
时间:2022-03-27 12:17:29

As I am trying to grep a pattern from a file and then need to store in a variable using batch script. Below code i am using but its not working as expected:


for /f %%A in (grep "USI" %1/%CNID%.log | awk '{print substr($17,5,9)}') do set "var=%%A"

1 个解决方案


Changed quotes and removed the non needed grep command


for /f "delims=" %%A in ('
    awk "/USI/{print substr($17,5,9)}" "%1\%CNID%.log"
') do set "var=%%A"

Or, in cases where the grep is really necessary, you will need to also escape the pipe


for /f "delims=" %%A in ('
    grep "USI" "%1\%CNID%.log" 
    ^| awk "{print substr($17,5,9)}"
') do set "var=%%A"


Changed quotes and removed the non needed grep command


for /f "delims=" %%A in ('
    awk "/USI/{print substr($17,5,9)}" "%1\%CNID%.log"
') do set "var=%%A"

Or, in cases where the grep is really necessary, you will need to also escape the pipe


for /f "delims=" %%A in ('
    grep "USI" "%1\%CNID%.log" 
    ^| awk "{print substr($17,5,9)}"
') do set "var=%%A"