
时间:2021-09-23 10:55:16

We are running Jira on a 4 way 32 bit RHEL box with 4 GB RAM with no problems so far. However we anticipate an increase in the number of users and would like to know the maximum no. of simultaneous requests that a Tomcat-Jira server can handle. (The Jira application is deployed on a standalone tomcat server that runs nothing else, so even Tomcat only statistics would help).

我们在一个带4 GB RAM的4路32位RHEL盒子上运行Jira,到目前为止没有任何问题。但是,我们预计用户数量会增加,并希望了解最大数量。 Tomcat-Jira服务器可以处理的同时请求。 (Jira应用程序部署在独立运行的tomcat服务器上,因此即使只有Tomcat统计数据也会有帮助)。

Currently we average around 6000 hits a day. Does anyone have any statistics from their setups for a comparison?


3 个解决方案


As a consultant and Atlassian partner, I see many different JIRA installations. Most have 10K issues, some have 200K issues or more. It's rarely the hits/day that are the limit. Usually you'll find your database config is the culprit or sometimes the number of users managed by JIRA - over 8K users with JIRA 3.13.x can get slow.

作为顾问和Atlassian合作伙伴,我看到许多不同的JIRA安装。大多数都有10K问题,有些问题有200K或更多。很少是点击/天是极限。通常你会发现你的数据库配置是罪魁祸首,有时是JIRA管理的用户数量 - 超过8K用户使用JIRA 3.13.x可能会变慢。



The main thing you should be looking at is the HTTP Connector definition in JIRA's conf/server.xml file. Our JIRA (which I think uses the defaults) shows the config as:

您应该关注的主要内容是JIRA的conf / server.xml文件中的HTTP Connector定义。我们的JIRA(我认为使用默认值)将配置显示为:

<Connector port="8080"
  maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75" useBodyEncodingForURI="true"
  enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100" connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />

The thread values are the ones to consider, they define how many concurrent users the server can sustain. A maxThread value of 150 means a hard limit of 150 users at the same time.

线程值是要考虑的值,它们定义服务器可以维持多少并发用户。 maxThread值为150表示同时有150个用户的硬限制。

If you're currently seeing 6000 hits a day, you're going to have to increase that by several orders of magnitude before hitting the limits of the default settings.



What you should do is setup a stress test. Every application is different and so you need to find where the issues are with your setup. You can use JMeter, a custom application, Selenium, or a number of other options to put your server under load. Grow the number of users slowly adding a few every 5 minutes. You will start seeing problems and can address them as they are hit. Repeat this until you have reached the number of concurrent users, hits per minute, or whatever other metric is important to you.



As a consultant and Atlassian partner, I see many different JIRA installations. Most have 10K issues, some have 200K issues or more. It's rarely the hits/day that are the limit. Usually you'll find your database config is the culprit or sometimes the number of users managed by JIRA - over 8K users with JIRA 3.13.x can get slow.

作为顾问和Atlassian合作伙伴,我看到许多不同的JIRA安装。大多数都有10K问题,有些问题有200K或更多。很少是点击/天是极限。通常你会发现你的数据库配置是罪魁祸首,有时是JIRA管理的用户数量 - 超过8K用户使用JIRA 3.13.x可能会变慢。



The main thing you should be looking at is the HTTP Connector definition in JIRA's conf/server.xml file. Our JIRA (which I think uses the defaults) shows the config as:

您应该关注的主要内容是JIRA的conf / server.xml文件中的HTTP Connector定义。我们的JIRA(我认为使用默认值)将配置显示为:

<Connector port="8080"
  maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75" useBodyEncodingForURI="true"
  enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100" connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />

The thread values are the ones to consider, they define how many concurrent users the server can sustain. A maxThread value of 150 means a hard limit of 150 users at the same time.

线程值是要考虑的值,它们定义服务器可以维持多少并发用户。 maxThread值为150表示同时有150个用户的硬限制。

If you're currently seeing 6000 hits a day, you're going to have to increase that by several orders of magnitude before hitting the limits of the default settings.



What you should do is setup a stress test. Every application is different and so you need to find where the issues are with your setup. You can use JMeter, a custom application, Selenium, or a number of other options to put your server under load. Grow the number of users slowly adding a few every 5 minutes. You will start seeing problems and can address them as they are hit. Repeat this until you have reached the number of concurrent users, hits per minute, or whatever other metric is important to you.
