Splay Tree 是二叉查找树的一种,它与平衡二叉树、红黑树不同的是,Splay Tree从不强制地保持自身的平衡,每当查找到某个节点n的时候,在返回节点n的同时,Splay Tree会将节点n旋转到树根的位置,这样就使得Splay Tree天生有着一种类似缓存的能力,因为每次被查找到的节点都会被搬到树根的位置,所以当80%的情况下我们需要查找的元素都是某个固定的节点,或者是一部分特定的节点时,那么在很多时候,查找的效率会是O(1)的效率!当然如果查找的节点是很均匀地分布在不同的地方时,Splay Tree的性能就会变得很差了,但Splay Tree的期望的时间复杂度还是O(nlogn)的。
#ifndef _SPLAY_TREE_H_
#define _SPLAY_TREE_H_ #include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>
#include <stack> typedef struct splay_tree_node_t
int data;
struct splay_tree_node_t *left;
struct splay_tree_node_t *right;
} splay_tree_node, *position, *splay_tree; void print_splay_tree(splay_tree st, int depth, int ctrl);//ctrl:0=root 1=left 2=right
position find_max(splay_tree st);
void insert_splay_tree(splay_tree *pst, int x);
void delete_splay_tree(splay_tree *pst, int x);
int find_splay_tree(splay_tree *pst, int x); splay_tree rotate3(position child, position parent, position grand_parent, int *type);
splay_tree rotate2(position child, position parent); inline void fcn(int type, position cur, position parent, position grand_parent);
#endif 源文件——————————————————————————————
#include "./SplayTree.h" splay_tree rotate3(position child, position parent, position grand_parent, int *type)
assert(child != NULL && parent != NULL && grand_parent != NULL); if(parent->left == child && grand_parent->left == parent)//child, parent, grand_parent一字形东北方向 0
*type = ;
grand_parent->left = parent->right;
parent->right = grand_parent; parent->left = child->right;
child->right = parent;
else if(parent->right == child && grand_parent->right == parent)//child, parent, grand_parent一字形西北方向 1
*type = ;
grand_parent->right = parent->left;
parent->left = grand_parent; parent->right = child->left;
child->left = parent;
else if(parent->right == child && grand_parent->left == parent)//child, parent, grand_parent之字形<
*type = ;
grand_parent->left = child->right;
parent->right = child->left;
child->left = parent;
child->right = grand_parent;
else if(parent->left == child && grand_parent->right == parent)//child, parent, grand_parent之字形>
*type = ;
grand_parent->right = child->left;
parent->left = child->right;
child->right = parent;
child->left - grand_parent;
} return child;
splay_tree rotate2(position child, position parent)
assert(child != NULL && parent != NULL);
if(parent->left == child)
parent->left = child->right;
child->right = parent;
else//parent->right == child
parent->right = child->left;
child->left = parent;
return child;
} position find_max(splay_tree st)
while(NULL != st && NULL != st->right)
st = st->right;
return st;
} void print_splay_tree(splay_tree st, int depth, int ctrl)
if(NULL != st)
if( == ctrl)
else if( == ctrl)
else if( == ctrl)
print_splay_tree(st->left, depth+, );
print_splay_tree(st->right, depth+, );
void insert_splay_tree(splay_tree *pst, int x)
if(NULL == *pst)
position tmp = new splay_tree_node;
if(NULL == tmp)
return ;
tmp->data = x;
tmp->left = tmp->right = NULL;
*pst = tmp;
else if(x < (*pst)->data)
insert_splay_tree(&((*pst)->left), x);
else if(x > (*pst)->data)
insert_splay_tree(&((*pst)->right), x);
return ;
void delete_splay_tree(splay_tree *pst, int x)
assert(NULL != pst);
int res = find_splay_tree(pst, x);
if(res == )//not found
return ;
position root = *pst;
splay_tree splay_left = root->left;
splay_tree splay_right = root->right;
position tmp = find_max(splay_left);
if(NULL == tmp)//无左子树
*pst = splay_right;//将右子树为新树
find_splay_tree(&splay_left, tmp->data);
splay_left->right = splay_right;//将右子树为左子树的新右子树
*pst = splay_left;//将左子树为新树
int find_splay_tree(splay_tree *pst, int x)
assert(NULL != pst);
position cur = *pst;
std::stack<position> s; while(cur != NULL && cur->data != x)//沿着查找路径将树节点以此压入栈中
if(x < cur->data)
cur = cur->left;
cur = cur->right;
} if(NULL == cur)//not found
return false; position parent, grand_parent;
int type = -;//0一字形东北方向; 1一字形西北方向; 2之字形<; 3之字形<
while(s.size() >= )
parent = s.top();
fcn(type, cur, parent, grand_parent);
grand_parent = s.top();
cur = rotate3(cur, parent, grand_parent, &type);//after rotate, cur is the new "root"
*pst = cur;
else //rotate cur and the old root
parent = s.top();
fcn(type, cur, parent, grand_parent);
*pst = rotate2(cur, parent);
} return true;
} //fcn判断伸展的类型以便重新调整原来的树指针,调整好了才可以再次伸展
inline void fcn(int type, position cur, position parent, position grand_parent)
if(type == )
if(grand_parent == parent->left)
parent->left = cur;
else if(grand_parent == parent->right)
parent->right = cur;
else if(type == )
if(grand_parent == parent->left)
parent->left = cur;
else if(grand_parent == parent->right)
parent->right = cur;
else if(type == )
if(grand_parent == parent->left)
parent->left = cur;
else if(grand_parent == parent->right)
parent->right = cur;
else if(type == )
if(grand_parent == parent->left)
parent->left = cur;
else if(grand_parent == parent->right)
parent->right = cur;