XiangBai——【AAAI2017】TextBoxes:A Fast Text Detector with a Single Deep Neural Network
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- 改进版的SSD用来解决文字检测问题
- Step 1: 图像输入到修改版SSD网络中 + 非极大值抑制(NMS)→ 输出候选检测结果
- Step 2: 候选检测结果 + CRNN进行单词识别 → 新的检测结果 + 识别结果
- 多尺度版本-定位:ICDAR2011-0.85(f),ICDAR2013-0.85(f),0.73s/per image
- 单尺度版本-定位:ICDAR2011-0.80(f),ICDAR2013-0.80(f),0.09s/per image
- default box的长宽比进行修改(长条形),使其更适合文字检测(单词)
- 作为classifier的卷积滤波器大小从3*3变成1*5,更适合文字检测
- SSD原来为多类检测问题,现在转为单类检测问题
- 从输入图像为单尺度变为多尺度
- 利用识别来调整检测的结果(text spotting)
- 把SSD进行修改,使其适用于文字检测(SSD本身对小目标识别不鲁棒)
- 提出一个端到端可训练的非常简洁的文字检测框架(SSD本身是single stage的,不像普通方法需要有多步骤组成)
- 提出一个完整的端到端识别的文字检测+识别框架
- 实验方法结果好,速度快
- 文字检测
- 文字/单词识别
- 端到端文字识别 = 文字 + 识别
- text spotting:和文字检测不同的是,可以利用带字典的文字识别进行调整检测结果,最终是用文字检测的结果进行评判
- SSD的网络结构
- SSD的default box
Fig. 1: SSD framework. (a) SSD only needs an input image and ground truth boxes for each object during training. In a convolutional fashion, we evaluate a small set (e.g. 4) of default boxes of different aspect ratios at each location in several feature maps with different scales (e.g. 8 × 8 and 4 × 4 in (b) and (c)). For each default box, we predict both the shape offsets and the confidences for all object categories ((c1; c2; · · · ; cp)). At training time, we first match these default boxes to the ground truth boxes. For example, we have matched two default boxes with the cat and one with the dog, which are treated as positives and the rest as negatives. The model loss is a weighted sum between localization loss (e.g. Smooth L1 [6]) and confidence loss (e.g. Softmax).
- CRNN的网络结构
- TextBoxes网络结构
- SSD 网络结构
Text-box layers的输出
default box长宽比
(右边图)Figure 2: Illustration of default boxes for a 4*4 grid. For better visualization, only a column of default boxes whose aspect ratios 1 and 5 are plotted. The rest of the aspect ratios are 2,3,7 and 10, which are placed similarly. The black (aspect ratio: 5) and blue (ar: 1) default boxes are centered in their cells. The green (ar: 5) and red (ar: 1) boxes have the same aspect ratios and a vertical offset(half of the height of the cell) to the grid center respectively
text spotting和端到端识别
- 原始的SSD是无法直接用在文字上的,需要进行许多修改才能达到比较好的效果,这一点作者在实验中也证明了
- 现在越来越多用Faster r-cnn,ssd,yolo,这类一般的目标检测方法进行修改后用在特定的目标检测上(例如文字,行人),这些方法不但速度快,而且鲁棒性也高,很重要一点,越来越倾向于端到端训练,这是因为single stage和传统的step-wise的方法相比有很多优势,例如,总体训练简单,没有stage衔接上的性能损耗,没有逐步的误差积累等等;
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