Get pod ip and their coordinating NODE
$ kubectl get pods -o wide
If you want to get detailed information about pod, nodes, then you should set output as yaml
$ kubectl get pods -o json
Show labels about pods under all namespace:
$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --show-labels
Dump kubernets cluster infomation
$ kubectl cluster-info dump
Run commands in a pod
$ kubectl exec test-pod -- ls -alh
Attach to a process that is already running inside an existing container.
$ kubectl attach POD -c CONTAINER [options]
Sends stdin to a 'bash' in busybox container from pod busy box and sends stdout/stderr from 'bash' back to the client.
$ kubectl attach busybox -it
Get node information, Kubelet, Kube-proxy version, resource utilisation etc.
$ kubectl describe node ip-172-31-10-199