I want to setup an application, where a single trigger-factor (compare-match of a timer) shall request mutliple DMA streams (I.e. set new timer-value and send data to SPI)
Is this possible with the STM32F2x µC or have you got an idea for a µC with the following properties:
- compare-match free running uint16 timer
- ~8 DMA channels
- SPI HW unit (best would be with 9 chipselects, but these could be simulated via further DMA channels.
- clock-frequency >= 80MHz
- <=64 pins (I want to set my own layout and >64 is expected to be to complicate
- ~128kB RAM
- ~256kB ROM
I'm not sure if I understand what you're asking here, but a single timer channel can be used to trigger two different DMA streams.
See Table 22 in Section 9.3.3 of the manual:
for instance, TIM2_CH4 can be used to trigger both stream 6 and stream 7.
Also, you can configure a timer to be a slave to a second timer,
which I believe could be used to make them fire simultaneously,
and then you could use the two different timers as a trigger to the DMA peripheral.
Sorry if I'm unable to elaborate further, as I'm more familiar with the STM32F1xx series
which doesn't have the concept of streams, only channels.
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