
时间:2021-10-01 10:35:22

I am on the completing stages of my application and have just added the InstallShield project ready to create an Installer to distribute the application, however I have one drawback:


For my SQL Connection to a database, I have currently been using Application Settings and using an AppConnectingString with the value as the Connection String. Yet, obviously if distributed to another company who will have a different connection to their database, it will need changing/configuring.


Is there a way to dynamically edit my application settings when a client installs my application, so that they can change the Connection String, and if so, how is it done?


1 个解决方案



I was able to accomplish something similar using the "Text File Changes" section found in the "System Configuration" area in InstallShield installation Designer.


Since your application setting is found in the app.config file, you can set up the text file changes to look for a specific string such as "MyServer" and replace it with whatever the user selects at install time for their sql server. (You will need a sql connection entry under "SQL Scripts" for the user to see the sql server connection dialog at install time).

由于您的应用程序设置位于app.config文件中,因此您可以设置文本文件更改以查找特定字符串(如“MyServer”),并将其替换为用户在安装时为其SQL Server选择的任何内容。 (您将需要“SQL Scripts”下的sql连接条目,以便用户在安装时查看sql server连接对话框)。

This question is 3 months old at the time of this answer; maybe it will help someone else with this same issue...




I was able to accomplish something similar using the "Text File Changes" section found in the "System Configuration" area in InstallShield installation Designer.


Since your application setting is found in the app.config file, you can set up the text file changes to look for a specific string such as "MyServer" and replace it with whatever the user selects at install time for their sql server. (You will need a sql connection entry under "SQL Scripts" for the user to see the sql server connection dialog at install time).

由于您的应用程序设置位于app.config文件中,因此您可以设置文本文件更改以查找特定字符串(如“MyServer”),并将其替换为用户在安装时为其SQL Server选择的任何内容。 (您将需要“SQL Scripts”下的sql连接条目,以便用户在安装时查看sql server连接对话框)。

This question is 3 months old at the time of this answer; maybe it will help someone else with this same issue...
