时间:2022-07-28 19:24:47
Plugin loading

Another significant porting burden, in plugin-heavy systems at least is that the user code required for plugin loading has changed. The moc tool is now responsible for generating plugin metadata, so rather than a preprocessor macro in a C++ file (Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2), as in Qt 4, in Qt 5 a new macro must be used in the header file, where moc can see it.
The process is described by Lars, and is relatively straightforward. Where it becomes difficult though is in cases where the Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2 macro is wrapped with another macro, as done in KDE in K_EXPORT_PLUGIN.
Such a wrapping of the new macro would not be possible with Qt 5 because mocwould not parse any wrapper (mocdoes not do full preprocessing).

意思就是:Qt5的插件系统发生了变化,Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2被淘汰,“a new macro” 诞生了。接下来的工作,就是找出这个 new macro。

The problem is this line:

This is a Qt 4 feature, so you would need to either remove it, or put behind a version checking macro as follows:


For completeness, it seems you do not specify the meta data for the plugin. You would need to add that either unconditionally or conditionally with a version checking macro if you wish to support both Qt 4 and Qt 5 as follows:

class PluginTest:public QObject,public Interface

    #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0)
        Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "your-string-here" FILE "file-here-but-can-be-empty") 

