
时间:2022-04-15 00:24:12

I have a system that loads a div with content through the use of AJAX. All is well, I can get the div to load perfectly with details from my database and it works great.


The problem is this:


Inside the returned div, I have a couple of buttons with onClick events. The onClick events cause an error when I attempt to call a user defined function onClick="my_function();" but the onClick events do not cause an error when I call a JS defined function onClick="alert('success');".

在返回的div中,我有几个带onClick事件的按钮。当我尝试调用用户定义函数onClick =“my_function();”时,onClick事件会导致错误但当我调用JS定义函数onClick =“alert('success');”时,onClick事件不会导致错误。

Anyone know why this would be? my_function() is defined in the head of my page. Although, I have also tried to define it in the content returned by AJAX, still with no luck.

谁知道为什么会这样? my_function()在我的页面的头部定义。虽然,我也尝试在AJAX返回的内容中定义它,但仍然没有运气。

Any help will be greatly appreciated


4 个解决方案


if you are using prototype, jquery, etc.. (any JS framework), you need to be sure you have set the param "evalJS" to true. this last example I put works in prototype.


check here for prototype



You could try adding event handlers via JavaScript instead of onclick handlers on the actual elements.


Then you could use anonymous functions.



If you're simply updating the innerHTML of a DIV element with the result of an AJAX request, keep in mind that the browser parses only HTML not scripts.


Probably that's why you're recieving the JavaScript Error.


To parse also the scripts you need to consult the documentation of your library. For instance, if you're using ASP.NET you can call ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock in order to instruct the AJAX client componenet to parse the scripts in the result.


On the other hand, if you're doing it by hand (one thing I did awhile back), you need to detect and parse the scripts yourself.



OK, here is the simple answer.. I had the button element name and id as the same as the function which it was trying to call.. stupid mistake I know.. anyhow, it is now working.. however, I do have another problem.. my ajax only fires once.. it works great the first time, but after that the function doesn't work


here is my code:


function delete_account(account_id) {
  var url = "accounts_ajax.php?action=delete_account&account_id=" + account_id;


  document.getElementById('action_window').innerHTML = '<div class="please_wait"><img src="images/working.gif"><br>Loading...</div>';  

  xmlHttp.open("GET", url, true);
  xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function(){if(xmlHttp.readyState!=4)return;if(xmlHttp.status==200){reload_div('action_window', xmlHttp.responseText);}};

it just causes an error second time around.



if you are using prototype, jquery, etc.. (any JS framework), you need to be sure you have set the param "evalJS" to true. this last example I put works in prototype.


check here for prototype



You could try adding event handlers via JavaScript instead of onclick handlers on the actual elements.


Then you could use anonymous functions.



If you're simply updating the innerHTML of a DIV element with the result of an AJAX request, keep in mind that the browser parses only HTML not scripts.


Probably that's why you're recieving the JavaScript Error.


To parse also the scripts you need to consult the documentation of your library. For instance, if you're using ASP.NET you can call ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock in order to instruct the AJAX client componenet to parse the scripts in the result.


On the other hand, if you're doing it by hand (one thing I did awhile back), you need to detect and parse the scripts yourself.



OK, here is the simple answer.. I had the button element name and id as the same as the function which it was trying to call.. stupid mistake I know.. anyhow, it is now working.. however, I do have another problem.. my ajax only fires once.. it works great the first time, but after that the function doesn't work


here is my code:


function delete_account(account_id) {
  var url = "accounts_ajax.php?action=delete_account&account_id=" + account_id;


  document.getElementById('action_window').innerHTML = '<div class="please_wait"><img src="images/working.gif"><br>Loading...</div>';  

  xmlHttp.open("GET", url, true);
  xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function(){if(xmlHttp.readyState!=4)return;if(xmlHttp.status==200){reload_div('action_window', xmlHttp.responseText);}};

it just causes an error second time around.
