
时间:2021-09-30 12:52:44

I have to choose a thesis topic soon and I was considering implementing an operating system for an architecture that is not x86 (I'm leaning towards ARM or AVR). The reason I am avoiding x86 is because I would like to gain some experience with embedded platforms and I (possibly incorrectly) believe that the task may be easier when carried out on a smaller scale. Does anyone have any pointers to websites or resources where there are some examples of this. I have read through most if not all of the OSDev questions on stack overflow, and I am also aware of AvrFreaks and OSDev. Additionally if anyone has had experience in this area and wanted to offer some advice in regards to approach or platform it would be much appreciated.



10 个解决方案



Developing an (RT)OS is not a trivial task. It is very educational though. My advice to you is to start hardware independent. PC is a good starting point as it comes with plenty of I/O possibilities and good debugging. If you create a kind-of-virtual machine application, you can create something with simple platform capabilities (console output, some buttons/indicators are a good start). Also, you can use files for instance, to output timing (schedules) If you start on 'bare metal' you'll have to start from scratch. Debugging on a LED (on/off/blinking) is very hard and time consuming. My second advice is to define your scope early: is it the scheduler, the communication mechanisms or the file systems you're interested at... ? Doing all can easily end up in a life long project.

开发(RT)OS并非易事。虽然这很有教育意义。我给你的建议是独立启动硬件。 PC是一个很好的起点,因为它具有大量的I / O可能性和良好的调试。如果您创建了一种虚拟机应用程序,您可以创建具有简单平台功能的东西(控制台输出,一些按钮/指示器是一个良好的开端)。此外,您可以使用文件,例如,输出时间(日程安排)如果您从'裸机'开始,您将不得不从头开始。在LED上进行调试(开/关/闪烁)非常困难且耗时。我的第二个建议是尽早定义你的范围:它是调度程序,通信机制还是你感兴趣的文件系统......?做所有事情很容易就会结束一生。

Samek, Miro, Practical UML Statecharts in C/C++ contains some interesting sections on a microkernel. It's one of my favorite books. Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C: From USB to RTOS with the PIC 18F Series seems to cover some of your interests; I haven't read it yet though. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles may also bring good insights. It covers all aspects from scheduler to network stack. Good luck!

Samek,Miro,C / C ++中的实用UML状态图包含一些关于微内核的有趣部分。这是我最喜欢的书之一。 C语言中的高级PIC单片机项目:使用PIC 18F系列从USB到RTOS似乎涵盖了您的一些兴趣;我还没读过。操作系统:内部和设计原则也可能带来很好的见解。它涵盖了从调度程序到网络堆栈的所有方面。祝好运!



Seems like you should get a copy of Jean Labrosse's book MicroC/OS.

好像你应该得到Jean Labrosse的书MicroC / OS的副本。

It looks like he may have just updated it too.




This is a well documented book describing the inner workings of an RTOS written in C and ported to many embedded processors. You could also run it on a x86, and then cross compile to another processor.




Contiki might be a good thing to research. It's very small, runs on microcontrollers, and is open source. It has a heavy bias towards networking and communications, but perhaps you can skip those parts and focus on the kernel.




If you choose ARM, pick up a copy of the ARM System Developer's Guide (Sloss, Symes, Wright). Link to Amazon

如果选择ARM,请选择ARM System Developer's Guide(Sloss,Symes,Wright)的副本。链接到亚马逊

Chapter 11 discusses the implementation of a simple embedded operating system, with great explanations and sample code.




ARM and AVR are chalk and cheese - you've scoped this very wide!

ARM和AVR都是粉笔和奶酪 - 你的范围非常宽!

You could produce a very different and more sophisticated OS for ARM than AVR (unless you are talking about AVR32 perhaps - which is a completely different architecture?).


AVR would be far more constraining to the point that the task may be just to trivial for the scope of your thesis. Even specifying ARM does not narrow it down much; low-end ARM parts have small on-chip memories, no MMU and simple peripherals; higher end parts have an MMU, data/instruction caches, often a GPU, sometimes an FPU, hardware Java bytecode execution, and many other complex peripherals. The term 'ARM' covers ARM7, ARM9, ARM11, Cortex M3, Cortex M8, plus a number of architectures intended for use on ASICs and FPGAs - so you need to narrow it down a bit perhaps?

AVR将更加局限于这个任务可能只是为了论文的范围而微不足道。即使指定ARM也不会缩小范围;低端ARM器件具有小型片上存储器,无MMU和简单的外设;高端部件具有MMU,数据/指令缓存,通常是GPU,有时是FPU,硬件Java字节码执行以及许多其他复杂外设。术语“ARM”涵盖ARM7,ARM9,ARM11,Cortex M3,Cortex M8,以及许多旨在用于ASIC和FPGA的架构 - 因此您需要缩小它的范围吗?

If you choose ARM, take a look at these resources. Especially the Insider's Guides from Hitex, and the "Building bare-metal ARM with GNU", they will help you get your board 'up' and form starting point for your OS.

如果选择ARM,请查看这些资源。特别是来自Hitex的Insider's Guides,以及“使用GNU构建裸机ARM”,它们将帮助您“升级”并成为操作系统的起点。



Silly as it may sound, I was recently interested in the Arduino platform to learn some hacking tricks with the help of more experienced friends. There was also this thread for a guy interested in writing an OS for it (although not his primary intention).


I think the Arduino is very basic and straightforward as an educational tool for such endeavors. It may worth the try checking it out if it fits the bill.




alt text http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/3125C47MR4L._SL500_AA180_.jpghttp://www.amazon.com/Operating-Systems-Design-Implementation-3rd/dp/0131429388


Pretty solid stuff.




The first thing I recommend is to narrow your thesis topic considerably. OSs are ubiquitous, well researched and developed. What novel idea do you hope to pursue?


That said, the AvrX is a very small microkernel that I've used professionally on AVR microcontrollers. It is written in assembly. One person started to port it to C, but hasn't finished the port. Either finalizing the port to C and/or making a C port to the AVR32 architecture would be valuable.




An OS shall not be tightly coupled to any processor so ARM or x86 doesn't matter. It will be a bigger topic, if we start discussing if ARM is embedded and x86 is not. Anyway, there are many many places in which x86 processors are used for embedded software development.


I guess most of the kernel code will be just plain C lanugage. There are many free OS that are already available, like for example, embedded linux, Free version of Itron, minix, etc ... It will be a daunting task.


But on the other hand, what you can try is, port embedded linux to platforms in which it is not yet working. This will be really useful to the world.




An RTOS is almost never architecture specific. Refer to any RTOS architecture available on the net and you will notice that a CPU/Hardware abstraction layer abstracts out the CPU. The board specific portions (that deal with peripherals such as com ports, timers etc.) are abstracted by a board support package.

RTOS几乎从不是特定于体系结构的。请参阅网络上提供的任何RTOS体系结构,您会注意到CPU /硬件抽象层将CPU抽象出来。电路板特定部分(处理外围设备,如com端口,定时器等)由电路板支持包抽象。

To begin with, get an understanding of how multi-threading works in a RTOS try implementing a simple context switch code for the CPU of your choice; this will involve code for creating a thread context, saving a context and restoring a saved context. This code will form the basis of your hardware abstraction layer. The initial development can easily be accomplished using a software simulator for the selected CPU.


I agree with the poster who suggested reading the book, uCOS-II by Jean Labrosse. Samples of context switch code, especially for x86, should be just a google search away!

我赞同海报建议阅读Jean Labrosse的书,即uCOS-II。上下文切换代码的​​示例,特别是对于x86,应该只是谷歌搜索!



Developing an (RT)OS is not a trivial task. It is very educational though. My advice to you is to start hardware independent. PC is a good starting point as it comes with plenty of I/O possibilities and good debugging. If you create a kind-of-virtual machine application, you can create something with simple platform capabilities (console output, some buttons/indicators are a good start). Also, you can use files for instance, to output timing (schedules) If you start on 'bare metal' you'll have to start from scratch. Debugging on a LED (on/off/blinking) is very hard and time consuming. My second advice is to define your scope early: is it the scheduler, the communication mechanisms or the file systems you're interested at... ? Doing all can easily end up in a life long project.

开发(RT)OS并非易事。虽然这很有教育意义。我给你的建议是独立启动硬件。 PC是一个很好的起点,因为它具有大量的I / O可能性和良好的调试。如果您创建了一种虚拟机应用程序,您可以创建具有简单平台功能的东西(控制台输出,一些按钮/指示器是一个良好的开端)。此外,您可以使用文件,例如,输出时间(日程安排)如果您从'裸机'开始,您将不得不从头开始。在LED上进行调试(开/关/闪烁)非常困难且耗时。我的第二个建议是尽早定义你的范围:它是调度程序,通信机制还是你感兴趣的文件系统......?做所有事情很容易就会结束一生。

Samek, Miro, Practical UML Statecharts in C/C++ contains some interesting sections on a microkernel. It's one of my favorite books. Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C: From USB to RTOS with the PIC 18F Series seems to cover some of your interests; I haven't read it yet though. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles may also bring good insights. It covers all aspects from scheduler to network stack. Good luck!

Samek,Miro,C / C ++中的实用UML状态图包含一些关于微内核的有趣部分。这是我最喜欢的书之一。 C语言中的高级PIC单片机项目:使用PIC 18F系列从USB到RTOS似乎涵盖了您的一些兴趣;我还没读过。操作系统:内部和设计原则也可能带来很好的见解。它涵盖了从调度程序到网络堆栈的所有方面。祝好运!



Seems like you should get a copy of Jean Labrosse's book MicroC/OS.

好像你应该得到Jean Labrosse的书MicroC / OS的副本。

It looks like he may have just updated it too.




This is a well documented book describing the inner workings of an RTOS written in C and ported to many embedded processors. You could also run it on a x86, and then cross compile to another processor.




Contiki might be a good thing to research. It's very small, runs on microcontrollers, and is open source. It has a heavy bias towards networking and communications, but perhaps you can skip those parts and focus on the kernel.




If you choose ARM, pick up a copy of the ARM System Developer's Guide (Sloss, Symes, Wright). Link to Amazon

如果选择ARM,请选择ARM System Developer's Guide(Sloss,Symes,Wright)的副本。链接到亚马逊

Chapter 11 discusses the implementation of a simple embedded operating system, with great explanations and sample code.




ARM and AVR are chalk and cheese - you've scoped this very wide!

ARM和AVR都是粉笔和奶酪 - 你的范围非常宽!

You could produce a very different and more sophisticated OS for ARM than AVR (unless you are talking about AVR32 perhaps - which is a completely different architecture?).


AVR would be far more constraining to the point that the task may be just to trivial for the scope of your thesis. Even specifying ARM does not narrow it down much; low-end ARM parts have small on-chip memories, no MMU and simple peripherals; higher end parts have an MMU, data/instruction caches, often a GPU, sometimes an FPU, hardware Java bytecode execution, and many other complex peripherals. The term 'ARM' covers ARM7, ARM9, ARM11, Cortex M3, Cortex M8, plus a number of architectures intended for use on ASICs and FPGAs - so you need to narrow it down a bit perhaps?

AVR将更加局限于这个任务可能只是为了论文的范围而微不足道。即使指定ARM也不会缩小范围;低端ARM器件具有小型片上存储器,无MMU和简单的外设;高端部件具有MMU,数据/指令缓存,通常是GPU,有时是FPU,硬件Java字节码执行以及许多其他复杂外设。术语“ARM”涵盖ARM7,ARM9,ARM11,Cortex M3,Cortex M8,以及许多旨在用于ASIC和FPGA的架构 - 因此您需要缩小它的范围吗?

If you choose ARM, take a look at these resources. Especially the Insider's Guides from Hitex, and the "Building bare-metal ARM with GNU", they will help you get your board 'up' and form starting point for your OS.

如果选择ARM,请查看这些资源。特别是来自Hitex的Insider's Guides,以及“使用GNU构建裸机ARM”,它们将帮助您“升级”并成为操作系统的起点。



Silly as it may sound, I was recently interested in the Arduino platform to learn some hacking tricks with the help of more experienced friends. There was also this thread for a guy interested in writing an OS for it (although not his primary intention).


I think the Arduino is very basic and straightforward as an educational tool for such endeavors. It may worth the try checking it out if it fits the bill.




alt text http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/3125C47MR4L._SL500_AA180_.jpghttp://www.amazon.com/Operating-Systems-Design-Implementation-3rd/dp/0131429388


Pretty solid stuff.




The first thing I recommend is to narrow your thesis topic considerably. OSs are ubiquitous, well researched and developed. What novel idea do you hope to pursue?


That said, the AvrX is a very small microkernel that I've used professionally on AVR microcontrollers. It is written in assembly. One person started to port it to C, but hasn't finished the port. Either finalizing the port to C and/or making a C port to the AVR32 architecture would be valuable.




An OS shall not be tightly coupled to any processor so ARM or x86 doesn't matter. It will be a bigger topic, if we start discussing if ARM is embedded and x86 is not. Anyway, there are many many places in which x86 processors are used for embedded software development.


I guess most of the kernel code will be just plain C lanugage. There are many free OS that are already available, like for example, embedded linux, Free version of Itron, minix, etc ... It will be a daunting task.


But on the other hand, what you can try is, port embedded linux to platforms in which it is not yet working. This will be really useful to the world.




An RTOS is almost never architecture specific. Refer to any RTOS architecture available on the net and you will notice that a CPU/Hardware abstraction layer abstracts out the CPU. The board specific portions (that deal with peripherals such as com ports, timers etc.) are abstracted by a board support package.

RTOS几乎从不是特定于体系结构的。请参阅网络上提供的任何RTOS体系结构,您会注意到CPU /硬件抽象层将CPU抽象出来。电路板特定部分(处理外围设备,如com端口,定时器等)由电路板支持包抽象。

To begin with, get an understanding of how multi-threading works in a RTOS try implementing a simple context switch code for the CPU of your choice; this will involve code for creating a thread context, saving a context and restoring a saved context. This code will form the basis of your hardware abstraction layer. The initial development can easily be accomplished using a software simulator for the selected CPU.


I agree with the poster who suggested reading the book, uCOS-II by Jean Labrosse. Samples of context switch code, especially for x86, should be just a google search away!

我赞同海报建议阅读Jean Labrosse的书,即uCOS-II。上下文切换代码的​​示例,特别是对于x86,应该只是谷歌搜索!