Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)

时间:2021-12-19 12:33:35

承接上一章,接着写Genetic Algorithm。

本章主要写排列表达(permutation representations)



  1. 问题描述
  2. 排列表达的变异算子
  3. 排列表达的重组算子
  4. 种群模型
  5. 父辈选择

1. 问题描述


  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)

  Encoding: 将所有的城市标上序号:1,2,...,n。比如n=4,那么排列可以为[1,2,3,4]或者[3,4,2,1]


  A non polynomial algorithm, where the computational effort taken is not described as a polynomial function of the problem size.  

2. 排列表达的变异算子(mutation operators for permutations)

  在这个问题中,常规的变异算子会导致一些无法执行的方案(inadmissible solutions)。比如说,将某一位上的值j变异为了k,那么就会导致去了两次城市k,而一次都没有去城市j。所以每次变异,必须同时变掉两个。

  2.1 插入式变异(Insert mutation for permutations)


  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)


  Note this preserves most of the order and the adjacency information

  2.2 交换式变异(swap mutation for permutations)


  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)


  Preserves most of adjacency information (4 links broken), disrupts order more

  2.3 倒置式变异(inversion mutation for permutations)


  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)


  preserves most adjacency information(only breaks two links) but disruptive of order information

  2.4 混乱式变异(scramble mutation for permutations)


  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)


3. 排列表达的重组算子(crossover operators for permutations)

  和变异算子一样,在这个问题中常规的重组算子也有可能造成题目的无解(inadmissible solutions)。


  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)


  3.1 地图式重组 partially mapped crossover (PMX)

  首先,在第一个父辈(P1)里随机选择两个重组的点(crossover points),把这两个点之间的基因拿出来,放到第一个后代的相应位置上去。

  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)

  接着,从上述的第一个重组的点开始,寻找第二个父辈(P2)在相应位置上还没有被copy的基因。比如说这里的第一个数字是P2中的8,对应于P1相应位置的是4,而4在P2里的位置在最后一个点,因此把8放到后代的最后一个点。第二个数字是P2中的2,对应于P1相应位置的是5,而5已经被copy到了第一个后代上去了,所以我们寻找与P2上5的位置相对应的 P1位置上的数字是7,接着看到7在P2上的位置是第三个,因此把2放到了第三个位置上。

  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)



  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)



Informal procedure for parents P1 and P2:

  1. Choose random segment and copy it from P1
  2. Starting from the first crossover point look for elements in that segment of P2 that have not been copied
  3. For each of these i look in the offspring to see what element j has been copied in its place from P1
  4. Place i into the position occupied j in P2, since we know that we will not be putting j there (as is already in offspring)
  5. If the place occupied by j in P2 has already been filled in the offspring k, put i in the position occupied by k in P2
  6. Having dealt with the elements from the crossover segment, the rest of the offspring can be filled from P2. Second child is created analogously


  3.2 顺序重组(order crossover)

  顺序重组算子(order crossover operator)是用来对付以顺序为基础的序列问题。


  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)



  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)


  3.3 循环重组(cycle crossover)


  Informal procedure:

  1. Make a cycle of alleles from P1 in the following way:

    (a) start with the first allele of P1.

    (b) look at the allele at the same position in P2.

    (c) go to the position with the same allele in P1.

    (d) add this allele to the cycle.

    (e) repeat step b through d until you arrive at the first allele of P1.


  2. Put the alleles of the cycle in the first child on the positions they have in the first parent.

  3. Take next cycle from second parent.



  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)

  3.4 边重组(edge crossover)

  Edge crossover is based on the idea that an offspring should be created as far as possible using only edges that are present in one or more parent.

  接着TSP的例子来说,比如现在有两个父辈,有两条路线,分别是[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]和[9 3 7 8 2 6 5 1 4]。首先构建一张表格,写出每一个城市以及和他相邻的城市(无论在P1还是P2中)。用"+"来表示这个城市同时在P1和P2中与目标城市相邻。

  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)

  接下来是边重组(edge crossover)的过程:

  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)


 In formal procedure once edge once table is constructed:

    1. Pick an initial element at random and put it in the offspring.

    2. Set the variable current element = entry

    3. Remove all references to current element from the table

    4. Example list for current element:

      • If there is a common edge, pick that to be next element.
      • Otherwise pick the entry in the list which itself has the shortest list
      • Ties are split at random

    5. In the case of reaching an empty list:

      • Examine the other end of the offspring is for extension
      • Otherwise a new element is chosen at random

  3.5 多父辈的重组(multiparent recombination)





  Three main types:

  • Based on allele frequencies, e.g., p-sexual voting generalising uniform crossover
  • Based on segmentation and recombination of the parents, e.g., diagonal crossover generalising n-point crossover
  • Based on numerical operations on real-valued alleles, e.g., center of mass crossover, generalising arithmetic recombination operators

4. 种群模型(population models)

  4.1 一代模型(generational model)

  SGA(simple genetic algorithm)就是使用了“一代模型”(generational model):

  • 每一个个体仅仅存活一代
  • 整个父代一代会被后代全部替代掉


In each generation we begin with a population of size μ, from which a mating pool of μ parents is selected. Next, λ(=μ) offspring are created from the mating pool by the application of variation operators, and evaluated. After each generation, the whole population is replaced by its offspring, which is called the "next generation".

  4.2 稳定状态模型(steady-state model)

  • 每一代只产生一个后代
  • 产生后种群中的一个成员会被替换掉


In the steady-state model, the entire population is not changed at once, but rather a part of it. In this case, λ(<μ) old individuals are replaced by λ new ones, the offspring. The percentage of the population that is replaced is called the generational gap, and is equal to λ/μ。

The steady-state model has been widely studied and applied, usually with λ=1 and a corresponding generation gap of 1/μ。

5. 父代选择(parent selection)

  下面的几种选择方式,是用来确定一个概率的分布,这个概率的分布是用来决定种群中每一个个体(mating pool中的个体)被选择进行繁殖的概率。

  5.1 适应-比例选择(fitness-proportionate selection, FPS)

  在上一章"简单基因算法"(SGA)的例子f(x) = x^2中有提到,这种选择的概率是:

  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)



  • 过早的收敛(premature convergence) :一些杰出的个体会过早地占领整个种群。
  • 当种群中的个体都非常接近的时候,会导致缺乏选择的压力(no selection pressure)。当开始收敛,并且坏的个体被淘汰掉的时候,这个种群的进化将会非常的缓慢。
  • Highly susceptible to function transposition: The mechanism behaves differently on transposed versions of the same fitness function.原方程稍微变一下,就会对这个机制造成很大影响。



  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)

  It shows the changes in selection probabilities for three points that arise when a random fitness function y = f(x) is transposed by adding 10.0 to all fitness values. As can be seen the selective advantage of the fittest point (B) is reduced.  


  • Windowing:在这个方法中,通过减去一个f(x)中的值,适应度之间的差别将会被保留。最简单的方式就是减去种群中适应度最差的那个值。另一个选择是减去最后几代种群中的平均值。β is worst fitness in this (last n) generations.

    Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)

  • Sigma scaling:另一个非常著名的方法是Goldberg's提出的sigma scaling

    f’(i) = max( f(i) – (〈 f 〉 - c • σf ), 0.0)

    where c is a constant, usually 2.0

  5.2 排序选择(ranking selection)

  排序选择(ranking selection)可以弥补 适应-比例选择(fitness-proportionate selection, FPS)的一些缺陷。

  依据适应度,ranking selection对种群中的个体进行排序,接着根据这个排序来决定这些个体被选择的概率。这里和适应-比例选择(FPS)的区别在于,FPS是根据这些个体的适应度多少来决定被选择的概率的(selection probabilities),而ranking selection则是根据刚刚的排序来决定被选择的概率的,这样可以保持一个连续性的选择压力(a constant selection pressure)。从rank number到选择概率的转变是很随意的,它可以通过几种不同的方式进行,比如线性地或者以指数方式地减少,当然整个总群的选择概率之和是一定保持不变的。


  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)

  公式中有一个参数s,通常取值在(1.0,2.0]之间。在GA(gennetic algorithm)问题中通常μ = λ。参数i表示rank的值。


  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)

  这个例子展示了FPS和LRS,以及在s取不同值情况下的LRS。(fitness-proportionate selection,linear ranking selection)

  除了上面的linear ranking scheme,再介绍一种exponential ranking scheme

  When a linear mapping is used from rank to selection probabilities, the amount of selection pressure that can be applied is limited. This arises from the assumption that, on average, an individual of median fitness should have one chance to be reproduced, which in turn imposes a maximum value of s = 2.0. If a higher selection pressure is required, ie, more emphasis on selecting individuals of above-average fitness, an exponential ranking scheme is often used, of the form:

  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)

  The normalisation factor c is chosen so that the sum of the probabilities is unity, ie, it is a function of the population size.

  5.3 轮盘赌选择法(roulette wheel)

  一个最简单的取样方式是轮盘赌(roulette wheel)。对轮盘赌的详尽描述可见:http://www.cnblogs.com/adelaide/articles/5679475.html


Assuming some order over the population(ranking or random) from 1 to μ, we calculate a list of values [a1,a2,....,aμ] such that Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2),where Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2) is defined by the selection distribution —— fitness proportionate or ranking.

  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)

  5.4 随机遍历取样法(stochastic universal sampling algorithm, SUS)

  除了轮盘赌(roulette wheel),另一个放假叫做随机遍历取样(stochastic universal sampling algorithm)


  Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)


  5.5 锦标赛选择法(tournament selection)


Evolutionary Computing: 3. Genetic Algorithm(2)

锦标赛选择法(tournament selection)适用于以下情况:

  • the population size is very large
  • The population is distributed in some way(perhaps on a parallel system), obtaining this knowledge is either highly time consuming or at worst impossible.

锦标赛选择法(tournament selection)具有以下特点:

  • does not require any global knowledge of the population
  • relies on an ordering relation that can rank any two individuals
  • conceptually simple and fast to implement and apply


  • 在种群中的排序。Its rank in the population: effectively this is estimated without the need for sorting the whole population.
  • 锦标赛的大小。The tournament size. The larger the tournament, the more chance that it will contain members of above-average fitness, and the less that it will consist entirely of low-fitness members.
  • The probability p that the most fit member of the tournament is selected. Usually this is 1.0 (deterministic tournaments), but stochastic versions are also used with p<1.0. Clearly in this case there is lower selection pressure.
  • Whether individuals are chosen with or without replacement. In the second case, with deterministic tournaments, the k-1 least-fit members of the population can never be selected, whereas if the tournament candidates are picked with replacement, it is always possible for even the least-fit member of the population to be selected as a result of a lucky draw.

在所有选择方法中,锦标赛选择法是GA算法中被运用得最广泛的算法。due to its simplicity and the fact that the selection pressure is easy to control by varying the tournament size K.

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