在本猫的Mac Mini上开发iOS app,发现当执行到播放音频的代码时,发生错误,log如下:
2015-10-05 07:22:17.122 LearnSpriteBuilder[10321:559370] 07:22:17.122 ERROR: 98: Error '!obj' trying to fetch default input device's sample rate
2015-10-05 07:22:17.122 LearnSpriteBuilder[10321:559370] 07:22:17.122 ERROR: 100: Error getting audio input device sample rate: '!obj'
于是到Stack Overflow搜索,发现2个比较靠谱的答案:
The error occurs because you are trying to get device's sample rate from simulator, which is not possible.
Because simulator is not a hardware. Its a software.
So some hardware functionality will not able to simulated with it.
It can not do the following:
Open Camera
Play sounds
Shake effect
And many more which required device hardware acceleration.
You need to test this in real device.
I was having this problem, the comment from @Matti Jokipii, helped me a lot.
You need to have a sound input enabled, so your Mac doesn't give you the null exception.
Go To System Preferences > Sound. And Check you have some input connected. If not, you will have to add a microfone, and re-rerun the app.
Ta说到系统设置的Sound中去看其中的Input栏中是否有设备,如果有那么可以播放,否则你必须添加一个输入设备才可播放.如果我没记错的话,MacAir是有输入设备的(可以录音),而Mac mini貌似没有.网上还有人说在mini上插个耳机就可以了,这应该是因为耳机上带有输入的话筒,不信可以到Input栏中看一下.但是没有输入话筒的耳机插上去也是不行的,我记得iPhone的耳机是带输入话筒的,而iPod shuffle耳机是没有的.