If TransactionScope will close database connections

时间:2023-03-09 09:48:47
If TransactionScope will close database connections

Do TransactionScope work with closed database connections?

using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))
// creates a new connection, does stuff, commit trans and close
repos1.DoSomething(); // creates a new connection, does stuff, commit trans and close
repos2.DoSomething(); transaction.Complete();

Yes, that should work fine. Internally, the connections should be kept open until the transaction completes. Keep in mind that DTC may be required if multiple connections are used though, even if they are to the same database.

意思就是说在TransactionScope范围中的repos1.DoSomething中创建的DbConnection,并不会在repos1.DoSomething中因为调用了DbConnection.Close而真正关闭,ADO.NET会在repos2.DoSomething里创建并开启另一个DbConnection时,重用repos1.DoSomething创建的DbConnection,在整个TransactionScope范围结束(即using代码块结束)后,ADO.NET才会从底层真正关闭repos1.DoSomething中的DbConnection,这一切都是由ADO.NET 内部管理的。

using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))
// creates a new connection, does stuff, commit trans and close
repos1.DoSomething(); // creates a new connection, does stuff, commit trans and close
repos2.DoSomething(); transaction.Complete();
