allows students to master the cryptographic mechanism of RFID tags and encrypt the RFID-900MHz tags by controlling the RMU900 + module.
(2) TinyOS Experiment. The TinyOS Experiment
Function module contains the work channel monitoring experiment, routing topology detection experiment and flood attack experiment. Through this experiment can help students understand how to achieve on the TinyOS base station and the wireless communication between nodes. Such as the work channel monitoring experiment, through the experiment so that students can get to know the wireless communication-related interfaces and components, and master how to send and receive messages, and can use the base station to complete the work channel monitoring, using the correct baud rate monitoring TinyOS node. The routing topology detection experiment enables students to build a test network and use the AODV (Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing) routing protocol for basic communication between nodes. The base station is used to probe the network topology and understand the main principles of the AODV routing protocol in the wireless sensor network and to master its implementation [6]–[7].
(3) Zigbee Experiment. In the Zigbee Experiment
Function module, including channel monitoring experiment, packet transmission success rate experiment, network detection experiment, point-to-point RF(Radio Freqency) communication encryption and decryption experiment and peer-to-peer authentication experiment. Through the study of this experiment, students understand the protocol specification of CC2530 chip receiving data frame and the setting method of CC2530 chip receiving mode, so that the node can monitor the communication packet of target network in the channel. Such as channel monitoring experiment, through the experiment enable students build goals and monitor the two networks, achieve the monitoring network, receive the target network communication packets, familiar with the CC2530 packet collection mechanism. The packet success rate experiment enables students understand the basic principles of CC2530 chip RF communication, and on the basis of communication, the method of detecting the success rate (or failure rate) of the data packets sent by the computing node. Through the experiment, the realization of the normal communication between the two points, while real-time calculation of the current success rate (or failure rate). The network probing experiment familiarizes the student with the basic structure of the communication packet and the method of listening to the network packet. In the normal target communication network environment, through the monitoring of the target network communication packet, complete the analysis of the packet, and analyze the target network topology and display [8]–[9][10].
Principle and Implementation of Security Experiment Management System for Internet of Things
3.1 System Architecture and Composition
The security experimentmanagement system software of Internet of Things contains the experimentmanagement platform and Internet of things security experimentplatform; The hardware contains three major types of experiments, including RFID experiments, TinyOS experiments and Zigbee experimentcomposition. As shown in Figure 1.
The security experiment management system of Internet of Things can provide the students with the implementation environment of the Internet of Things security experiment, the guidance, management and examination of the students ‘experiments, so as to facilitate the experiment implementation, enhance the experimenteffect and enhance the teachers’ ability to deploy, manage and evaluate the experiment process.
3.2 Internet of Things Security Experiment Platform
Internet of Things security experiment platform is the core of the whole system. It is composed of data interaction module, experimentevaluation module and experimentdemonstration module. Theoverall interface design of security experiment platform of Internet of Things is shown in Figure 2.
(1) Data Interaction Module
The data interaction module includes two parts: serial data interaction unit and data analysis unit. In the serial data interaction unit, the data are sent to the RFID experiment, TinyOS experiment and Zigbee experiment at fixed time. In the data analysis unit, the obtained experimentstate and identification are analyzed by the data analysis unit.
(2) Experiment Display Module
The experiment display module includes the data display unit and the topology display unit. The data display unit displays the information of the feedback during the printing experiment, the experimentstate and the error message during the experiment upload. In the topology display unit, the target network topology formed in the ZigBee experiment and the node topology formed in the TinyOS experiment such as the flood attack experiment are mainly shown in the experimentprocess.
(3) Experiment Evaluation Module
The experiment evaluation module includes two parts: the data analysis module and the experimentstate reporting unit. In the data analysis unit, the experimentexperiment will be analyzed and the experimentstep status will be judged. The experimentresults will be uploaded to the server through the experimentstatus reporting unit.
The security experiment platform of Internet of Things mainly composed by the RFID experiment, TinyOS experiment and Zigbee experiment. of experiments. The security experimentplatform of Internet of things shown in Figure 3.
3.3 Experiment Management Platform
Experimentmanagement platform mainly composed of administrator module, teacher management module and student management module. The experimentmanagement function is shown in Figure 4.
(1) Administrator Module
Administrators can increase professional information and class information, and view all teachers' and students' experimentimplementation information and decide whether to allow anonymous login.
(2) Teacher Management Module
Teachers can increase student information (information can be input with a fixed format), customize the experimentcategory and experimentcontent, edit custom experiment, select experiment, open or close the experiment (students need to judge and can only implement the experiment when the experiment opens), meanwhile teachers can manage the experimentprocess, such as to check the online status in student experiment group, to know the experiment content in student experiment group, view the experiment process in student experiment group and view the screen in student experiment group (screenshot).
(3) Student Management Module
The student experiment group can implement the experimentcontent that teacher opened, and can view the experimentprocess in the course of the experiment. The process starts from the opening of experimentenvironment and ends with the closing of experimentenvironment.
In the experimentmanagement system, students log in the experimentmanagement system first, if log in successfully, then select the corresponding experiment to start the implementation of experimentplatform. During the course of the experiment, teacher can make a experimentmanagement of students' log in information, online information, step information, screenshot information and interactive information. At the same time, teacher can also make a access management of students' attendance information, experimentcompletion information and experimentreport evaluation information. The students would submit the experimentreport after they finished the corresponding experiment, and then teacher evaluates according to the experimentreport and finally the students withdraw from the system. The overall system flow chart shown in Figure 5.
Application Scenarios of Security Experimental Platform of Internet of Things
The application scenario includes teachers, server, the experimentgroup and the corresponding experimentenvironment. The student experiment group and the teacher are connected through the LAN(Local Area Network) router and the server. The teacher sends the experimenttask and material to the student through the server to observe and judge the students' experimentprocess. And then students report experimentstatus and experimentresults.
Internet Security Experimentplatform Application Scenario
Experiment teaching now plays a significant proportion in college and university teaching. Through the deep survey and study of college and university teaching, in order to solve the problems of teacher's experimentmanagement, the complicated task of the experiment and the inconvenient operation of the students' experiment, the experiment teaching of “Internet of Things” came out. The system uses a variety of network technology to achieve and ensure the system structure stability and safety. Due to the clear laboratory layout, grouped student management, task-based experiment distribution, experimentprogress intuitive and easy to assess the characteristics of the experiment, so that the experimentmanagement and operation became more convenient.
Through the design of the system platform, it improved the teacher's experiment teaching task arrangement efficiency, made students' experiment operation more convenient and intuitive, and improved the students' experimentlearning efficiency.