![Jakarta Commons Cookbook Jakarta Commons Cookbook](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cDovL2Jic21heC5pa2FmYW4uY29tL3N0YXRpYy9MM0J5YjNoNUwyaDBkSEJ6TDJsdFlXZGxjekF1WTI1aWJHOW5jeTVqYjIwdllteHZaeTgzTVRnd09ESXZNakF4TlRBMEx6STNNVEl3TlRRMk5UWTROelF3Tmk1d2JtYz0uanBn.jpg?w=700&webp=1)
- Core:BeanUtils,Lang,Collections,logging
- Db:DbUtils,DBCP,Pool
- IO: IO,
- XML vs Bean:betwixt,Digester,JXPath,Jelly
- 模版:EL, JEXL
- 通用:Codec,Id
- Web:FileUpload,httpClient
- 文件系统:VFS
- abbreviate 缩写
- IsEmpty/IsBlank - checks if a String contains text
- Trim/Strip - removes leading and trailing whitespace,strip提供了丰富的截除部分字符串的功能
- Equals - compares two strings null-safe
- startsWith - check if a String starts with a prefix null-safe
- endsWith - check if a String ends with a suffix null-safe
- IndexOf/LastIndexOf/Contains - null-safe index-of checks
- IndexOfAny/LastIndexOfAny/IndexOfAnyBut/LastIndexOfAnyBut - index-of any of a set of Strings
- ContainsOnly/ContainsNone/ContainsAny - does String contains only/none/any of these characters
- Substring/Left/Right/Mid - null-safe substring extractions
- SubstringBefore/SubstringAfter/SubstringBetween - substring extraction relative to other strings
- Split/Join - splits a String into an array of substrings and vice versa
- repeat 克隆字符
- Remove/Delete - removes part of a String
- Replace/Overlay - Searches a String and replaces one String with another
- Chomp/Chop - removes the last part of a String
- LeftPad/RightPad/Center/Repeat - pads a String
- UpperCase/LowerCase/SwapCase/Capitalize/Uncapitalize - changes the case of a String
- CountMatches - counts the number of occurrences of one String in another
- IsAlpha/IsNumeric/IsWhitespace/IsAsciiPrintable - checks the characters in a String
- DefaultString - protects against a null input String
- Reverse/ReverseDelimited - reverses a String
- Abbreviate - abbreviates a string using ellipsis
- Difference/indexOfDifference - compares Strings and reports on their differences
- LevenshteinDistance - the number of changes needed to change one String into another
- 中提供了获取bean中普通元素,bean元素,list元素,Map元素的值方法,分别是getSimpleProperty(bean,"name"),getNestedProperty(bean,"ext.balance"),getIndexedProperty(bean,"list[1]"),getMappedProperty(bean,"map(key)"),也可以直接调用getProperty(bean,"ext.list[0].map(key)")组合的形式,被解析的时候根据具体形式再调用上面的具体方法,相应的set方法使用,尤其是JEXL的描述用法很方便
- isReadable/isWritable(bean,"name")可以查看此属性是否可读/可写
- describe方法返回所有get方法可访问的bean元素到一个Map中,key为属性名。BeanMap类通过传入一个bean构造一个map,在此map上用map的基本方法直接操作bean,酷啊。
- MultiKeyMap:多个key共同作用才能对应到一个value
- MultiValueMap:一个key可以对应多个value,get(key)时返回的是一个ArrayList实例
- BidiMap可以通过value来反找key,这个时候key-value都是一一对应的,put的时候如果key不同而value,则后put的key会替换相同value对应的已经存在的key。
CaseInsensitiveMap 对key大小写敏感的Map,即大小写不同但是内容相同的key会被认为是同一个key
- countMatches(collection,predicate)计算符合predicate的collection中的元素的个数
- cardinality(ele,collection)计算ele在collection出现的次数
- getCardinalityMap(collection)得到一个map,key为collection中的元素,value为每个元素出现的次数
- union,intersection,disjunction,subtract可以实现两个iterable对象的并集,交集,非交集,不包括集
LazyMap.lazyMap(map,factory) 可以将一个普通的map转化成lazymap,即当get的时候如果map里没有对应的key,则会调用factory里面一次生成value放到map中。
transformedMap(Map, Transformer, Transformer)
transformedSortedMap(SortedMap, Transformer, Transformer)
multiValueMap( Map )
multiValueMap( Map, Class )
multiValueMap( Map, Factory )
digester.setValidating( false );
//当遇见 catalog 元素的时候,产生一个Catalog对象
digester.addObjectCreate( "catalog", Catalog.class );
//当遇见 catalog 元素下面的book的时候,产生一个Book对象
digester.addObjectCreate( "catalog/book", Book.class );
// 当遇见 catalog 元素下面的book的author时候,调用author属性的Set方法
digester.addBeanPropertySetter( "catalog/book/author", "author" );
digester.addBeanPropertySetter( "catalog/book/title", "title" );
//当再一次遇见 catalog 元素下面的book的时候,调用catalog类的addBook()方法
digester.addSetNext( "catalog/book", "addBook" );
Commons CLI supports different types of options:
- POSIX like options (ie. tar -zxvf foo.tar.gz)
- GNU like long options (ie. du --human-readable --max-depth=1)
- Java like properties (ie. java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djava.net.useSystemProxies=true Foo)
- Short options with value attached (ie. gcc -O2 foo.c)
- long options with single hyphen (ie. ant -projecthelp)
- Properties files
- XML documents
- Windows INI files
- Property list files (plist)
- JDBC Datasource
- System properties
- Applet parameters
- Servlet parameters
- Utility classes - with static methods to perform common tasks
- Input - useful Input Stream and Reader implementations
- Output - useful Output Stream and Writer implementations
- Filters - various implementations of file filters
- Comparators - various implementations of java.util.Comparator for files
- File Monitor - a component for monitoring file system events
- closeQuietly - these methods close a stream ignoring nulls and exceptions
- toXxx/read - these methods read data from a stream
- write - these methods write data to a stream
- copy/copyLarge - these methods copy all the data from one stream to another,copy默认buffer是4k
- contentEquals - these methods compare the content of two streams
- writing to a file
- reading from a file
- make a directory including parent directories
- copying files and directories
- deleting files and directories
- converting to and from a URL
- listing files and directories by filter and extension
- comparing file content
- file last changed date
- calculating a checksum
- byteCountToDisplaySize显示human-readable size
- copyFile/Directory/ 复制文件或目录
- copy[url,inputstream]ToFile 复制url链接内容或输入流到文件
- move/deleteDirectory
- touch文件
The blocking I/O model may be more appropriate for data intensive, low latency scenarios, whereas the non-blocking model may be more appropriate for high latency scenarios where raw data throughput is less important than the ability to handle thousands of simultaneous HTTP connections in a resource efficient manner.
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