Maven 入门 (2)—— 创建Maven项目

时间:2022-01-06 14:48:51

读这篇文章之前请先确保你成功安装了maven,如果你还没安装成功,请先看:Maven 入门 (1)—— 安装 这里的文章安装成功再继续。



  1. mvn clean install




  1. mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false

Maven 入门 (2)—— 创建Maven项目


Maven 入门 (2)—— 创建Maven项目



接着,我们来看看 -DgroupId  -DartifactId -DarchetypeArtifactId -DinteractiveMode 这几个属性



mvn help:describe -Dplugin=archetype



Name: Maven Archetype Plugin

Description: Maven Archetype is a set of tools to deal with archetypes, i.e.

an abstract representation of a kind of project that can be instantiated into

a concrete customized Maven project. An archetype knows which files will be

part of the instantiated project and which properties to fill to properly

customize the project.

Group Id: org.apache.maven.plugins

Artifact Id: maven-archetype-plugin

Version: 2.2

Goal Prefix: archetype

This plugin has 8 goals:


Description: Crawl a Maven repository (filesystem, not HTTP) and creates a

catalog file.


Description: The archetype creation goal looks for an archetype with a

given groupId, artifactId, and version and retrieves it from the remote

repository. Once the archetype is retrieved, it is then processed against a

set of user parameters to create a working Maven project.

Deprecated. Please use the generate mojo instead.


Description: Creates an archetype project from the current project.

This goal reads your source and resource files, the values of its

parameters, and properties you specify in a .property file, and uses them

to create a Maven archetype project using the maven-archetype packaging. If

you build the resulting project, it will create the archetype. You can then

use this archetype to create new projects that resemble the original.

The maven-archetype-plugin uses Velocity to expand template files, and this

documentation talks about 'Velocity Properties', which are values

substituted into Velocity templates. See The Velocity User's Guide for more


This goal modifies the text of the files of the current project to form the

Velocity template files that make up the archetype.


The GAV values for the current project are replaced by properties:

groupId, artifactId, and version. The user chooses new values for these

when generating a project from the archetype.


All the files under one specified Java (or cognate) package are relocated

to a project that the user chooses when generating a project. References

to the class name are replaced by a property reference. For example, if

the current project's sources are in the package

org.apache.saltedpeanuts, then any example of the string

org.apache.saltedpeanuts is replaced with the Velocity property reference

${packageName}. When the user generates a project, this is in turn

replaced by his or her choice of a package.

custom properties

You may identify additional strings that should be replaced by

parameters. To add custom properties, you must use the propertyFile

parameter to specify a property file. See the documentation for

propertyFile for the details.

Note that you may need to edit the results of this goal. This goal has no

way to exclude unwanted files, or add copyright notices to the Velocity

templates, or add more complex elements to the archetype metadata file.

This goal also generates a simple integration-test that exercises the

generated archetype.


Description: Generates a new project from an archetype, or updated the

actual project if using a partial archetype. If the project is fully

generated, it is generated in a directory corresponding to its artifactId.

If the project is updated with a partial archetype, it is done in the

current directory.


Description: Display help information on maven-archetype-plugin.


mvn archetype:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name>

to display parameter details.


Description: Execute the archetype integration tests, consisting in

generating projects from the current archetype and optionally comparing

generated projects with reference copy.

Each IT consists of a sub-directory in src/test/resources/projects


- a goal.txt file, containing a list of goals to run against the generated

project (can be empty, content ignored before maven-archetype-plugin


- an file, containing properties for project


- an optional reference/ directory containing a reference copy of the

expected project created from the IT.

Notice that it is expected to be run as part as of a build after the

package phase and not directly as a goal from CLI.


Description: Build a JAR from the current Archetype project.


Description: Updates the local catalog

For more information, run 'mvn help:describe [...] -Ddetail'

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Total time: 3.851s

[INFO] Finished at: Tue Dec 24 02:45:02 CST 2013

[INFO] Final Memory: 11M/156M

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Maven 入门 (2)—— 创建Maven项目


mvn archetype:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=generate


cmatoMacBook-Pro:~ cjunhong$ mvn archetype:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=generate

[INFO] Scanning for projects...


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


[INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:help (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---

[INFO] org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.2

Maven Archetype Plugin

Maven Archetype is a set of tools to deal with archetypes, i.e. an abstract

representation of a kind of project that can be instantiated into a concrete

customized Maven project. An archetype knows which files will be part of the

instantiated project and which properties to fill to properly customize the



Generates a new project from an archetype, or updated the actual project if

using a partial archetype. If the project is fully generated, it is generated

in a directory corresponding to its artifactId. If the project is updated with

a partial archetype, it is done in the current directory.

Available parameters:


The archetype's artifactId.

Expression: ${archetypeArtifactId}

archetypeCatalog (Default: remote,local)

The archetype catalogs to use to build a list and let the user choose

from. It is a comma separated list of catalogs. Catalogs use following


- 'file://...' with archetype-catalog.xml automatically appended when

pointing to a directory

- 'http://...' or 'https://...' with archetype-catalog.xml always appended

- 'local' which is the shortcut for 'file://~/.m2/archetype-catalog.xml'

- 'remote' which is the shortcut for Maven Central repository, ie


- 'internal' which is an internal catalog

Since 2.0-alpha-5, default value is no longer internal,local but

remote,local. If Maven Central repository catalog file is empty, internal

catalog is used instead.

Expression: ${archetypeCatalog}


The archetype's groupId.

Expression: ${archetypeGroupId}


The archetype's repository.

Expression: ${archetypeRepository}


The archetype's version.

Expression: ${archetypeVersion}


(no description available)

Expression: ${basedir}


Applying some filter on displayed archetypes list: format is artifactId or


- org.apache: -> displays all archetypes which contain org.apache in


- :jee or jee -> displays all archetypes which contain jee in artifactId

- org.apache:jee -> displays all archetypes which contain org.apache in

groupId AND jee in artifactId

Expression: ${filter}


Additional goals to immediately run on the project created from the


Expression: ${goals}

interactiveMode (Default: ${settings.interactiveMode})

User settings use to check the interactiveMode.

Required: Yes

Expression: ${interactiveMode}

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Total time: 1.088s

[INFO] Finished at: Tue Dec 24 02:56:42 CST 2013

[INFO] Final Memory: 9M/156M

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------



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