
时间:2022-03-10 16:16:08

基于Android 5.0的源码,分析Android中Activity的启动过程



  • 首先是在Activity中直接调用的startActivity()方法,代码为MainActivity.this.startActivity(intent),这种方式会直接调用Activity类中的startActivity()方法,
    public void startActivity(Intent intent) {
        this.startActivity(intent, null);


    public void startActivity(Intent intent, @Nullable Bundle options) {
        if (options != null) {
            startActivityForResult(intent, -1, options);
        } else {
            // Note we want to go through this call for compatibility with
            // applications that may have overridden the method.
            startActivityForResult(intent, -1);


        public void startActivityForResult(Intent intent, int requestCode, @Nullable Bundle options) {
        if (mParent == null) {
            Instrumentation.ActivityResult ar =
                    this, mMainThread.getApplicationThread(), mToken, this,
                    intent, requestCode, options);
            if (ar != null) {
                mMainThread.sendActivityResult( // 发送结果,即onActivityResult会被调用 
                    mToken, mEmbeddedID, requestCode, ar.getResultCode(),
            if (requestCode >= 0) {
                // If this start is requesting a result, we can avoid making
                // the activity visible until the result is received. Setting
                // this code during onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) or onResume() will keep the
                // activity hidden during this time, to avoid flickering.
                // This can only be done when a result is requested because
                // that guarantees we will get information back when the
                // activity is finished, no matter what happens to it.
                mStartedActivity = true;

            final View decor = mWindow != null ? mWindow.peekDecorView() : null;
            if (decor != null) {
            // TODO Consider clearing/flushing other event sources and events for child windows.
        } else {
            if (options != null) {
                mParent.startActivityFromChild(this, intent, requestCode, options);
            } else {
                // Note we want to go through this method for compatibility with
                // existing applications that may have overridden it.
                mParent.startActivityFromChild(this, intent, requestCode);
        if (options != null && !isTopOfTask()) {
            mActivityTransitionState.startExitOutTransition(this, options);

这里首先要判断mParent == null是否为true,mParent顾名思义就是当前Activity的父Activity,而我们的Activity是MainActivity,它没有父类的Activity,所以这里的mParent == null的结果是true,实际上,mParent常用在ActivityGroup中,而ActivityGroup已经废弃(Added in API level 1 Deprecated since API level 13,代替的是Fragment和FragmentManager的API).进入了if语句里面,看一下,往下走是调用的Instrumentation的execStartActivity()方法.

  • 其次是直接调用非Activity的Context类的startActivity()方法,代码为getApplicationContext().startActivity(intent).这种方式会调用Context类的startActivity()方法,但这是个abstract方法,它的实现是在ContextWrapper类中,这是一个包装类,估计不干什么活儿.好了,来看一下Context类的startActivity()方法:
    public void startActivity(Intent intent) {


    public void startActivity(Intent intent) {
        startActivity(intent, null);


    public void startActivity(Intent intent, Bundle options) {
        if ((intent.getFlags()&Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) == 0) {
            throw new AndroidRuntimeException(
                    "Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity "
                    + " context requires the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag."
                    + " Is this really what you want?");
            getOuterContext(), mMainThread.getApplicationThread(), null,
            (Activity)null, intent, -1, options);




  • Context who = MainActivity.this,
  • IBinder contextThread = mMainThread.getApplicationThread(),这是一个ApplicationThread对象,其中mMainThread是在Activity的attach()方法中,进行初始化的
  • IBinder token = mToken,其中mToken也是在Activity的attach()方法中,进行初始化的.这是一个内部的token,用来标识正在启动Activity的系统,可能是null,
  • Activity target = MainActivity.this,执行启动的Activity
  • Intent intent = intent,即new Intent(MainActivity.this, SecondActivity.class);
  • requestCode = -1,
  • options = null.
    public ActivityResult execStartActivity(
            Context who, IBinder contextThread, IBinder token, Activity target,
            Intent intent, int requestCode, Bundle options) {
        // 核心功能在这个whoThread中完成,其内部scheduleLaunchActivity方法用于完成activity的打开 
        IApplicationThread whoThread = (IApplicationThread) contextThread; 
        if (mActivityMonitors != null) {
            synchronized (mSync) {
                final int N = mActivityMonitors.size();  // 先查找一遍看是否存在这个activity
                for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
                    final ActivityMonitor am = mActivityMonitors.get(i);
                    if (am.match(who, null, intent)) {
                        if (am.isBlocking()) {
                            return requestCode >= 0 ? am.getResult() : null;
        try {
            // 通过Binder向AMS发请求,来启动Activity
            int result = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault()
                .startActivity(whoThread, who.getBasePackageName(), intent,
                        token, target != null ? target.mEmbeddedID : null,
                        requestCode, 0, null, options);
            // 检查结果
            checkStartActivityResult(result, intent);
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
        return null;


     static public IActivityManager getDefault() {
        return gDefault.get();


    private static final Singleton<IActivityManager> gDefault = new Singleton<IActivityManager>() {
        protected IActivityManager create() {
            // Returns a reference to a service with the given name
            IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService("activity");
            if (false) {
                Log.v("ActivityManager", "default service binder = " + b);
            IActivityManager am = asInterface(b);
            if (false) {
                Log.v("ActivityManager", "default service = " + am);
            return am;





3. ActivityManagerService类的startActivity()方法

  • IApplicationThread caller = mMainThread.getApplicationThread()类型转换得到的IApplicationThread对象,
  • String callingPackage = 当前的context.getBasePackageName()
  • Intent intent = intent,即new Intent(MainActivity.this, SecondActivity.class);
  • String resolvedType
  • IBinder resultTo = mToken
  • String resultWho
  • int requestCode = -1
  • int startFlags = 0
  • ProfilerInfo profilerInfo = null
  • Bundle options = null
    public final int startActivity(IApplicationThread caller, String callingPackage,
            Intent intent, String resolvedType, IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode,
            int startFlags, ProfilerInfo profilerInfo, Bundle options) {
        return startActivityAsUser(caller, callingPackage, intent, resolvedType, resultTo,
            resultWho, requestCode, startFlags, profilerInfo, options,


    public final int startActivityAsUser(IApplicationThread caller, String callingPackage,
            Intent intent, String resolvedType, IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode,
            int startFlags, ProfilerInfo profilerInfo, Bundle options, int userId) {
        userId = handleIncomingUser(Binder.getCallingPid(), Binder.getCallingUid(), userId,
                false, ALLOW_FULL_ONLY, "startActivity", null);
        // TODO: Switch to user app stacks here.
        return mStackSupervisor.startActivityMayWait(caller, -1, callingPackage, intent,
                resolvedType, null, null, resultTo, resultWho, requestCode, startFlags,
                profilerInfo, null, null, options, userId, null, null); // 调用这里



    final int startActivityMayWait(IApplicationThread caller, int callingUid,
            String callingPackage, Intent intent, String resolvedType,
            IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor,
            IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode, int startFlags,
            ProfilerInfo profilerInfo, WaitResult outResult, Configuration config,
            Bundle options, int userId, IActivityContainer iContainer, TaskRecord inTask) {
        // Refuse possible leaked file descriptors
        if (intent != null && intent.hasFileDescriptors()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("File descriptors passed in Intent");
        boolean componentSpecified = intent.getComponent() != null;

        // Don't modify the client's object!
        intent = new Intent(intent);

        // Collect information about the target of the Intent.
        ActivityInfo aInfo = resolveActivity(intent, resolvedType, startFlags,
                profilerInfo, userId); // // 调用resolveActivity()根据意图intent参数,解析目标Activity的一些信息保存到aInfo中

        ActivityContainer container = (ActivityContainer)iContainer;
        synchronized (mService) {
            final int realCallingPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
            final int realCallingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
            int callingPid;
            if (callingUid >= 0) {
                callingPid = -1;
            } else if (caller == null) {
                callingPid = realCallingPid;
                callingUid = realCallingUid;
            } else {
                callingPid = callingUid = -1;

            final ActivityStack stack;
            if (container == null || container.mStack.isOnHomeDisplay()) {
                stack = getFocusedStack();
            } else {
                stack = container.mStack;
            stack.mConfigWillChange = config != null
                    && mService.mConfiguration.diff(config) != 0;
            if (DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Slog.v(TAG,
                    "Starting activity when config will change = " + stack.mConfigWillChange);

            final long origId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();

            if (aInfo != null &&
                    (aInfo.applicationInfo.flags&ApplicationInfo.FLAG_CANT_SAVE_STATE) != 0) {
                // This may be a heavy-weight process! Check to see if we already
                // have another, different heavy-weight process running.
                if (aInfo.processName.equals(aInfo.applicationInfo.packageName)) {
                    if (mService.mHeavyWeightProcess != null &&
                            ( != aInfo.applicationInfo.uid ||
                            !mService.mHeavyWeightProcess.processName.equals(aInfo.processName))) {
                        int appCallingUid = callingUid;
                        if (caller != null) {
                            ProcessRecord callerApp = mService.getRecordForAppLocked(caller);
                            if (callerApp != null) {
                                appCallingUid =;
                            } else {
                                Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to find app for caller " + caller
                                      + " (pid=" + callingPid + ") when starting: "
                                      + intent.toString());
                                return ActivityManager.START_PERMISSION_DENIED;

                        IIntentSender target = mService.getIntentSenderLocked(
                                ActivityManager.INTENT_SENDER_ACTIVITY, "android",
                                appCallingUid, userId, null, null, 0, new Intent[] { intent },
                                new String[] { resolvedType }, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT
                                | PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT, null);

                        Intent newIntent = new Intent();
                        if (requestCode >= 0) {
                            // Caller is requesting a result.
                            newIntent.putExtra(HeavyWeightSwitcherActivity.KEY_HAS_RESULT, true);
                                new IntentSender(target));
                        if (mService.mHeavyWeightProcess.activities.size() > 0) {
                            ActivityRecord hist = mService.mHeavyWeightProcess.activities.get(0);
                        intent = newIntent;
                        resolvedType = null;
                        caller = null;
                        callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
                        callingPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
                        componentSpecified = true;
                        try {
                            ResolveInfo rInfo =
                                        intent, null,
                                        | ActivityManagerService.STOCK_PM_FLAGS, userId);
                            aInfo = rInfo != null ? rInfo.activityInfo : null;
                            aInfo = mService.getActivityInfoForUser(aInfo, userId);
                        } catch (RemoteException e) {
                            aInfo = null;

            int res = startActivityLocked(caller, intent, resolvedType, aInfo,
                    voiceSession, voiceInteractor, resultTo, resultWho,
                    requestCode, callingPid, callingUid, callingPackage,
                    realCallingPid, realCallingUid, startFlags, options,
                    componentSpecified, null, container, inTask); // 调用这里


            if (stack.mConfigWillChange) {
                // If the caller also wants to switch to a new configuration,
                // do so now. This allows a clean switch, as we are waiting
                // for the current activity to pause (so we will not destroy
                // it), and have not yet started the next activity.
                stack.mConfigWillChange = false;
                if (DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Slog.v(TAG,
                        "Updating to new configuration after starting activity.");
                mService.updateConfigurationLocked(config, null, false, false);

            if (outResult != null) {
                outResult.result = res;
                if (res == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS) {
                    do {
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    } while (!outResult.timeout && outResult.who == null);
                } else if (res == ActivityManager.START_TASK_TO_FRONT) {
                    ActivityRecord r = stack.topRunningActivityLocked(null);
                    if (r.nowVisible && r.state == ActivityState.RESUMED) {
                        outResult.timeout = false;
                        outResult.who = new ComponentName(,;
                        outResult.totalTime = 0;
                        outResult.thisTime = 0;
                    } else {
                        outResult.thisTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
                        do {
                            try {
                            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        } while (!outResult.timeout && outResult.who == null);

            return res;



    final int startActivityLocked(IApplicationThread caller,
            Intent intent, String resolvedType, ActivityInfo aInfo,
            IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor,
            IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode,
            int callingPid, int callingUid, String callingPackage,
            int realCallingPid, int realCallingUid, int startFlags, Bundle options,
            boolean componentSpecified, ActivityRecord[] outActivity, ActivityContainer container,
            TaskRecord inTask) {
        int err = ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS;

        ProcessRecord callerApp = null;
        if (caller != null) {
            callerApp = mService.getRecordForAppLocked(caller); // 获取调用者的进程记录对象
            if (callerApp != null) {
                callingPid =;
                callingUid =;
            } else {
                Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to find app for caller " + caller
                      + " (pid=" + callingPid + ") when starting: "
                      + intent.toString());
                err = ActivityManager.START_PERMISSION_DENIED; // 找不到调用者,返回权限拒绝的标记.

        if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS) {
            final int userId = aInfo != null ? UserHandle.getUserId(aInfo.applicationInfo.uid) : 0;
            Slog.i(TAG, "START u" + userId + " {" + intent.toShortString(true, true, true, false)
                    + "} from uid " + callingUid
                    + " on display " + (container == null ? (mFocusedStack == null ?
                            Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY : mFocusedStack.mDisplayId) :
                            (container.mActivityDisplay == null ? Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY :

        ActivityRecord sourceRecord = null;
        ActivityRecord resultRecord = null; // 声明一个结果Activity在栈中的记录
        if (resultTo != null) {
            sourceRecord = isInAnyStackLocked(resultTo); // 获取调用者所在的Activity在栈中的记录,其中参数是IBinder对象,是来自调用者所在的Activity的
            if (DEBUG_RESULTS) Slog.v(
                TAG, "Will send result to " + resultTo + " " + sourceRecord);
            if (sourceRecord != null) {
                // requestCode >= 0,才会给resultRecord对象赋值,这里requestCode = -1,所以resultRecord = null
                if (requestCode >= 0 && !sourceRecord.finishing) { 
                    resultRecord = sourceRecord; // 结果Activity在栈中的记录指向调用者所在的Activity在栈中的记录
        ActivityStack resultStack = resultRecord == null ? null : resultRecord.task.stack; // 获取结果Activity的任务栈的ActivityStack对象(理解为任务栈的管理者),这里获取的是null.

        final int launchFlags = intent.getFlags();

        if ((launchFlags&Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT) != 0 && sourceRecord != null) { // 不会进入这里,因为我没有给intent设置Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT这个标记位
            // Transfer the result target from the source activity to the new
            // one being started, including any failures.
            if (requestCode >= 0) {
                return ActivityManager.START_FORWARD_AND_REQUEST_CONFLICT;
            resultRecord = sourceRecord.resultTo;
            resultWho = sourceRecord.resultWho;
            requestCode = sourceRecord.requestCode;
            sourceRecord.resultTo = null;
            if (resultRecord != null) {
                resultRecord.removeResultsLocked(sourceRecord, resultWho, requestCode);
            if (sourceRecord.launchedFromUid == callingUid) {
                // The new activity is being launched from the same uid as the previous
                // activity in the flow, and asking to forward its result back to the
                // previous. In this case the activity is serving as a trampoline between
                // the two, so we also want to update its launchedFromPackage to be the
                // same as the previous activity. Note that this is safe, since we know
                // these two packages come from the same uid; the caller could just as
                // well have supplied that same package name itself. This specifially
                // deals with the case of an intent picker/chooser being launched in the app
                // flow to redirect to an activity picked by the user, where we want the final
                // activity to consider it to have been launched by the previous app activity.
                callingPackage = sourceRecord.launchedFromPackage;

        if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS && intent.getComponent() == null) { // 不走,我有组件
            // We couldn't find a class that can handle the given Intent.
            // That's the end of that!
            err = ActivityManager.START_INTENT_NOT_RESOLVED;

        if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS && aInfo == null) { // 不走, 我有这个SecondActivity类
            // We couldn't find the specific class specified in the Intent.
            // Also the end of the line.
            err = ActivityManager.START_CLASS_NOT_FOUND;

        if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS && sourceRecord != null
                && sourceRecord.task.voiceSession != null) { // 不走, 完全没有使用voice session
            // If this activity is being launched as part of a voice session, we need
            // to ensure that it is safe to do so. If the upcoming activity will also
            // be part of the voice session, we can only launch it if it has explicitly
            // said it supports the VOICE category, or it is a part of the calling app.
            if ((launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) == 0
                    && != aInfo.applicationInfo.uid) {
                try {
                    if (!AppGlobals.getPackageManager().activitySupportsIntent(
                            intent.getComponent(), intent, resolvedType)) {
                        err = ActivityManager.START_NOT_VOICE_COMPATIBLE;
                } catch (RemoteException e) {
                    err = ActivityManager.START_NOT_VOICE_COMPATIBLE;

        if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS && voiceSession != null) { // 不走, voiceSession是null
            // If the caller is starting a new voice session, just make sure the target
            // is actually allowing it to run this way.
            try {
                if (!AppGlobals.getPackageManager().activitySupportsIntent(intent.getComponent(),
                        intent, resolvedType)) {
                    err = ActivityManager.START_NOT_VOICE_COMPATIBLE;
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                err = ActivityManager.START_NOT_VOICE_COMPATIBLE;

        if (err != ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS) { // 不走, error仍是初始化的值
            if (resultRecord != null) {
                    resultRecord, resultWho, requestCode,
                    Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, null);
            return err;
        // 权限检查,我没有问题,都可以启动SecondActivity了,肯定过了这一关
        final int startAnyPerm = mService.checkPermission(
                START_ANY_ACTIVITY, callingPid, callingUid);
        final int componentPerm = mService.checkComponentPermission(aInfo.permission, callingPid,
                callingUid, aInfo.applicationInfo.uid, aInfo.exported);
        if (startAnyPerm != PERMISSION_GRANTED && componentPerm != PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            if (resultRecord != null) {
                    resultRecord, resultWho, requestCode,
                    Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, null);
            String msg;
            if (!aInfo.exported) {
                msg = "Permission Denial: starting " + intent.toString()
                        + " from " + callerApp + " (pid=" + callingPid
                        + ", uid=" + callingUid + ")"
                        + " not exported from uid " + aInfo.applicationInfo.uid;
            } else {
                msg = "Permission Denial: starting " + intent.toString()
                        + " from " + callerApp + " (pid=" + callingPid
                        + ", uid=" + callingUid + ")"
                        + " requires " + aInfo.permission;
            Slog.w(TAG, msg);
            throw new SecurityException(msg);
        // abort意思是使流产; 使夭折; 使中止,这个该是false,不然就不用往下走了
        boolean abort = !mService.mIntentFirewall.checkStartActivity(intent, callingUid,
                callingPid, resolvedType, aInfo.applicationInfo);

        if (mService.mController != null) {
            try {
                // The Intent we give to the watcher has the extra data
                // stripped off, since it can contain private information.
                Intent watchIntent = intent.cloneFilter();
                abort |= !mService.mController.activityStarting(watchIntent,
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                mService.mController = null;

        if (abort) { // 不走这里
            if (resultRecord != null) {
                resultStack.sendActivityResultLocked(-1, resultRecord, resultWho, requestCode,
                        Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, null);
            // We pretend to the caller that it was really started, but
            // they will just get a cancel result.
            return ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS;
        // 创建一个ActivityRecord对象
        ActivityRecord r = new ActivityRecord(mService, callerApp, callingUid, callingPackage,
                intent, resolvedType, aInfo, mService.mConfiguration, resultRecord, resultWho,
                requestCode, componentSpecified, this, container, options);
        if (outActivity != null) { // 这里的outActivity是null的
            outActivity[0] = r;

        final ActivityStack stack = getFocusedStack();
        if (voiceSession == null && (stack.mResumedActivity == null
                || != callingUid)) {
            if (!mService.checkAppSwitchAllowedLocked(callingPid, callingUid,
                    realCallingPid, realCallingUid, "Activity start")) {
                PendingActivityLaunch pal =
                        new PendingActivityLaunch(r, sourceRecord, startFlags, stack);
                return ActivityManager.START_SWITCHES_CANCELED;

        if (mService.mDidAppSwitch) {
            // This is the second allowed switch since we stopped switches,
            // so now just generally allow switches. Use case: user presses
            // home (switches disabled, switch to home, mDidAppSwitch now true);
            // user taps a home icon (coming from home so allowed, we hit here
            // and now allow anyone to switch again).
            mService.mAppSwitchesAllowedTime = 0;
        } else {
            mService.mDidAppSwitch = true;


        err = startActivityUncheckedLocked(r, sourceRecord, voiceSession, voiceInteractor,
                startFlags, true, options, inTask); // 最后调用这里

        if (err < 0) {
            // If someone asked to have the keyguard dismissed on the next
            // activity start, but we are not actually doing an activity
            // switch... just dismiss the keyguard now, because we
            // probably want to see whatever is behind it.
        return err;



    final int startActivityUncheckedLocked(ActivityRecord r, ActivityRecord sourceRecord,
            IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor, int startFlags,
            boolean doResume, Bundle options, TaskRecord inTask) {
        final Intent intent = r.intent;
        final int callingUid = r.launchedFromUid;

        // In some flows in to this function, we retrieve the task record and hold on to it
        // without a lock before calling back in to here... so the task at this point may
        // not actually be in recents. Check for that, and if it isn't in recents just
        // consider it invalid.
        if (inTask != null && !inTask.inRecents) {
            Slog.w(TAG, "Starting activity in task not in recents: " + inTask);
            inTask = null;

        final boolean launchSingleTop = r.launchMode == ActivityInfo.LAUNCH_SINGLE_TOP;
        final boolean launchSingleInstance = r.launchMode == ActivityInfo.LAUNCH_SINGLE_INSTANCE;
        final boolean launchSingleTask = r.launchMode == ActivityInfo.LAUNCH_SINGLE_TASK;

        int launchFlags = intent.getFlags();
        if ((launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT) != 0 &&
                (launchSingleInstance || launchSingleTask)) { // 不走这里,没有设置Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT标记位
            // We have a conflict between the Intent and the Activity manifest, manifest wins.
            Slog.i(TAG, "Ignoring FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT, launchMode is " +
                    "\"singleInstance\" or \"singleTask\"");
            launchFlags &=
        } else {
            switch ( { // 判断android:documentLaunchMode这个属性,我没有设置,默认是none
                case ActivityInfo.DOCUMENT_LAUNCH_NONE:
                    break; // 进入这个分支
                case ActivityInfo.DOCUMENT_LAUNCH_INTO_EXISTING:
                    launchFlags |= Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT;
                case ActivityInfo.DOCUMENT_LAUNCH_ALWAYS:
                    launchFlags |= Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT;
                case ActivityInfo.DOCUMENT_LAUNCH_NEVER:
                    launchFlags &= ~Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK;

        final boolean launchTaskBehind = r.mLaunchTaskBehind
                && !launchSingleTask && !launchSingleInstance
                && (launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT) != 0; // 构造ActivityRecord的options为null,所以r.mLaunchTaskBehind为false,launchTaskBehind为false

        if (r.resultTo != null && (launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) != 0) { // 不走这里
            // For whatever reason this activity is being launched into a new
            // task... yet the caller has requested a result back. Well, that
            // is pretty messed up, so instead immediately send back a cancel
            // and let the new task continue launched as normal without a
            // dependency on its originator.
            Slog.w(TAG, "Activity is launching as a new task, so cancelling activity result.");
                    r.resultTo, r.resultWho, r.requestCode,
                    Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, null);
            r.resultTo = null;

        if ((launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT) != 0 && r.resultTo == null) {
            launchFlags |= Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK;

        // If we are actually going to launch in to a new task, there are some cases where
        // we further want to do multiple task.
        if ((launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) != 0) {
            if (launchTaskBehind
                    || == ActivityInfo.DOCUMENT_LAUNCH_ALWAYS) {
                launchFlags |= Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK;

        // We'll invoke onUserLeaving before onPause only if the launching
        // activity did not explicitly state that this is an automated launch.
        mUserLeaving = (launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION) == 0;
        if (DEBUG_USER_LEAVING) Slog.v(TAG, "startActivity() => mUserLeaving=" + mUserLeaving);

        // If the caller has asked not to resume at this point, we make note
        // of this in the record so that we can skip it when trying to find
        // the top running activity.
        if (!doResume) { // 本次doResume为true,所以不会进入if语句内部
            r.delayedResume = true;

        ActivityRecord notTop =
                (launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOP) != 0 ? r : null;

        // If the onlyIfNeeded flag is set, then we can do this if the activity
        // being launched is the same as the one making the call... or, as
        // a special case, if we do not know the caller then we count the
        // current top activity as the caller.
        if ((startFlags&ActivityManager.START_FLAG_ONLY_IF_NEEDED) != 0) {
            ActivityRecord checkedCaller = sourceRecord;
            if (checkedCaller == null) {
                checkedCaller = getFocusedStack().topRunningNonDelayedActivityLocked(notTop);
            if (!checkedCaller.realActivity.equals(r.realActivity)) {
                // Caller is not the same as launcher, so always needed.
                startFlags &= ~ActivityManager.START_FLAG_ONLY_IF_NEEDED;

        boolean addingToTask = false;
        TaskRecord reuseTask = null;

        // If the caller is not coming from another activity, but has given us an
        // explicit task into which they would like us to launch the new activity,
        // then let's see about doing that.
        if (sourceRecord == null && inTask != null && inTask.stack != null) { // 当前的sourceCode不为null,不会走这里.
            final Intent baseIntent = inTask.getBaseIntent();
            final ActivityRecord root = inTask.getRootActivity();
            if (baseIntent == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Launching into task without base intent: "
                        + inTask);

            // If this task is empty, then we are adding the first activity -- it
            // determines the root, and must be launching as a NEW_TASK.
            if (launchSingleInstance || launchSingleTask) {
                if (!baseIntent.getComponent().equals(r.intent.getComponent())) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to launch singleInstance/Task "
                            + r + " into different task " + inTask);
                if (root != null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Caller with inTask " + inTask
                            + " has root " + root + " but target is singleInstance/Task");

            // If task is empty, then adopt the interesting intent launch flags in to the
            // activity being started.
            if (root == null) {
                final int flagsOfInterest = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
                        | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_RETAIN_IN_RECENTS;
                launchFlags = (launchFlags&~flagsOfInterest)
                        | (baseIntent.getFlags()&flagsOfInterest);
                addingToTask = true;

            // If the task is not empty and the caller is asking to start it as the root
            // of a new task, then we don't actually want to start this on the task. We
            // will bring the task to the front, and possibly give it a new intent.
            } else if ((launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) != 0) {
                addingToTask = false;

            } else {
                addingToTask = true;

            reuseTask = inTask;
        } else {
            inTask = null; // 进入这里

        if (inTask == null) {
            if (sourceRecord == null) {
                // This activity is not being started from another... in this
                // case we -always- start a new task.
                if ((launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) == 0 && inTask == null) {
                    Slog.w(TAG, "startActivity called from non-Activity context; forcing " +
                            "Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK for: " + intent);
                    launchFlags |= Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK;
            } else if (sourceRecord.launchMode == ActivityInfo.LAUNCH_SINGLE_INSTANCE) {
                // The original activity who is starting us is running as a single
                // instance... this new activity it is starting must go on its
                // own task.
                launchFlags |= Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK;
            } else if (launchSingleInstance || launchSingleTask) {
                // The activity being started is a single instance... it always
                // gets launched into its own task.
                launchFlags |= Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK;

        ActivityInfo newTaskInfo = null;
        Intent newTaskIntent = null;
        ActivityStack sourceStack;
        if (sourceRecord != null) {
            if (sourceRecord.finishing) {
                // If the source is finishing, we can't further count it as our source. This
                // is because the task it is associated with may now be empty and on its way out,
                // so we don't want to blindly throw it in to that task. Instead we will take
                // the NEW_TASK flow and try to find a task for it. But save the task information
                // so it can be used when creating the new task.
                if ((launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) == 0) {
                    Slog.w(TAG, "startActivity called from finishing " + sourceRecord
                            + "; forcing " + "Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK for: " + intent);
                    launchFlags |= Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK;
                    newTaskInfo =;
                    newTaskIntent = sourceRecord.task.intent;
                sourceRecord = null;
                sourceStack = null;
            } else {
                sourceStack = sourceRecord.task.stack;
        } else {
            sourceStack = null;

        boolean movedHome = false;
        ActivityStack targetStack;

        intent.setFlags(launchFlags); // 把前面配置的lauchFlags,设置给inent

        // We may want to try to place the new activity in to an existing task. We always
        // do this if the target activity is singleTask or singleInstance; we will also do
        // this if NEW_TASK has been requested, and there is not an additional qualifier telling
        // us to still place it in a new task: multi task, always doc mode, or being asked to
        // launch this as a new task behind the current one.
        if (((launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) != 0 &&
                (launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK) == 0)
                || launchSingleInstance || launchSingleTask) { // 本次调用没有FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK,不会进入这里
            // If bring to front is requested, and no result is requested and we have not
            // been given an explicit task to launch in to, and
            // we can find a task that was started with this same
            // component, then instead of launching bring that one to the front.
            if (inTask == null && r.resultTo == null) {
                // See if there is a task to bring to the front. If this is
                // a SINGLE_INSTANCE activity, there can be one and only one
                // instance of it in the history, and it is always in its own
                // unique task, so we do a special search.
                ActivityRecord intentActivity = !launchSingleInstance ?
                        findTaskLocked(r) : findActivityLocked(intent,;
                if (intentActivity != null) {
                    if (isLockTaskModeViolation(intentActivity.task)) {
                        Slog.e(TAG, "startActivityUnchecked: Attempt to violate Lock Task Mode");
                        return ActivityManager.START_RETURN_LOCK_TASK_MODE_VIOLATION;
                    if (r.task == null) {
                        r.task = intentActivity.task;
                    targetStack = intentActivity.task.stack;
                    targetStack.mLastPausedActivity = null;
                    if (DEBUG_TASKS) Slog.d(TAG, "Bring to front target: " + targetStack
                            + " from " + intentActivity);
                    if (intentActivity.task.intent == null) {
                        // This task was started because of movement of
                        // the activity based on affinity... now that we
                        // are actually launching it, we can assign the
                        // base intent.
                    // If the target task is not in the front, then we need
                    // to bring it to the front... except... well, with
                    // SINGLE_TASK_LAUNCH it's not entirely clear. We'd like
                    // to have the same behavior as if a new instance was
                    // being started, which means not bringing it to the front
                    // if the caller is not itself in the front.
                    final ActivityStack lastStack = getLastStack();
                    ActivityRecord curTop = lastStack == null?
                            null : lastStack.topRunningNonDelayedActivityLocked(notTop);
                    if (curTop != null && (curTop.task != intentActivity.task ||
                            curTop.task != lastStack.topTask())) {
                        if (sourceRecord == null || (sourceStack.topActivity() != null &&
                                sourceStack.topActivity().task == sourceRecord.task)) {
                            // We really do want to push this one into the
                            // user's face, right now.
                            if (launchTaskBehind && sourceRecord != null) {
                            movedHome = true;
                            targetStack.moveTaskToFrontLocked(intentActivity.task, r, options);
                            if ((launchFlags &
                                    (FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME))
                                    == (FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME)) {
                                // Caller wants to appear on home activity.
                            options = null;
                    // If the caller has requested that the target task be
                    // reset, then do so.
                    if ((launchFlags&Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED) != 0) {
                        intentActivity = targetStack.resetTaskIfNeededLocked(intentActivity, r);
                    if ((startFlags&ActivityManager.START_FLAG_ONLY_IF_NEEDED) != 0) {
                        // We don't need to start a new activity, and
                        // the client said not to do anything if that
                        // is the case, so this is it! And for paranoia, make
                        // sure we have correctly resumed the top activity.
                        if (doResume) {
                            resumeTopActivitiesLocked(targetStack, null, options);
                        } else {
                        return ActivityManager.START_RETURN_INTENT_TO_CALLER;
                    if ((launchFlags &
                            == (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK|Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK)) {
                        // The caller has requested to completely replace any
                        // existing task with its new activity. Well that should
                        // not be too hard...
                        reuseTask = intentActivity.task;
                    } else if ((launchFlags&Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP) != 0
                            || launchSingleInstance || launchSingleTask) {
                        // In this situation we want to remove all activities
                        // from the task up to the one being started. In most
                        // cases this means we are resetting the task to its
                        // initial state.
                        ActivityRecord top =
                                intentActivity.task.performClearTaskLocked(r, launchFlags);
                        if (top != null) {
                            if (top.frontOfTask) {
                                // Activity aliases may mean we use different
                                // intents for the top activity, so make sure
                                // the task now has the identity of the new
                                // intent.
                                    r, top.task);
                            top.deliverNewIntentLocked(callingUid, r.intent);
                        } else {
                            // A special case: we need to
                            // start the activity because it is not currently
                            // running, and the caller has asked to clear the
                            // current task to have this activity at the top.
                            addingToTask = true;
                            // Now pretend like this activity is being started
                            // by the top of its task, so it is put in the
                            // right place.
                            sourceRecord = intentActivity;
                    } else if (r.realActivity.equals(intentActivity.task.realActivity)) {
                        // In this case the top activity on the task is the
                        // same as the one being launched, so we take that
                        // as a request to bring the task to the foreground.
                        // If the top activity in the task is the root
                        // activity, deliver this new intent to it if it
                        // desires.
                        if (((launchFlags&Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP) != 0 || launchSingleTop)
                                && intentActivity.realActivity.equals(r.realActivity)) {
                            ActivityStack.logStartActivity(EventLogTags.AM_NEW_INTENT, r,
                            if (intentActivity.frontOfTask) {
                            intentActivity.deliverNewIntentLocked(callingUid, r.intent);
                        } else if (!r.intent.filterEquals(intentActivity.task.intent)) {
                            // In this case we are launching the root activity
                            // of the task, but with a different intent. We
                            // should start a new instance on top.
                            addingToTask = true;
                            sourceRecord = intentActivity;
                    } else if ((launchFlags&Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED) == 0) {
                        // In this case an activity is being launched in to an
                        // existing task, without resetting that task. This
                        // is typically the situation of launching an activity
                        // from a notification or shortcut. We want to place
                        // the new activity on top of the current task.
                        addingToTask = true;
                        sourceRecord = intentActivity;
                    } else if (!intentActivity.task.rootWasReset) {
                        // In this case we are launching in to an existing task
                        // that has not yet been started from its front door.
                        // The current task has been brought to the front.
                        // Ideally, we'd probably like to place this new task
                        // at the bottom of its stack, but that's a little hard
                        // to do with the current organization of the code so
                        // for now we'll just drop it.
                    if (!addingToTask && reuseTask == null) {
                        // We didn't do anything... but it was needed (a.k.a., client
                        // don't use that intent!) And for paranoia, make
                        // sure we have correctly resumed the top activity.
                        if (doResume) {
                            targetStack.resumeTopActivityLocked(null, options);
                        } else {
                        return ActivityManager.START_TASK_TO_FRONT;

        //String uri = r.intent.toURI();
        //Intent intent2 = new Intent(uri);
        //Slog.i(TAG, "Given intent: " + r.intent);
        //Slog.i(TAG, "URI is: " + uri);
        //Slog.i(TAG, "To intent: " + intent2);

        if (r.packageName != null) { // 要启动的Activity的包名不为null,成立,走这里
            // If the activity being launched is the same as the one currently
            // at the top, then we need to check if it should only be launched
            // once.
            ActivityStack topStack = getFocusedStack();
            ActivityRecord top = topStack.topRunningNonDelayedActivityLocked(notTop);
            if (top != null && r.resultTo == null) { // 不走这里,我启动的是SecondActivity,不是当前的MainActivity
                if (top.realActivity.equals(r.realActivity) && top.userId == r.userId) {
                    if ( != null && != null) {
                        if ((launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP) != 0
                            || launchSingleTop || launchSingleTask) {
                            ActivityStack.logStartActivity(EventLogTags.AM_NEW_INTENT, top,
                            // For paranoia, make sure we have correctly
                            // resumed the top activity.
                            topStack.mLastPausedActivity = null;
                            if (doResume) {
                            if ((startFlags&ActivityManager.START_FLAG_ONLY_IF_NEEDED) != 0) {
                                // We don't need to start a new activity, and
                                // the client said not to do anything if that
                                // is the case, so this is it!
                                return ActivityManager.START_RETURN_INTENT_TO_CALLER;
                            top.deliverNewIntentLocked(callingUid, r.intent);
                            return ActivityManager.START_DELIVERED_TO_TOP;

        } else { // 不走这里
            if (r.resultTo != null) {
                r.resultTo.task.stack.sendActivityResultLocked(-1, r.resultTo, r.resultWho,
                        r.requestCode, Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, null);
            return ActivityManager.START_CLASS_NOT_FOUND;

        boolean newTask = false;
        boolean keepCurTransition = false;

        TaskRecord taskToAffiliate = launchTaskBehind && sourceRecord != null ?
                sourceRecord.task : null;

        // Should this be considered a new task?
        if (r.resultTo == null && inTask == null && !addingToTask
                && (launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) != 0) { // 本次不走这里, addToTask为true
            if (isLockTaskModeViolation(reuseTask)) {
                Slog.e(TAG, "Attempted Lock Task Mode violation r=" + r);
                return ActivityManager.START_RETURN_LOCK_TASK_MODE_VIOLATION;
            newTask = true;
            targetStack = adjustStackFocus(r, newTask);
            if (!launchTaskBehind) {
            if (reuseTask == null) {
                        newTaskInfo != null ? newTaskInfo :,
                        newTaskIntent != null ? newTaskIntent : intent,
                        voiceSession, voiceInteractor, !launchTaskBehind /* toTop */),
                if (DEBUG_TASKS) Slog.v(TAG, "Starting new activity " + r + " in new task " +
            } else {
                r.setTask(reuseTask, taskToAffiliate);
            if (!movedHome) {
                if ((launchFlags &
                        == (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK|Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME)) {
                    // Caller wants to appear on home activity, so before starting
                    // their own activity we will bring home to the front.
        } else if (sourceRecord != null) { // 走这里
            final TaskRecord sourceTask = sourceRecord.task;
            if (isLockTaskModeViolation(sourceTask)) {
                Slog.e(TAG, "Attempted Lock Task Mode violation r=" + r);
                return ActivityManager.START_RETURN_LOCK_TASK_MODE_VIOLATION;
            targetStack = sourceTask.stack; // 目标的ActivityStack指向来源的ActivityStack
            final TaskRecord topTask = targetStack.topTask();
            if (topTask != sourceTask) { // false
                targetStack.moveTaskToFrontLocked(sourceTask, r, options);
            } else {
            if (!addingToTask && (launchFlags&Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP) != 0) { // addingToTask为true,结果为false,不走这里
                // In this case, we are adding the activity to an existing
                // task, but the caller has asked to clear that task if the
                // activity is already running.
                ActivityRecord top = sourceTask.performClearTaskLocked(r, launchFlags);
                keepCurTransition = true;
                if (top != null) {
                    ActivityStack.logStartActivity(EventLogTags.AM_NEW_INTENT, r, top.task);
                    top.deliverNewIntentLocked(callingUid, r.intent);
                    // For paranoia, make sure we have correctly
                    // resumed the top activity.
                    targetStack.mLastPausedActivity = null;
                    if (doResume) {
                    return ActivityManager.START_DELIVERED_TO_TOP;
            } else if (!addingToTask &&
                    (launchFlags&Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT) != 0) { // addingToTask为true,结果为false,不走这里
                // In this case, we are launching an activity in our own task
                // that may already be running somewhere in the history, and
                // we want to shuffle it to the front of the stack if so.
                final ActivityRecord top = sourceTask.findActivityInHistoryLocked(r);
                if (top != null) {
                    final TaskRecord task = top.task;
                    ActivityStack.logStartActivity(EventLogTags.AM_NEW_INTENT, r, task);
                    top.deliverNewIntentLocked(callingUid, r.intent);
                    targetStack.mLastPausedActivity = null;
                    if (doResume) {
                    return ActivityManager.START_DELIVERED_TO_TOP;
            // An existing activity is starting this new activity, so we want
            // to keep the new one in the same task as the one that is starting
            // it. 一个现存的Activity正在开启这个新的Activity,所以把新的Activity放在和启动它的那个Activity的同样的任务栈里.这就是我这次要的效果.走这里.
            r.setTask(sourceTask, null);
            if (DEBUG_TASKS) Slog.v(TAG, "Starting new activity " + r
                    + " in existing task " + r.task + " from source " + sourceRecord);

        } else if (inTask != null) { // 不走这里,第一个if走过了
            // The calling is asking that the new activity be started in an explicit
            // task it has provided to us.
            if (isLockTaskModeViolation(inTask)) {
                Slog.e(TAG, "Attempted Lock Task Mode violation r=" + r);
                return ActivityManager.START_RETURN_LOCK_TASK_MODE_VIOLATION;
            targetStack = inTask.stack;
            targetStack.moveTaskToFrontLocked(inTask, r, options);

            // Check whether we should actually launch the new activity in to the task,
            // or just reuse the current activity on top.
            ActivityRecord top = inTask.getTopActivity();
            if (top != null && top.realActivity.equals(r.realActivity) && top.userId == r.userId) {
                if ((launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP) != 0
                        || launchSingleTop || launchSingleTask) {
                    ActivityStack.logStartActivity(EventLogTags.AM_NEW_INTENT, top, top.task);
                    if ((startFlags&ActivityManager.START_FLAG_ONLY_IF_NEEDED) != 0) {
                        // We don't need to start a new activity, and
                        // the client said not to do anything if that
                        // is the case, so this is it!
                        return ActivityManager.START_RETURN_INTENT_TO_CALLER;
                    top.deliverNewIntentLocked(callingUid, r.intent);
                    return ActivityManager.START_DELIVERED_TO_TOP;

            if (!addingToTask) {
                // We don't actually want to have this activity added to the task, so just
                // stop here but still tell the caller that we consumed the intent.
                return ActivityManager.START_TASK_TO_FRONT;

            r.setTask(inTask, null);
            if (DEBUG_TASKS) Slog.v(TAG, "Starting new activity " + r
                    + " in explicit task " + r.task);

        } else {  // 不走这里,第一个if走过了
            // This not being started from an existing activity, and not part
            // of a new task... just put it in the top task, though these days
            // this case should never happen.
            targetStack = adjustStackFocus(r, newTask);
            ActivityRecord prev = targetStack.topActivity();
            r.setTask(prev != null ? prev.task : targetStack.createTaskRecord(getNextTaskId(),
                  , intent, null, null, true), null);
            if (DEBUG_TASKS) Slog.v(TAG, "Starting new activity " + r
                    + " in new guessed " + r.task);

        mService.grantUriPermissionFromIntentLocked(callingUid, r.packageName,
                intent, r.getUriPermissionsLocked(), r.userId);

        if (sourceRecord != null && sourceRecord.isRecentsActivity()) { // 不走这里,不是来自于Recent里的Activity
        if (newTask) { // newTask为false
            EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.AM_CREATE_TASK, r.userId, r.task.taskId);
        ActivityStack.logStartActivity(EventLogTags.AM_CREATE_ACTIVITY, r, r.task);
        targetStack.mLastPausedActivity = null;
        targetStack.startActivityLocked(r, newTask, doResume, keepCurTransition, options); // 最后调用这里
        if (!launchTaskBehind) { // 为true
            // Don't set focus on an activity that's going to the back.
        return ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS;


    final void startActivityLocked(ActivityRecord r, boolean newTask,
            boolean doResume, boolean keepCurTransition, Bundle options) {
        TaskRecord rTask = r.task;
        final int taskId = rTask.taskId;
        // mLaunchTaskBehind tasks get placed at the back of the task stack.
        if (!r.mLaunchTaskBehind && (taskForIdLocked(taskId) == null || newTask)) {
            // Last activity in task had been removed or ActivityManagerService is reusing task.
            // Insert or replace.
            // Might not even be in.
        TaskRecord task = null;
        if (!newTask) { // 进入这里
            // If starting in an existing task, find where that is... 需要启动一个现存的栈,找到它的位置
            boolean startIt = true;
            for (int taskNdx = mTaskHistory.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; --taskNdx) { // 反向遍历任务栈的集合
                task = mTaskHistory.get(taskNdx);
                if (task.getTopActivity() == null) { // 空栈,不是我们要的,跳过
                    // All activities in task are finishing.
                if (task == r.task) { // 找到了我要的那个任务栈
                    // Here it is! Now, if this is not yet visible to the
                    // user, then just add it without starting; it will
                    // get started when the user navigates back to it.
                    if (!startIt) {
                        if (DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.i(TAG, "Adding activity " + r + " to task "
                                + task, new RuntimeException("here").fillInStackTrace());
                        mWindowManager.addAppToken(task.mActivities.indexOf(r), r.appToken,
                                r.task.taskId, mStackId,, r.fullscreen,
                                ( & ActivityInfo.FLAG_SHOW_ON_LOCK_SCREEN) != 0,
                                r.userId,, task.voiceSession != null,
                        if (VALIDATE_TOKENS) {
                } else if (task.numFullscreen > 0) {
                    startIt = false;

        // Place a new activity at top of stack, so it is next to interact
        // with the user.

        // If we are not placing the new activity frontmost, we do not want
        // to deliver the onUserLeaving callback to the actual frontmost
        // activity
        if (task == r.task && mTaskHistory.indexOf(task) != (mTaskHistory.size() - 1)) {
            mStackSupervisor.mUserLeaving = false;
            if (DEBUG_USER_LEAVING) Slog.v(TAG,
                    "startActivity() behind front, mUserLeaving=false");

        task = r.task;

        // Slot the activity into the history stack and proceed
        if (DEBUG_ADD_REMOVE) Slog.i(TAG, "Adding activity " + r + " to stack to task " + task,
                new RuntimeException("here").fillInStackTrace());
        task.addActivityToTop(r); // 将Activity插入栈顶
        task.setFrontOfTask(); // 设置任务栈为顶层任务栈

        if (!isHomeStack() || numActivities() > 0) {
            // We want to show the starting preview window if we are
            // switching to a new task, or the next activity's process is
            // not currently running.
            boolean showStartingIcon = newTask;
            ProcessRecord proc =;
            if (proc == null) {
                proc = mService.mProcessNames.get(r.processName,;
            if (proc == null || proc.thread == null) {
                showStartingIcon = true;
            if (DEBUG_TRANSITION) Slog.v(TAG,
                    "Prepare open transition: starting " + r);
            if ((r.intent.getFlags()&Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION) != 0) {
                mWindowManager.prepareAppTransition(AppTransition.TRANSIT_NONE, keepCurTransition);
            } else {
                        ? r.mLaunchTaskBehind
                                ? AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN_BEHIND
                                : AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN
                        : AppTransition.TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_OPEN, keepCurTransition);
                    r.appToken, r.task.taskId, mStackId,, r.fullscreen,
                    ( & ActivityInfo.FLAG_SHOW_ON_LOCK_SCREEN) != 0, r.userId,
          , task.voiceSession != null, r.mLaunchTaskBehind);
            boolean doShow = true;
            if (newTask) {
                // Even though this activity is starting fresh, we still need
                // to reset it to make sure we apply affinities to move any
                // existing activities from other tasks in to it.
                // If the caller has requested that the target task be
                // reset, then do so.
                if ((r.intent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED) != 0) {
                    resetTaskIfNeededLocked(r, r);
                    doShow = topRunningNonDelayedActivityLocked(null) == r;
            } else if (options != null && new ActivityOptions(options).getAnimationType()
                    == ActivityOptions.ANIM_SCENE_TRANSITION) {
                doShow = false;
            if (r.mLaunchTaskBehind) {
                // Don't do a starting window for mLaunchTaskBehind. More importantly make sure we
                // tell WindowManager that r is visible even though it is at the back of the stack.
                mWindowManager.setAppVisibility(r.appToken, true);
                ensureActivitiesVisibleLocked(null, 0);
            } else if (SHOW_APP_STARTING_PREVIEW && doShow) {
                // Figure out if we are transitioning from another activity that is
                // "has the same starting icon" as the next one. This allows the
                // window manager to keep the previous window it had previously
                // created, if it still had one.
                ActivityRecord prev = mResumedActivity;
                if (prev != null) {
                    // We don't want to reuse the previous starting preview if:
                    // (1) The current activity is in a different task.
                    if (prev.task != r.task) {
                        prev = null;
                    // (2) The current activity is already displayed.
                    else if (prev.nowVisible) {
                        prev = null;
                        r.appToken, r.packageName, r.theme,
                      , r.nonLocalizedLabel,
                        r.labelRes, r.icon, r.logo, r.windowFlags,
                        prev != null ? prev.appToken : null, showStartingIcon);
                r.mStartingWindowShown = true;
        } else {
            // If this is the first activity, don't do any fancy animations,
            // because there is nothing for it to animate on top of.
            mWindowManager.addAppToken(task.mActivities.indexOf(r), r.appToken,
                    r.task.taskId, mStackId,, r.fullscreen,
                    ( & ActivityInfo.FLAG_SHOW_ON_LOCK_SCREEN) != 0, r.userId,
          , task.voiceSession != null, r.mLaunchTaskBehind);
            options = null;
        if (VALIDATE_TOKENS) {

        if (doResume) { //doResume为true, 进入这里
            mStackSupervisor.resumeTopActivitiesLocked(this, r, options); // 最后调用这里


    boolean resumeTopActivitiesLocked(ActivityStack targetStack, ActivityRecord target,
            Bundle targetOptions) {
        if (targetStack == null) {
            targetStack = getFocusedStack();
        // Do targetStack first.
        boolean result = false;
        if (isFrontStack(targetStack)) { // 返回true,在之前通过task.setFrontOfTask()设置为顶层
            result = targetStack.resumeTopActivityLocked(target, targetOptions); // 调用这里
        for (int displayNdx = mActivityDisplays.size() - 1; displayNdx >= 0; --displayNdx) {
            final ArrayList<ActivityStack> stacks = mActivityDisplays.valueAt(displayNdx).mStacks;
            for (int stackNdx = stacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) {
                final ActivityStack stack = stacks.get(stackNdx);
                if (stack == targetStack) {
                    // Already started above.
                if (isFrontStack(stack)) {
        return result;


       final boolean resumeTopActivityLocked(ActivityRecord prev, Bundle options) {
        if (inResumeTopActivity) { // 这个标记是为了防止多次调用resumeTopActivityInnerLocked
            // Don't even start recursing.
            return false;

        boolean result = false;
        try {
            // Protect against recursion.
            inResumeTopActivity = true;
            result = resumeTopActivityInnerLocked(prev, options); // 调用这里
        } finally {
            inResumeTopActivity = false;
        return result;


    final boolean resumeTopActivityInnerLocked(ActivityRecord prev, Bundle options) {
        if (ActivityManagerService.DEBUG_LOCKSCREEN) mService.logLockScreen("");

        if (!mService.mBooting && !mService.mBooted) {
            // Not ready yet!
            return false;

        ActivityRecord parent = mActivityContainer.mParentActivity;
        if ((parent != null && parent.state != ActivityState.RESUMED) ||
                !mActivityContainer.isAttachedLocked()) {
            // Do not resume this stack if its parent is not resumed.
            // TODO: If in a loop, make sure that parent stack resumeTopActivity is called 1st.
            return false;


        // Find the first activity that is not finishing. 找到栈顶正在运行的ActivityRecord
        ActivityRecord next = topRunningActivityLocked(null);

        // Remember how we'll process this pause/resume situation, and ensure
        // that the state is reset however we wind up proceeding.
        final boolean userLeaving = mStackSupervisor.mUserLeaving;
        mStackSupervisor.mUserLeaving = false;

        final TaskRecord prevTask = prev != null ? prev.task : null;
        if (next == null) {
            // There are no more activities! Let's just start up the
            // Launcher...
            if (DEBUG_STATES) Slog.d(TAG, "resumeTopActivityLocked: No more activities go home");
            if (DEBUG_STACK) mStackSupervisor.validateTopActivitiesLocked();
            // Only resume home if on home display
            final int returnTaskType = prevTask == null || !prevTask.isOverHomeStack() ?
                    HOME_ACTIVITY_TYPE : prevTask.getTaskToReturnTo();
            return isOnHomeDisplay() &&
                    mStackSupervisor.resumeHomeStackTask(returnTaskType, prev);

        next.delayedResume = false;

        // If the top activity is the resumed one, nothing to do.
        if (mResumedActivity == next && next.state == ActivityState.RESUMED &&
                    mStackSupervisor.allResumedActivitiesComplete()) {
            // Make sure we have executed any pending transitions, since there
            // should be nothing left to do at this point.
            if (DEBUG_STATES) Slog.d(TAG, "resumeTopActivityLocked: Top activity resumed " + next);
            if (DEBUG_STACK) mStackSupervisor.validateTopActivitiesLocked();

            // Make sure to notify Keyguard as well if it is waiting for an activity to be drawn.
            return false;

        final TaskRecord nextTask = next.task;
        if (prevTask != null && prevTask.stack == this &&
                prevTask.isOverHomeStack() && prev.finishing && prev.frontOfTask) {
            if (DEBUG_STACK)  mStackSupervisor.validateTopActivitiesLocked();
            if (prevTask == nextTask) {
            } else if (prevTask != topTask()) {
                // This task is going away but it was supposed to return to the home stack.
                // Now the task above it has to return to the home task instead.
                final int taskNdx = mTaskHistory.indexOf(prevTask) + 1;
            } else {
                if (DEBUG_STATES && isOnHomeDisplay()) Slog.d(TAG,
                        "resumeTopActivityLocked: Launching home next");
                // Only resume home if on home display
                final int returnTaskType = prevTask == null || !prevTask.isOverHomeStack() ?
                        HOME_ACTIVITY_TYPE : prevTask.getTaskToReturnTo();
                return isOnHomeDisplay() &&
                        mStackSupervisor.resumeHomeStackTask(returnTaskType, prev);

        // If we are sleeping, and there is no resumed activity, and the top
        // activity is paused, well that is the state we want.
        if (mService.isSleepingOrShuttingDown()
                && mLastPausedActivity == next
                && mStackSupervisor.allPausedActivitiesComplete()) {
            // Make sure we have executed any pending transitions, since there
            // should be nothing left to do at this point.
            if (DEBUG_STATES) Slog.d(TAG, "resumeTopActivityLocked: Going to sleep and all paused");
            if (DEBUG_STACK) mStackSupervisor.validateTopActivitiesLocked();
            return false;

        // Make sure that the user who owns this activity is started. If not,
        // we will just leave it as is because someone should be bringing
        // another user's activities to the top of the stack.
        if (mService.mStartedUsers.get(next.userId) == null) {
            Slog.w(TAG, "Skipping resume of top activity " + next
                    + ": user " + next.userId + " is stopped");
            if (DEBUG_STACK) mStackSupervisor.validateTopActivitiesLocked();
            return false;

        // The activity may be waiting for stop, but that is no longer
        // appropriate for it.
        next.sleeping = false;

        if (DEBUG_SWITCH) Slog.v(TAG, "Resuming " + next);

        // If we are currently pausing an activity, then don't do anything
        // until that is done.
        if (!mStackSupervisor.allPausedActivitiesComplete()) {
            if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_PAUSE || DEBUG_STATES) Slog.v(TAG,
                    "resumeTopActivityLocked: Skip resume: some activity pausing.");
            if (DEBUG_STACK) mStackSupervisor.validateTopActivitiesLocked();
            return false;

        // Okay we are now going to start a switch, to 'next'. We may first
        // have to pause the current activity, but this is an important point
        // where we have decided to go to 'next' so keep track of that.
        // XXX "App Redirected" dialog is getting too many false positives
        // at this point, so turn off for now.
        if (false) {
            if (mLastStartedActivity != null && !mLastStartedActivity.finishing) {
                long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
                final boolean inTime = mLastStartedActivity.startTime != 0
                        && (mLastStartedActivity.startTime + START_WARN_TIME) >= now;
                final int lastUid =;
                final int nextUid =;
                if (inTime && lastUid != nextUid
                        && lastUid != next.launchedFromUid
                        && mService.checkPermission(
                                -1, next.launchedFromUid)
                        != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
                    mService.showLaunchWarningLocked(mLastStartedActivity, next);
                } else {
                    next.startTime = now;
                    mLastStartedActivity = next;
            } else {
                next.startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
                mLastStartedActivity = next;

        // We need to start pausing the current activity so the top one
        // can be resumed...
        boolean dontWaitForPause = ( != 0;
        boolean pausing = mStackSupervisor.pauseBackStacks(userLeaving, true, dontWaitForPause);
        if (mResumedActivity != null) {
            pausing |= startPausingLocked(userLeaving, false, true, dontWaitForPause);
            if (DEBUG_STATES) Slog.d(TAG, "resumeTopActivityLocked: Pausing " + mResumedActivity);
        if (pausing) {
            if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_STATES) Slog.v(TAG,
                    "resumeTopActivityLocked: Skip resume: need to start pausing");
            // At this point we want to put the upcoming activity's process
            // at the top of the LRU list, since we know we will be needing it
            // very soon and it would be a waste to let it get killed if it
            // happens to be sitting towards the end.
            if ( != null && != null) {
                mService.updateLruProcessLocked(, true, null);
            if (DEBUG_STACK) mStackSupervisor.validateTopActivitiesLocked();
            return true;

        // If the most recent activity was noHistory but was only stopped rather
        // than stopped+finished because the device went to sleep, we need to make
        // sure to finish it as we're making a new activity topmost.
        if (mService.isSleeping() && mLastNoHistoryActivity != null &&
                !mLastNoHistoryActivity.finishing) {
            if (DEBUG_STATES) Slog.d(TAG, "no-history finish of " + mLastNoHistoryActivity +
                    " on new resume");
            requestFinishActivityLocked(mLastNoHistoryActivity.appToken, Activity.RESULT_CANCELED,
                    null, "no-history", false);
            mLastNoHistoryActivity = null;

        if (prev != null && prev != next) {
            if (!prev.waitingVisible && next != null && !next.nowVisible) {
                prev.waitingVisible = true;
                if (DEBUG_SWITCH) Slog.v(
                        TAG, "Resuming top, waiting visible to hide: " + prev);
            } else {
                // The next activity is already visible, so hide the previous
                // activity's windows right now so we can show the new one ASAP.
                // We only do this if the previous is finishing, which should mean
                // it is on top of the one being resumed so hiding it quickly
                // is good. Otherwise, we want to do the normal route of allowing
                // the resumed activity to be shown so we can decide if the
                // previous should actually be hidden depending on whether the
                // new one is found to be full-screen or not.
                if (prev.finishing) {
                    mWindowManager.setAppVisibility(prev.appToken, false);
                    if (DEBUG_SWITCH) Slog.v(TAG, "Not waiting for visible to hide: "
                            + prev + ", waitingVisible="
                            + (prev != null ? prev.waitingVisible : null)
                            + ", nowVisible=" + next.nowVisible);
                } else {
                    if (DEBUG_SWITCH) Slog.v(TAG, "Previous already visible but still waiting to hide: "
                        + prev + ", waitingVisible="
                        + (prev != null ? prev.waitingVisible : null)
                        + ", nowVisible=" + next.nowVisible);

        // Launching this app's activity, make sure the app is no longer
        // considered stopped.
        try {
                    next.packageName, false, next.userId); /* TODO: Verify if correct userid */
        } catch (RemoteException e1) {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            Slog.w(TAG, "Failed trying to unstop package "
                    + next.packageName + ": " + e);

        // We are starting up the next activity, so tell the window manager
        // that the previous one will be hidden soon. This way it can know
        // to ignore it when computing the desired screen orientation.
        boolean anim = true;
        if (prev != null) {
            if (prev.finishing) {
                if (DEBUG_TRANSITION) Slog.v(TAG,
                        "Prepare close transition: prev=" + prev);
                if (mNoAnimActivities.contains(prev)) {
                    anim = false;
                    mWindowManager.prepareAppTransition(AppTransition.TRANSIT_NONE, false);
                } else {
                    mWindowManager.prepareAppTransition(prev.task == next.task
                            ? AppTransition.TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE
                            : AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_CLOSE, false);
                mWindowManager.setAppVisibility(prev.appToken, false);
            } else {
                if (DEBUG_TRANSITION) Slog.v(TAG, "Prepare open transition: prev=" + prev);
                if (mNoAnimActivities.contains(next)) {
                    anim = false;
                    mWindowManager.prepareAppTransition(AppTransition.TRANSIT_NONE, false);
                } else {
                    mWindowManager.prepareAppTransition(prev.task == next.task
                            ? AppTransition.TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_OPEN
                            : next.mLaunchTaskBehind
                                    ? AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN_BEHIND
                                    : AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN, false);
            if (false) {
                mWindowManager.setAppVisibility(prev.appToken, false);
        } else {
            if (DEBUG_TRANSITION) Slog.v(TAG, "Prepare open transition: no previous");
            if (mNoAnimActivities.contains(next)) {
                anim = false;
                mWindowManager.prepareAppTransition(AppTransition.TRANSIT_NONE, false);
            } else {
                mWindowManager.prepareAppTransition(AppTransition.TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_OPEN, false);

        Bundle resumeAnimOptions = null;
        if (anim) {
            ActivityOptions opts = next.getOptionsForTargetActivityLocked();
            if (opts != null) {
                resumeAnimOptions = opts.toBundle();
        } else {

        ActivityStack lastStack = mStackSupervisor.getLastStack();
        if ( != null && != null) {
            if (DEBUG_SWITCH) Slog.v(TAG, "Resume running: " + next);

            // This activity is now becoming visible.
            mWindowManager.setAppVisibility(next.appToken, true);

            // schedule launch ticks to collect information about slow apps.

            ActivityRecord lastResumedActivity =
                    lastStack == null ? null :lastStack.mResumedActivity;
            ActivityState lastState = next.state;


            if (DEBUG_STATES) Slog.v(TAG, "Moving to RESUMED: " + next + " (in existing)");
            next.state = ActivityState.RESUMED;
            mResumedActivity = next;
            mService.updateLruProcessLocked(, true, null);

            // Have the window manager re-evaluate the orientation of
            // the screen based on the new activity order.
            boolean notUpdated = true;
            if (mStackSupervisor.isFrontStack(this)) {
                Configuration config = mWindowManager.updateOrientationFromAppTokens(
                        next.mayFreezeScreenLocked( ? next.appToken : null);
                if (config != null) {
                    next.frozenBeforeDestroy = true;
                notUpdated = !mService.updateConfigurationLocked(config, next, false, false);

            if (notUpdated) {
                // The configuration update wasn't able to keep the existing
                // instance of the activity, and instead started a new one.
                // We should be all done, but let's just make sure our activity
                // is still at the top and schedule another run if something
                // weird happened.
                ActivityRecord nextNext = topRunningActivityLocked(null);
                if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_STATES) Slog.i(TAG,
                        "Activity config changed during resume: " + next
                        + ", new next: " + nextNext);
                if (nextNext != next) {
                    // Do over!
                if (mStackSupervisor.reportResumedActivityLocked(next)) {
                    if (DEBUG_STACK) mStackSupervisor.validateTopActivitiesLocked();
                    return true;
                if (DEBUG_STACK) mStackSupervisor.validateTopActivitiesLocked();
                return false;

            try {
                // Deliver all pending results.
                ArrayList<ResultInfo> a = next.results;
                if (a != null) {
                    final int N = a.size();
                    if (!next.finishing && N > 0) {
                        if (DEBUG_RESULTS) Slog.v(
                                TAG, "Delivering results to " + next
                                + ": " + a);
              , a);

                if (next.newIntents != null) {
          , next.appToken);

                        next.userId, System.identityHashCode(next),
                        next.task.taskId, next.shortComponentName);

                next.sleeping = false;
       = true;
                        mService.isNextTransitionForward(), resumeAnimOptions);


                if (DEBUG_STATES) Slog.d(TAG, "resumeTopActivityLocked: Resumed " + next);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Whoops, need to restart this activity!
                if (DEBUG_STATES) Slog.v(TAG, "Resume failed; resetting state to "
                        + lastState + ": " + next);
                next.state = lastState;
                if (lastStack != null) {
                    lastStack.mResumedActivity = lastResumedActivity;
                Slog.i(TAG, "Restarting because process died: " + next);
                if (!next.hasBeenLaunched) {
                    next.hasBeenLaunched = true;
                } else  if (SHOW_APP_STARTING_PREVIEW && lastStack != null &&
                        mStackSupervisor.isFrontStack(lastStack)) {
                            next.appToken, next.packageName, next.theme,
                            next.nonLocalizedLabel, next.labelRes, next.icon, next.logo,
                            next.windowFlags, null, true);
                mStackSupervisor.startSpecificActivityLocked(next, true, false);
                if (DEBUG_STACK) mStackSupervisor.validateTopActivitiesLocked();
                return true;

            // From this point on, if something goes wrong there is no way
            // to recover the activity.
            try {
                next.visible = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // If any exception gets thrown, toss away this
                // activity and try the next one.
                Slog.w(TAG, "Exception thrown during resume of " + next, e);
                requestFinishActivityLocked(next.appToken, Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, null,
                        "resume-exception", true);
                if (DEBUG_STACK) mStackSupervisor.validateTopActivitiesLocked();
                return true;
            next.stopped = false;

        } else {
            // Whoops, need to restart this activity!
            if (!next.hasBeenLaunched) {
                next.hasBeenLaunched = true;
            } else {
                if (SHOW_APP_STARTING_PREVIEW) {
                            next.appToken, next.packageName, next.theme,
                            next.labelRes, next.icon, next.logo, next.windowFlags,
                            null, true);
                if (DEBUG_SWITCH) Slog.v(TAG, "Restarting: " + next);
            if (DEBUG_STATES) Slog.d(TAG, "resumeTopActivityLocked: Restarting " + next);
            mStackSupervisor.startSpecificActivityLocked(next, true, true); // 调用这里

        if (DEBUG_STACK) mStackSupervisor.validateTopActivitiesLocked();
        return true;


    void startSpecificActivityLocked(ActivityRecord r,
            boolean andResume, boolean checkConfig) {
        // Is this activity's application already running?
        ProcessRecord app = mService.getProcessRecordLocked(r.processName,
      , true);


        if (app != null && app.thread != null) {
            try {
                if (( == 0
                        || !"android".equals( {
                    // Don't add this if it is a platform component that is marked
                    // to run in multiple processes, because this is actually
                    // part of the framework so doesn't make sense to track as a
                    // separate apk in the process.
                realStartActivityLocked(r, app, andResume, checkConfig); // 调用这里,真正启动Activity
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                Slog.w(TAG, "Exception when starting activity "
                        + r.intent.getComponent().flattenToShortString(), e);

            // If a dead object exception was thrown -- fall through to
            // restart the application.

        mService.startProcessLocked(r.processName,, true, 0,
                "activity", r.intent.getComponent(), false, false, true);


    final boolean realStartActivityLocked(ActivityRecord r,
            ProcessRecord app, boolean andResume, boolean checkConfig)
            throws RemoteException {

        r.startFreezingScreenLocked(app, 0);
        if (false) Slog.d(TAG, "realStartActivity: setting app visibility true");
        mWindowManager.setAppVisibility(r.appToken, true);

        // schedule launch ticks to collect information about slow apps.

        // Have the window manager re-evaluate the orientation of
        // the screen based on the new activity order. Note that
        // as a result of this, it can call back into the activity
        // manager with a new orientation. We don't care about that,
        // because the activity is not currently running so we are
        // just restarting it anyway.
        if (checkConfig) { // checkConfig为true
            Configuration config = mWindowManager.updateOrientationFromAppTokens(
                    r.mayFreezeScreenLocked(app) ? r.appToken : null);
            mService.updateConfigurationLocked(config, r, false, false);
        } = app;
        app.waitingToKill = null;
        r.lastLaunchTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();

        if (localLOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "Launching: " + r);

        int idx = app.activities.indexOf(r);
        if (idx < 0) {
        mService.updateLruProcessLocked(app, true, null);

        final ActivityStack stack = r.task.stack;
        try {
            if (app.thread == null) {
                throw new RemoteException();
            List<ResultInfo> results = null;
            List<Intent> newIntents = null;
            if (andResume) {
                results = r.results;
                newIntents = r.newIntents;
            if (DEBUG_SWITCH) Slog.v(TAG, "Launching: " + r
                    + " icicle=" + r.icicle
                    + " with results=" + results + " newIntents=" + newIntents
                    + " andResume=" + andResume);
            if (andResume) {
                        r.userId, System.identityHashCode(r),
                        r.task.taskId, r.shortComponentName);
            if (r.isHomeActivity() && r.isNotResolverActivity()) {
                // Home process is the root process of the task.
                mService.mHomeProcess = r.task.mActivities.get(0).app;
            r.sleeping = false;
            r.forceNewConfig = false;
            r.compat = mService.compatibilityInfoForPackageLocked(;
            String profileFile = null;
            ParcelFileDescriptor profileFd = null;
            if (mService.mProfileApp != null && mService.mProfileApp.equals(app.processName)) {
                if (mService.mProfileProc == null || mService.mProfileProc == app) {
                    mService.mProfileProc = app;
                    profileFile = mService.mProfileFile;
                    profileFd = mService.mProfileFd;
            app.hasShownUi = true;
            app.pendingUiClean = true;
            if (profileFd != null) {
                try {
                    profileFd = profileFd.dup();
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    if (profileFd != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException o) {
                        profileFd = null;

            ProfilerInfo profilerInfo = profileFile != null
                    ? new ProfilerInfo(profileFile, profileFd, mService.mSamplingInterval,
                    mService.mAutoStopProfiler) : null;
            app.thread.scheduleLaunchActivity(new Intent(r.intent), r.appToken,
                    System.identityHashCode(r),, new Configuration(mService.mConfiguration),
                    r.compat, r.task.voiceInteractor, app.repProcState, r.icicle, r.persistentState,
                    results, newIntents, !andResume, mService.isNextTransitionForward(),
                    profilerInfo); // 调用这里,计划启动Activity了

            if (( != 0) {
                // This may be a heavy-weight process! Note that the package
                // manager will ensure that only activity can run in the main
                // process of the .apk, which is the only thing that will be
                // considered heavy-weight.
                if (app.processName.equals( {
                    if (mService.mHeavyWeightProcess != null
                            && mService.mHeavyWeightProcess != app) {
                        Slog.w(TAG, "Starting new heavy weight process " + app
                                + " when already running "
                                + mService.mHeavyWeightProcess);
                    mService.mHeavyWeightProcess = app;
                    Message msg = mService.mHandler.obtainMessage(
                    msg.obj = r;

        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            if (r.launchFailed) {
                // This is the second time we failed -- finish activity
                // and give up.
                Slog.e(TAG, "Second failure launching "
                      + r.intent.getComponent().flattenToShortString()
                      + ", giving up", e);
                stack.requestFinishActivityLocked(r.appToken, Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, null,
                        "2nd-crash", false);
                return false;

            // This is the first time we failed -- restart process and
            // retry.
            throw e;

        r.launchFailed = false;
        if (stack.updateLRUListLocked(r)) {
            Slog.w(TAG, "Activity " + r
                  + " being launched, but already in LRU list");

        if (andResume) {
            // As part of the process of launching, ActivityThread also performs
            // a resume.
        } else {
            // This activity is not starting in the resumed state... which
            // should look like we asked it to pause+stop (but remain visible),
            // and it has done so and reported back the current icicle and
            // other state.
            if (DEBUG_STATES) Slog.v(TAG, "Moving to STOPPED: " + r
                    + " (starting in stopped state)");
            r.state = ActivityState.STOPPED;
            r.stopped = true;

        // Launch the new version setup screen if needed. We do this -after-
        // launching the initial activity (that is, home), so that it can have
        // a chance to initialize itself while in the background, making the
        // switch back to it faster and look better.
        if (isFrontStack(stack)) {

        // Update any services we are bound to that might care about whether
        // their client may have activities.

        return true;



        // we use token to identify this activity without having to send the
        // activity itself back to the activity manager. (matters more with ipc)
        public final void scheduleLaunchActivity(Intent intent, IBinder token, int ident,
                ActivityInfo info, Configuration curConfig, CompatibilityInfo compatInfo,
                IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor, int procState, Bundle state,
                PersistableBundle persistentState, List<ResultInfo> pendingResults,
                List<Intent> pendingNewIntents, boolean notResumed, boolean isForward,
                ProfilerInfo profilerInfo) {

            updateProcessState(procState, false);

            ActivityClientRecord r = new ActivityClientRecord();

            r.token = token;
            r.ident = ident;
            r.intent = intent;
            r.voiceInteractor = voiceInteractor;
            r.activityInfo = info;
            r.compatInfo = compatInfo;
            r.state = state;
            r.persistentState = persistentState;

            r.pendingResults = pendingResults;
            r.pendingIntents = pendingNewIntents;

            r.startsNotResumed = notResumed;
            r.isForward = isForward;

            r.profilerInfo = profilerInfo;


            sendMessage(H.LAUNCH_ACTIVITY, r); // 调用这里,发送启动Activity的消息


    private void sendMessage(int what, Object obj) {
        sendMessage(what, obj, 0, 0, false);


    private void sendMessage(int what, Object obj, int arg1, int arg2, boolean async) {
        if (DEBUG_MESSAGES) Slog.v(
            TAG, "SCHEDULE " + what + " " + mH.codeToString(what)
            + ": " + arg1 + " / " + obj);
        Message msg = Message.obtain();
        msg.what = what;
        msg.obj = obj;
        msg.arg1 = arg1;
        msg.arg2 = arg2;
        if (async) {


    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            if (DEBUG_MESSAGES) Slog.v(TAG, ">>> handling: " + codeToString(msg.what));
            switch (msg.what) {
                case LAUNCH_ACTIVITY: {
                    Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "activityStart");
                    final ActivityClientRecord r = (ActivityClientRecord) msg.obj;

                    r.packageInfo = getPackageInfoNoCheck(
                            r.activityInfo.applicationInfo, r.compatInfo);
                    handleLaunchActivity(r, null);
                } break;
                // 省略了与分析无关的分支
            if (DEBUG_MESSAGES) Slog.v(TAG, "<<< done: " + codeToString(msg.what));


    private void handleLaunchActivity(ActivityClientRecord r, Intent customIntent) {
        // If we are getting ready to gc after going to the background, well
        // we are back active so skip it.
        mSomeActivitiesChanged = true;

        if (r.profilerInfo != null) {

        // Make sure we are running with the most recent config.
        handleConfigurationChanged(null, null);

        if (localLOGV) Slog.v(
            TAG, "Handling launch of " + r);

        Activity a = performLaunchActivity(r, customIntent); // 执行启动Activity,这里Activity被创建出来,其onCreate()和onStart()也会被调用

        if (a != null) {
            r.createdConfig = new Configuration(mConfiguration);
            Bundle oldState = r.state;
            // 这里新Activity的onResume()会被调用
            handleResumeActivity(r.token, false, r.isForward,
                    !r.activity.mFinished && !r.startsNotResumed);

            if (!r.activity.mFinished && r.startsNotResumed) {
                // The activity manager actually wants this one to start out
                // paused, because it needs to be visible but isn't in the
                // foreground. We accomplish this by going through the
                // normal startup (because activities expect to go through
                // onResume() the first time they run, before their window
                // is displayed), and then pausing it. However, in this case
                // we do -not- need to do the full pause cycle (of freezing
                // and such) because the activity manager assumes it can just
                // retain the current state it has.
                try {
                    r.activity.mCalled = false;
                    // We need to keep around the original state, in case
                    // we need to be created again. But we only do this
                    // for pre-Honeycomb apps, which always save their state
                    // when pausing, so we can not have them save their state
                    // when restarting from a paused state. For HC and later,
                    // we want to (and can) let the state be saved as the normal
                    // part of stopping the activity.
                    if (r.isPreHoneycomb()) {
                        r.state = oldState;
                    if (!r.activity.mCalled) {
                        throw new SuperNotCalledException(
                            "Activity " + r.intent.getComponent().toShortString() +
                            " did not call through to super.onPause()");

                } catch (SuperNotCalledException e) {
                    throw e;

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (!mInstrumentation.onException(r.activity, e)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(
                                "Unable to pause activity "
                                + r.intent.getComponent().toShortString()
                                + ": " + e.toString(), e);
                r.paused = true;
        } else {
            // If there was an error, for any reason, tell the activity
            // manager to stop us.
            try {
                    .finishActivity(r.token, Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, null, false);
            } catch (RemoteException ex) {
                // Ignore


        private Activity performLaunchActivity(ActivityClientRecord r, Intent customIntent) {
        // System.out.println("##### [" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "] ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(" + r + ")");

        ActivityInfo aInfo = r.activityInfo;
        if (r.packageInfo == null) {
            r.packageInfo = getPackageInfo(aInfo.applicationInfo, r.compatInfo,

        ComponentName component = r.intent.getComponent();
        if (component == null) {
            component = r.intent.resolveActivity(

        if (r.activityInfo.targetActivity != null) {
            component = new ComponentName(r.activityInfo.packageName,

        Activity activity = null;
        try {
            java.lang.ClassLoader cl = r.packageInfo.getClassLoader();
            // Instrumentation使用反射创建了Activity的实例
            activity = mInstrumentation.newActivity(
                    cl, component.getClassName(), r.intent);
            if (r.state != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!mInstrumentation.onException(activity, e)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Unable to instantiate activity " + component
                    + ": " + e.toString(), e);

        try {
            Application app = r.packageInfo.makeApplication(false, mInstrumentation);

            if (localLOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "Performing launch of " + r);
            if (localLOGV) Slog.v(
                    TAG, r + ": app=" + app
                    + ", appName=" + app.getPackageName()
                    + ", pkg=" + r.packageInfo.getPackageName()
                    + ", comp=" + r.intent.getComponent().toShortString()
                    + ", dir=" + r.packageInfo.getAppDir());

            if (activity != null) {
                Context appContext = createBaseContextForActivity(r, activity);
                CharSequence title = r.activityInfo.loadLabel(appContext.getPackageManager());
                Configuration config = new Configuration(mCompatConfiguration);
                if (DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Slog.v(TAG, "Launching activity "
                        + + " with config " + config);
                activity.attach(appContext, this, getInstrumentation(), r.token,
                        r.ident, app, r.intent, r.activityInfo, title, r.parent,
                        r.embeddedID, r.lastNonConfigurationInstances, config,

                if (customIntent != null) {
                    activity.mIntent = customIntent;
                r.lastNonConfigurationInstances = null;
                activity.mStartedActivity = false;
                int theme = r.activityInfo.getThemeResource();
                if (theme != 0) {

                activity.mCalled = false;
                // 这里Activity的onCreate会被调用
                if (r.isPersistable()) {
                    mInstrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(activity, r.state, r.persistentState);
                } else {
                    mInstrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(activity, r.state);
                if (!activity.mCalled) {
                    throw new SuperNotCalledException(
                        "Activity " + r.intent.getComponent().toShortString() +
                        " did not call through to super.onCreate()");
                r.activity = activity;
                r.stopped = true;
                if (!r.activity.mFinished) {
                    // 这里Activity的onStart()会被调用
                    r.stopped = false;
                if (!r.activity.mFinished) {
                    if (r.isPersistable()) {
                        if (r.state != null || r.persistentState != null) {
                            mInstrumentation.callActivityOnRestoreInstanceState(activity, r.state,
                    } else if (r.state != null) {
                        mInstrumentation.callActivityOnRestoreInstanceState(activity, r.state);
                if (!r.activity.mFinished) {
                    activity.mCalled = false;
                    if (r.isPersistable()) {
                        mInstrumentation.callActivityOnPostCreate(activity, r.state,
                    } else {
                        mInstrumentation.callActivityOnPostCreate(activity, r.state);
                    if (!activity.mCalled) {
                        throw new SuperNotCalledException(
                            "Activity " + r.intent.getComponent().toShortString() +
                            " did not call through to super.onPostCreate()");
            r.paused = true;

            mActivities.put(r.token, r);

        } catch (SuperNotCalledException e) {
            throw e;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!mInstrumentation.onException(activity, e)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Unable to start activity " + component
                    + ": " + e.toString(), e);

        return activity;


Android 插件化原理解析——Hook机制之AMS&PMS