I have a function inside of a view function inside of a model class in the model.php file that looks like this
function sqlToUnix($date){
$YMDThenHMS = explode(" ", $date);
$YMD = explode("-", $YMDThenHMS[0]);
$HMS = explode(":", $YMDThenHMS[1]);
$UnixTime = mktime($HMS[0], $HMS[1], $HMS[2], $YMD[1], $YMD[2], $YMD[0]);
return $UnixTime;
The problem is, when it returns $UnixTime, The return value is usable inside the model controller specific view function but it won't render my view (stops script propogation)
问题是,当它返回$ UnixTime时,返回值可在模型控制器特定的视图函数中使用,但它不会呈现我的视图(停止脚本传播)
Is there a place where I can build functions like this up for use ANYWHERE in ANY Controller?
Such as the function time() built into PHP itself, I want to be able to use sqlToUnix anywhere
5 个解决方案
If you want to call this function from anywhere, i.e. in models, controllers, views, behaviors, components and helpers, you can put it in your app/config/bootstrap.php file. That's what it's for. Once the it's available globally simply as sqlToUnix();
如果要从任何地方(即模型,控制器,视图,行为,组件和帮助程序)调用此函数,可以将其放在app / config / bootstrap.php文件中。这就是它的用途。一旦它全局可用,就像sqlToUnix();
For your specific function, are you sure there are no builtin functions which return your UnixTime format?
Is there a place where I can build functions like this up for use ANYWHERE in ANY Controller?
class MyHelpers
public static function sqlToUnix($SQLDate)
// code
return $result;
// call me this way, anywhere:
$result = MyHelpers::sqlToUnix($SQLDate);
You can write a function is bootstrap.php (although you'd do better to include another PHP file from bootstrap.php instead).
I normally have any extra functions or configuration in a file within the /app/config directory and include it with in my bootstrap.php file:
我通常在/ app / config目录下的文件中有任何额外的功能或配置,并在我的bootstrap.php文件中包含它:
The function will then be available throughout your CakePHP app.
Aside from that, does strtotime($sqlDate); not convert a SQL time to a unix timestamp?
除此之外,strtotime($ sqlDate);不将SQL时间转换为unix时间戳?
You can access this function via your controller and pass it into the view:
//inside a controller action
$TIMESTAMP = $this->Model->sql2unix($this->Model->getTimestamp());
// or does this even do not work?
otherwise you can create a component
//inside the component // inside of a component method
$MODEL = loadModel('ModelName');
$return = $MODEL->sql2unix($MODEL->getTimestamp());
return $return;
It is nearly "not important" where to place your code, you just have to follow cakephp's folder/class/helper/method/component structure. Read the manual part about components or helpers and you'll understand everything instantly.
放置代码几乎“不重要”,你只需要遵循cakephp的文件夹/ class / helper / method / component结构。阅读有关组件或帮助程序的手册部分,您将立即了解所有内容。
I was able to fix the problem by storing the function in the appController.php and called the function when need be using
Sorry about asking the question but I just remembered the appController when I posted this ><
很抱歉提出这个问题,但是当我发布这个> <时,我只记得appcontroller< p>
If you want to call this function from anywhere, i.e. in models, controllers, views, behaviors, components and helpers, you can put it in your app/config/bootstrap.php file. That's what it's for. Once the it's available globally simply as sqlToUnix();
如果要从任何地方(即模型,控制器,视图,行为,组件和帮助程序)调用此函数,可以将其放在app / config / bootstrap.php文件中。这就是它的用途。一旦它全局可用,就像sqlToUnix();
For your specific function, are you sure there are no builtin functions which return your UnixTime format?
Is there a place where I can build functions like this up for use ANYWHERE in ANY Controller?
class MyHelpers
public static function sqlToUnix($SQLDate)
// code
return $result;
// call me this way, anywhere:
$result = MyHelpers::sqlToUnix($SQLDate);
You can write a function is bootstrap.php (although you'd do better to include another PHP file from bootstrap.php instead).
I normally have any extra functions or configuration in a file within the /app/config directory and include it with in my bootstrap.php file:
我通常在/ app / config目录下的文件中有任何额外的功能或配置,并在我的bootstrap.php文件中包含它:
The function will then be available throughout your CakePHP app.
Aside from that, does strtotime($sqlDate); not convert a SQL time to a unix timestamp?
除此之外,strtotime($ sqlDate);不将SQL时间转换为unix时间戳?
You can access this function via your controller and pass it into the view:
//inside a controller action
$TIMESTAMP = $this->Model->sql2unix($this->Model->getTimestamp());
// or does this even do not work?
otherwise you can create a component
//inside the component // inside of a component method
$MODEL = loadModel('ModelName');
$return = $MODEL->sql2unix($MODEL->getTimestamp());
return $return;
It is nearly "not important" where to place your code, you just have to follow cakephp's folder/class/helper/method/component structure. Read the manual part about components or helpers and you'll understand everything instantly.
放置代码几乎“不重要”,你只需要遵循cakephp的文件夹/ class / helper / method / component结构。阅读有关组件或帮助程序的手册部分,您将立即了解所有内容。
I was able to fix the problem by storing the function in the appController.php and called the function when need be using
Sorry about asking the question but I just remembered the appController when I posted this ><
很抱歉提出这个问题,但是当我发布这个> <时,我只记得appcontroller< p>