yum -y install lshw
yum -y install hwinfo
function cpu_cores() {
hwinfo --cpu | grep -c "Hardware Class: cpu"
function disk() {
# XXX: This is returning only the first disk discovered, which is very likely to be insufficient on machines that present us with multiple disks
# XXX: This is likely reporting in TB, but the units are not guaranteed. Maybe convert to bytes?
lshw -C disk | grep size | awk -F'(' '{ print $2 }' | tr -d ')' | head -1
lshw -C disk看到的具体内容如下:
[root@64ef4b1c9859459da8f0387fc880b590 home]# lshw -C disk
description: SCSI Disk
product: ServeRAID M5210
vendor: IBM
physical id: 2.0.0
bus info: scsi@0:2.0.0
logical name: /dev/sda
version: 4.62
serial: 00643eae284ef5a51f3023ed0bb00506
size: 557GiB (598GB)
capabilities: partitioned partitioned:dos
configuration: ansiversion=5 logicalsectorsize=512 sectorsize=512 signature=0009c5fd
description: DVD-RAM writer
product: DVD-RW DU8A6SH
vendor: PLDS
physical id: 0.0.0
bus info: scsi@1:0.0.0
logical name: /dev/cdrom
logical name: /dev/sr0
version: DL64
capabilities: removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd dvd-r dvd-ram
configuration: ansiversion=5 status=nodisc
function ram() {
# XXX: /proc may not be the best place to get this from, but hwinfo reports weird values (e.g. "1GB + 512MB" on a test VM of mine)
_KB=$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{ print $2 }')
echo "$((_KB * 1024)) bytes"
ironic node show $NODE_ID
RAM information: total (total size in bytes), physical_mb
(physically installed memory size in MiB, optional).
Note The difference is that the latter includes the memory region reserved by
the kernel and is always slightly bigger. It also matches what the Nova
flavor would contain for this node and thus is used by the inspection
process instead of total.
翻译过来就是我们最终看到的内存是kernel预留的 + /proc/meminfo看到的。
reserve_memory可以通过dmesg |grep reserve来查看,具体如下:
[ 0.000000] Memory: 228249932k/236978176k available (6449k kernel code, 2680172k absent, 6048072k reserved, 4273k data, 1624k init)
raw disk
function raw_network() {
hwinfo --network
raw network
function raw_network() {
hwinfo --network
pxe mac
function pxe_mac() {
local bootif_re='BOOTIF=([^ ]+)' _mac
if [[ $(cat /proc/cmdline) =~ $bootif_re ]]; then
# If we were booted using pxelinux and its config file has the
# IPAPPEND 2 stanza under the entry we booted from, then pxelinux
# will have appended a BOOTIF argument to the kernel parameters telling
# us what MAC address we are booting with. From that, we can derive the
# boot interface with no problems.
elif [[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ]] && which efibootmgr &>/dev/null; then
# Likewise, if we booted via the network while running in UEFI mode, and
# efibootmgr is installed, we can determine the MAC address of the nic we
# booted from. It would be good to have code that can also do this using
# efivars or parsing the stuff under /sys/firmware/efi/efivars directly,
# but that is a trickier thing to do.
local -A boot_entries
local bootent_re='^Boot([0-9]{4})'
local efimac_re='MAC\(([0-9a-f]+)'
local k v current_bootent
while read line; do
k="${line%% *}"
v="${line#* }"
if [[ $k = BootCurrent:* ]]; then
current_bootent="${line##BootCurrent: }"
elif [[ $k =~ $bootent_re ]]; then
done < <(efibootmgr -v)
if [[ ${boot_entries["$current_bootent"]} =~ $efimac_re ]]; then
for o in 0 2 4 6 8 10; do
if [[ ! $_mac ]]; then
# If none of the exact methods worked, fall back on the heuristic
# method and just return the mac addresses of all the interfaces
# that have a link. Hopefully whatever consumes this info is smarter
# than we are.
local _info1 _info2 _dev
_info1=$(hwinfo --network|grep -B2 "Link detected: yes"|grep -C1 "HW Address:")
_info2=$(echo "${_info1}"|awk '/Device File: (vlan*|br*)/{for(x=NR-2;x<=NR+2;x++)d[x];}{a[NR]=$0}END{for(i=1;i<=NR;i++)if(!(i in d))print a[i]}')
_dev=$(echo "${_info1}" | grep "Device File:"|awk -F':' {'print $2'}|tr -d ' ')
_mac=$(echo "${_info2}" | grep "HW Address:"|awk -F'ss:' {'print $2'}|tr -d ' ')
echo $_mac