
时间:2022-03-06 04:43:27

I am trying to track user interaction on a website that I manage myself. By tracking I mean, I want to track which button or widget the user pressed and when and also how much time a user spent and etc. Before I dive into coding something up on Javascript, I just to get an idea what are best options to do such things and possible pitfalls.


4 个解决方案



It's been some time since this question was posted, but I've been working on a simple JavaScript module to do just this.


Rather than using images, it captures event data from user-specified HTML element(s) along side some basic information about the site visitor's browser configuration. The data is then sent to a specified server endpoint using an XHR triggered on the beforeunload event.


Here's a link to the GitHub project and an example page


Regarding the code, here's an example of what the HTML would look like:


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Interaction Tracker Example</title>
        <div class="someElement"></div>
        <div class="someOtherElement"></div>
        <div class="conversion"></div>
        <script src="interactor.min.js" type="application/javascript"></script>
            // An example instantiation with custom arguments
            var interactions = new Interactor({
                interactions        : true,
                interactionElement  : "someElement someOtherElement",
                interactionEvents   : ["mousedown"],
                conversions         : true,
                conversionElement   : "conversion",
                conversionEvents    : ["mouseup"],
                endpoint            : '/usage/interactions',
                async               : true

The architecture allows you to easily track multiple elements through multiple instantiations, allowing you to customize which endpoints different interactions are sent to. This allows for clean separation of any server-side pre-processing prior to saving the data to a database.


var elementsToTrack = [
        element  : "cssClass1",
        events   : ["mouseup", "touchend"],
        endpoint : "/interactions/c1"
        element  : "cssClass2",
        events   : ["mouseup"],
        endpoint : "/interactions/c2"
        element  : "cssClass3",
        events   : ["mouseup"],
        endpoint : "/interactions/c3"

for (var i = 0; i < elementsToTrack.length; i++) {
    var el = elementsToTrack[i];
    new Interactor({
        interactionElement  : el.element,
        interactionEvents   : el.events,
        endpoint            : el.endpoint

Finally, it's very lightweight (about 5KB minified) and easily extendable to most needs.




If you don't need to return any value from server, ajax is a bit overhead - I would use image pings (creating image elements with script as source with any parameter you want to send)

如果您不需要从服务器返回任何值,则ajax有点开销 - 我会使用图像ping(使用脚本创建图像元素作为源以及您要发送的任何参数)

For events, bind them to document and check event target (be aware - blur, focus and change do not bubble)

对于事件,将它们绑定到文档并检查事件目标(注意 - 模糊,焦点和更改不会冒泡)

document.body.addListener(event, function() {
    var i = new Image();
    i.src = 'script.php?target=' + event.target;
}, false);

For time measurement, you could check time that passes between events on elements.




I would recommend looking into something like mixpanel. It's very simple to integrate and they provide you with the graphic tools to parse large amounts of data. The basic premise is similar to what you said. Fire asynchronous events on specific user interaction, passing along a set of options. You can also integrate it into your Python code, which makes it easy to track when server side actions take place. Example:


$("#my_button").click(function() {
  // This sends us an event every time a user clicks the button
  mixpanel.track("Button clicked"); 

You can explore the docs for yourself. https://mixpanel.com/docs/integration-libraries/javascript

您可以自己探索文档。 https://mixpanel.com/docs/integration-libraries/javascript

Mixpanel is just one option, but the premise is the same for all. The thing you need to consider is managing that data after it's been collected. Companies like mixpanel provide a nice GUI to make it less of a headache.




Google Analytics provides a good Javascript library for this:

Google Analytics为此提供了一个很好的Javascript库:



Of course, it expects you to use Google Analytics in your app, but it has a free version you can use. Check the comparison between their free and paid services.

当然,它希望您在自己的应用中使用Google Analytics,但它有一个免费版本可供您使用。检查他们的免费和付费服务之间的比较。



It's been some time since this question was posted, but I've been working on a simple JavaScript module to do just this.


Rather than using images, it captures event data from user-specified HTML element(s) along side some basic information about the site visitor's browser configuration. The data is then sent to a specified server endpoint using an XHR triggered on the beforeunload event.


Here's a link to the GitHub project and an example page


Regarding the code, here's an example of what the HTML would look like:


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Interaction Tracker Example</title>
        <div class="someElement"></div>
        <div class="someOtherElement"></div>
        <div class="conversion"></div>
        <script src="interactor.min.js" type="application/javascript"></script>
            // An example instantiation with custom arguments
            var interactions = new Interactor({
                interactions        : true,
                interactionElement  : "someElement someOtherElement",
                interactionEvents   : ["mousedown"],
                conversions         : true,
                conversionElement   : "conversion",
                conversionEvents    : ["mouseup"],
                endpoint            : '/usage/interactions',
                async               : true

The architecture allows you to easily track multiple elements through multiple instantiations, allowing you to customize which endpoints different interactions are sent to. This allows for clean separation of any server-side pre-processing prior to saving the data to a database.


var elementsToTrack = [
        element  : "cssClass1",
        events   : ["mouseup", "touchend"],
        endpoint : "/interactions/c1"
        element  : "cssClass2",
        events   : ["mouseup"],
        endpoint : "/interactions/c2"
        element  : "cssClass3",
        events   : ["mouseup"],
        endpoint : "/interactions/c3"

for (var i = 0; i < elementsToTrack.length; i++) {
    var el = elementsToTrack[i];
    new Interactor({
        interactionElement  : el.element,
        interactionEvents   : el.events,
        endpoint            : el.endpoint

Finally, it's very lightweight (about 5KB minified) and easily extendable to most needs.




If you don't need to return any value from server, ajax is a bit overhead - I would use image pings (creating image elements with script as source with any parameter you want to send)

如果您不需要从服务器返回任何值,则ajax有点开销 - 我会使用图像ping(使用脚本创建图像元素作为源以及您要发送的任何参数)

For events, bind them to document and check event target (be aware - blur, focus and change do not bubble)

对于事件,将它们绑定到文档并检查事件目标(注意 - 模糊,焦点和更改不会冒泡)

document.body.addListener(event, function() {
    var i = new Image();
    i.src = 'script.php?target=' + event.target;
}, false);

For time measurement, you could check time that passes between events on elements.




I would recommend looking into something like mixpanel. It's very simple to integrate and they provide you with the graphic tools to parse large amounts of data. The basic premise is similar to what you said. Fire asynchronous events on specific user interaction, passing along a set of options. You can also integrate it into your Python code, which makes it easy to track when server side actions take place. Example:


$("#my_button").click(function() {
  // This sends us an event every time a user clicks the button
  mixpanel.track("Button clicked"); 

You can explore the docs for yourself. https://mixpanel.com/docs/integration-libraries/javascript

您可以自己探索文档。 https://mixpanel.com/docs/integration-libraries/javascript

Mixpanel is just one option, but the premise is the same for all. The thing you need to consider is managing that data after it's been collected. Companies like mixpanel provide a nice GUI to make it less of a headache.




Google Analytics provides a good Javascript library for this:

Google Analytics为此提供了一个很好的Javascript库:



Of course, it expects you to use Google Analytics in your app, but it has a free version you can use. Check the comparison between their free and paid services.

当然,它希望您在自己的应用中使用Google Analytics,但它有一个免费版本可供您使用。检查他们的免费和付费服务之间的比较。