[ES6] Array -- Destructuring and Rest Parameters && for ..of && Arrat.find()

时间:2022-03-14 09:02:55

We can use the destructing and rest parameters at the same time when dealing with Array opration.

Example 1:

let [first, ...remainingUsers] = ["Sam", "Tyler", "*"];
addActiveUsers(first, remainingUsers); // "Sam", ["Tyler", "*"]

Example 2:

function buildTopicInfo(topic){
let title = `<h1>${topic.title}</h1>`;
let author = `<small>${topic.author}<small>`; return [title, author];
} let topic = getCurrentTopic();
let [topicTitle, topicAuthor] = buildTopicInfo(topic);

Example 4:

let topicId = currentTopic();
let activeUsers = ["Sam", "Tyler", "*"]; for( let user of activeUsers ){
notifyTopicReply(topicId, user);
  • for...of can only apply on the intereable object, like array, but not object
  • [ES6] Array -- Destructuring and Rest Parameters && for ..of && Arrat.find()

Example 5:

This code will report an type error, because for ... of can not be used for object.

let topicInfo = {
title: "New Features in JS",
replies: 19,
lastReplyFrom: "Tyler"
}; for(let [k, v] of topicInfo){
console.log(`${k} - ${v}`);

Example 6: Array.find()

let recentTopics = [
title: "Semi-colons: Good or Bad?",
isLocked: true
title: "New JavaScript Framework Released",
isLocked: true
title: "ES2015 - The Shape of JavaScript to Come",
isLocked: false
]; recentTopics.find( (topic)=> !topic.isLocked)

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