之前使用的是KDE下的krdc。该程序的Grab Keys功能存在bug,导致Alt+TAB大多数时候不能被捕捉,从而无法使用键盘切换窗口。不过,其全屏功能是正常的,在多显示器的情况下,全屏只在一个屏幕上有效。最终,还是换回到rdesktop。命令如下:
rdesktop -a 32 -u user_name -g 1920x1030 -x 0x80 -r clipboard:PRIMARYCLIPBOARD
-a 32:使用32位color;
-g 1920x1030:指定窗口大小。由于在多显示器情况下,rdesktop在全屏的时候会扩展到两个屏幕上,因此,不能使用-f全屏选项,而只能直接指定窗口大小。原本Home PC主显示器的分辨率为1920x1080,将高度设置为1030是由于底部工具栏的高度。然后,在KDE Special windows settings中将rdesktop的标题栏隐藏,则可以最终实现类似于全屏的效果;
-x 0x80:指定user experience level。在rdesktop的源码中有:#define RDP5_ENABLE_FONT_SMOOTHING 0x80。因此,将该值设为0x80,则可以显示出最好的字体效果。(原先设置的为lan,虽然使颜色深度加到了最大值32,但是字体显示没有ClearType效果);
-r clipboard:PRIMARYCLIPBOARD:实现本机与远程主机间的剪贴板共享;
#!/bin/bash if [ -z $ ]; then
echo "Default host will be conneted!"
fi rdesktop -a -u user_name -g 1920x1030 -x 0x80 -r clipboard:PRIMARYCLIPBOARD $host
rdesktop: Connect to Windows 7 and Vista with ClearType font smoothing enabled
So Windows Vista finally allows to enable ClearType font smoothing for Remote Desktop / Terminal Services sessions. Update: Windows XP SP3 does too!
If you try to connect to a machine running Windows XP SP 3 or later using rdesktop, you won’t get smoothed font typing since at the time of this writing rdesktop does not officially offer an option to control this feature. However, here is a workaround:
rdesktop allows to specify the RDP5
experience via the -x experience switch.One can either define one of three
default experiences (modem, broadband, lan) or one can specify a raw
hex value that is send to the server.NOTE: You can skip over this rather
technical part, if you’re not interested in the details. You’ll
find the workaround below.This hex value is actually a combination
of defined bit flags. After some tinkering I found that the hex value
0×80 will enable font smoothing for the connection.The file constants.h of the rdesktop
sources contains these flags:#define RDP5_DISABLE_NOTHING 0x00
#define RDP5_NO_WALLPAPER 0x01
#define RDP5_NO_THEMING 0x08
#define RDP5_NO_CURSOR_SHADOW 0x20
/* disables cursor blinking */So, naturally an additional flag constant
can be defined like this:#define RDP5_ENABLE_FONT_SMOOTHING
0x80The file rdesktop.c would have to be
extended preferably with an additional argument that controls the
font smoothing.If you want to use font smoothing with
rdesktop now you have to combine the flags (bitwise OR, addition will
do too) and specify the result via the -x switch.Here is the workaround for the three
defaults mentioned above:rdesktop -x 0x8F mywinserver # equals
the modem default + font smoothingrdesktop -x 0x81 mywinserver # equals
the broadband default + font smoothingrdesktop -x 0x80 mywinserver # equals
the LAN default + font smoothing