
时间:2022-03-27 03:06:37

I am experiencing the String was not recognized as a valid DateTime when inserting a record into SQL, from a website. This only happens maybe once out of 200 or so record inserts.


Basically, the the site asks for a date input from the user and the date should always be in MM/DD/YYYY. I have put TextBox masks and Regular expressions in place to make sure of this, also having tested several times myself.

基本上,网站要求用户输入日期,日期应始终为MM / DD / YYYY。我已经将TextBox掩码和正则表达式放在适当位置以确保这一点,我自己也进行了多次测试。

However, there are still intermittent cases where the site throws the exception during SQL store.


My setup includes a web server and then a separate SQL server. (Maybe time difference between both?)

我的设置包括一个Web服务器,然后是一个单独的SQL服务器。 (也许两者之间的时差?)

My code for SQL insertion for the date input is as follows...


sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PatientDateOfService", Convert.ToDateTime(PatientDateOfServiceLabel.Text));

I use this same template (and stored procedure on my SQL server) on other sites hosted on the same web server with no problem. The issue only occurs on one particular site. I got to thinking maybe this was a time-zone or culture related issue.


After some extensive research, I was wondering if using the CultureInfo class may help me. I am pondering on the following change to my code and was wondering what others may think as well..


// Call a new instance of the CultureInfo method and set to en-US
CultureInfo USCultureInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US");

// Insert the date with newly added CultureInfo instance
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PatientDateOfService", Convert.ToDateTime(PatientDateOfServiceLabel.Text, USCultureInfo));

Might this help in resolving my issue?



1 个解决方案



Although I cannot seem to find any articles to support this assertion, the AddWithValue method automatically converts strings to valid SQL-Server DateTime values. It is safer, however to explicitly denote the data type by using the Parameter.Add method instead, ex.

虽然我似乎无法找到任何支持此断言的文章,但AddWithValue方法会自动将字符串转换为有效的SQL-Server DateTime值。但更安全的是,通过使用Parameter.Add方法明确表示数据类型,例如。

sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(PatientDateOfServiceLabel.Text, SqlDbType.DateSqlDbType.Date);



Although I cannot seem to find any articles to support this assertion, the AddWithValue method automatically converts strings to valid SQL-Server DateTime values. It is safer, however to explicitly denote the data type by using the Parameter.Add method instead, ex.

虽然我似乎无法找到任何支持此断言的文章,但AddWithValue方法会自动将字符串转换为有效的SQL-Server DateTime值。但更安全的是,通过使用Parameter.Add方法明确表示数据类型,例如。

sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(PatientDateOfServiceLabel.Text, SqlDbType.DateSqlDbType.Date);