sql server 日志传送还原慢

时间:2022-06-02 15:25:47

        SQL SERVER为 2005 SP2,数据库每天大概有20G的日志,基本都是默认配置。


       2010-09-26 13:10:16.11 Retrieved database restore settings. Secondary Database: 'Bk5173', Restore Delay: -2000000000, Restore All: True, Restore Mode: Standby, Disconnect Users: False, Last Restored File: //ip/Logshipping/dbname_20100925214215.trn, Block Size: Not Specified, Buffer Count: Not Specified, Max Transfer Size: Not Specified
 查了一些资料,在备库上修改了log_shipping_secondary_databases表的一个值 ,不过像需要重启服务才起作用(保留) 


    use [msdb];

   update dbo.log_shipping_secondary_databases
   set [restore_delay] = -2000000000;



In short, there's a bug in the SQLLogShip application. Sometimes depending on the machine time it gets a negative number and checks if it's less than tha value of the msdb.dbo.log_shipping_secondary_databases.restore_delay column.