1、AndroidAnnotations官网: http://androidannotations.org/ (也许你需要*)
3、Android Studio中配置AndroidAnnotations:(这个是我这篇博文中要涉及到的!)
一、Android Studio配置androidannotations环境。
在局部build.gradle中(加入 红色字体部分 ):
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply plugin: 'android-apt'
android {
compileSdkVersion 19
buildToolsVersion "20.0.0"
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.tongbu.mytest"
minSdkVersion 8
targetSdkVersion 19
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
buildTypes {
release {
runProguard false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:19.+'
apt "org.androidannotations:androidannotations:$AAVersion"
apt {
arguments {
androidManifestFile variant.processResources.manifestFile
resourcePackageName 'com.tongbu.mytest'
在全局build.gradle中(加入 红色字体部分 ):
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.12.+'
classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.3'
allprojects {
repositories {
如果以上的都顺利完成了,那么恭喜你已经快配置完了,还需要把AndroidManifest.xml中的Activity的名字后面加上 _(下划线),因为这个框架解析编译的时候,比如类MainActivity会被解析成MainActivity_.class,所以在清单文件中我们要在Activity的名字后面加一个下划线,或者androidannotation会报错!
这样子androidannotation在android studio上的环境就配置好了
Android 最火快速开发框架AndroidAnnotations简介文章中的简单介绍,本篇注重讲解AndroidAnnotations中注解方法的使用。
public class MyActivity extends Activity { }
public class MyFragment extends Fragment {
android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
MyFragment fragment = new MyFragment_();
public class MyClass { }
public class MyActivity extends Activity { @Bean
MyOtherClass myOtherClass; }
MyInterface myInterface;
public class MyClass { @RootContext
Context context; // Only injected if the root context is an activity
Activity activity; // Only injected if the root context is a service
Service service; // Only injected if the root context is an instance of MyActivity
MyActivity myActivity; }
public void doSomethingAfterInjection() {
// notificationManager and dependency are set
@EBean(scope = Scope.Singleton)
public class MySingleton { }
public class CustomButton extends Button { @App
MyApplication application; @StringRes
String someStringResource; public CustomButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
CustomButton button = CustomButton_.build(context);
public class TitleWithSubtitle extends RelativeLayout { @ViewById
protected TextView title, subtitle; public TitleWithSubtitle(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
} public void setTexts(String titleText, String subTitleText) {
} }
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
public class MyApplication extends Application { }
public class MyActivity extends Activity { @App
MyApplication application; }
public class MyService extends Service { }
public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { }
public class MyActivity extends Activity { @Receiver(actions = "org.androidannotations.ACTION_1")
protected void onAction1() { } }
public class MyContentProvider extends ContentProvider { }
public class MyActivity extends Activity { // Injects R.id.myEditText,变量名称必须和布局的id名称一致
EditText myEditText; @ViewById(R.id.myTextView)
TextView textView; @ViewByIds({R.id.id1,R.id.id2})
List<TextView> list;
public class MyActivity extends Activity { @ViewById
TextView myTextView; @AfterViews
void updateTextWithDate() {
//一定要在这里进行view的一些设置,不要在oncreate()中设置,因为oncreate()在执行时 view还没有注入
myTextView.setText("Date: " + new Date()); }[...]
public class MyActivity extends Activity { @StringRes(R.string.hello)
String myHelloString;//不能设置成私有变量 @StringRes
String hello; }
public class MyActivity extends Activity { @ColorRes(R.color.backgroundColor)
int someColor; @ColorRes
int backgroundColor; }
public class MyActivity extends Activity { @AnimationRes(R.anim.fadein)
XmlResourceParser xmlResAnim; @AnimationRes
Animation fadein; }
public class MyActivity extends Activity { @DimensionRes(R.dimen.fontsize)
float fontSizeDimension; @DimensionRes
float fontsize; }
public class MyActivity extends Activity { @DimensionPixelOffsetRes(R.string.fontsize)
int fontSizeDimension; @DimensionPixelOffsetRes
int fontsize; }
public class MyActivity extends Activity { @DimensionPixelSizeRes(R.string.fontsize)
int fontSizeDimension; @DimensionPixelSizeRes
int fontsize; }
public class MyActivity extends Activity { @Extra("myStringExtra")
String myMessage; @Extra("myDateExtra")
Date myDateExtraWithDefaultValue = new Date(); }
public class MyActivity extends Activity {
// The name of the extra will be "myMessage",名字必须一致
String myMessage;
MyActivity_.intent().myMessage("hello").start() ;
public class MyActivity extends Activity {//
NotificationManager notificationManager;
public class MyActivity extends Activity { // Injects R.string.hello_html
Spanned myHelloString; // Also injects R.string.hello_html
CharSequence helloHtml;
public class MyActivity extends Activity {//必须用在TextView @ViewById(R.id.my_text_view)
TextView textView; // Injects R.string.hello_html into the R.id.hello_html view
TextView helloHtml; }
public class MyActivity extends Activity {//等同于 Activity.onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() @NonConfigurationInstance
Bitmap someBitmap; @NonConfigurationInstance
MyBackgroundTask myBackgroundTask;
HttpClient httpsClient;
public class MyActivity extends Activity { @HttpsClient(trustStore=R.raw.cacerts,
HttpClient httpsClient; @AfterInject
public void securedRequest() {
try {
HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet("https://www.verisign.com/");
HttpResponse response = httpsClient.execute(httpget);
} catch (Exception e) {
} @UiThread
public void doSomethingWithResponse(HttpResponse resp) {
Toast.makeText(this, "HTTP status " + resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public class MyFragment extends Fragment {//等同于 Fragment Argument @FragmentArg("myStringArgument")
String myMessage; @FragmentArg
String anotherStringArgument; @FragmentArg("myDateExtra")
Date myDateArgumentWithDefaultValue = new Date();
MyFragment myFragment = MyFragment_.builder()
void myButtonWasClicked() {
void anotherButton() {//如果不指定则函数名和id对应
void yetAnotherButton(View clickedView) {
- Clicks with
- Long clicks with
- Touches with
- Item clicks with
- Long item clicks with
- Item selection with
public class MyListActivity extends Activity { // ... @ItemClick
public void myListItemClicked(MyItem clickedItem) {//MyItem是adapter的实体类,等同于adapter.getItem(position) } @ItemLongClick
public void myListItemLongClicked(MyItem clickedItem) { } @ItemSelect
public void myListItemSelected(boolean selected, MyItem selectedItem) { } }
public class MyListActivity extends Activity { // ... @ItemClick
public void myListItemClicked(int position) {//位置id } @ItemLongClick
public void myListItemLongClicked(int position) { } @ItemSelect
public void myListItemSelected(boolean selected, int position) { } }
//等同于SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener.onProgressChanged(SeekBar, int, boolean)
void onProgressChangeOnSeekBar(SeekBar seekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser) {
// Something Here
} @SeekBarProgressChange(R.id.seekBar)
void onProgressChangeOnSeekBar(SeekBar seekBar, int progress) {
// Something Here
} @SeekBarProgressChange({R.id.seekBar1, R.id.seekBar2})
void onProgressChangeOnSeekBar(SeekBar seekBar) {
// Something Here
} @SeekBarProgressChange({R.id.seekBar1, R.id.seekBar2})
void onProgressChangeOnSeekBar() {
// Something Here
}@SeekBarTouchStart and @SeekBarTouchStop
void onTextChangesOnHelloTextView(CharSequence text, TextView hello, int before, int start, int count) {
// Something Here
} @TextChange
void helloTextViewTextChanged(TextView hello) {
// Something Here
} @TextChange({R.id.editText, R.id.helloTextView})
void onTextChangesOnSomeTextViews(TextView tv, CharSequence text) {
// Something Here
} @TextChange(R.id.helloTextView)
void onTextChangesOnHelloTextView() {
// Something Here
void beforeTextChangedOnHelloTextView(TextView hello, CharSequence text, int start, int count, int after) {
// Something Here
} @BeforeTextChange
void helloTextViewBeforeTextChanged(TextView hello) {
// Something Here
} @BeforeTextChange({R.id.editText, R.id.helloTextView})
void beforeTextChangedOnSomeTextViews(TextView tv, CharSequence text) {
// Something Here
} @BeforeTextChange(R.id.helloTextView)
void beforeTextChangedOnHelloTextView() {
// Something Here
void afterTextChangedOnHelloTextView(Editable text, TextView hello) {
// Something Here
} @AfterTextChange
void helloTextViewAfterTextChanged(TextView hello) {
// Something Here
} @AfterTextChange({R.id.editText, R.id.helloTextView})
void afterTextChangedOnSomeTextViews(TextView tv, Editable text) {
// Something Here
} @AfterTextChange(R.id.helloTextView)
void afterTextChangedOnHelloTextView() {
// Something Here
public class MyActivity extends Activity { @OptionMenuItem
MenuItem menuSearch; @OptionsItem(R.id.menuShare)
void myMethod() {
// You can specify the ID in the annotation, or use the naming convention
} @OptionsItem
void homeSelected() {
// home was selected in the action bar
// The "Selected" keyword is optional
} @OptionsItem
boolean menuSearch() {
// menuSearch was selected
// the return type may be void or boolean (false to allow normal menu processing to proceed, true to consume it here)
return true;
} @OptionsItem({ R.id.menu_search, R.id.menu_delete })
void multipleMenuItems() {
// You can specify multiple menu item IDs in @OptionsItem
} @OptionsItem
void menu_add(MenuItem item) {
// You can add a MenuItem parameter to access it
@OptionsMenu({R.menu.my_menu1, R.menu.my_menu2})
public class MyActivity extends Activity { }
void myMethod() {
someBackgroundWork("hello", 42);
} @Background
void someBackgroundWork(String aParam, long anotherParam) {
void myMethod() {
someCancellableBackground("hello", 42);
boolean mayInterruptIfRunning = true;
BackgroundExecutor.cancelAll("cancellable_task", mayInterruptIfRunning);
} @Background(id="cancellable_task")
void someCancellableBackground(String aParam, long anotherParam) {
void myMethod() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
} @Background(serial = "test")
void someSequentialBackgroundMethod(int i) {
SystemClock.sleep(new Random().nextInt(2000)+1000);
Log.d("AA", "value : " + i);
void doInBackgroundAfterTwoSeconds() {
void myMethod() {
doInUiThread("hello", 42);
} @UiThread
void doInUiThread(String aParam, long anotherParam) {
void doInUiThreadAfterTwoSeconds() {
@UiThread(propagation = Propagation.REUSE)
void runInSameThreadIfOnUiThread() {
public class MyActivity extends Activity { @Background
void doSomeStuffInBackground() {
// Do some stuff
// Do some stuff
} @UiThread
void publishProgress(int progress) {
// Update progress views
} }
void onResult(int resultCode, Intent data) {
} @OnActivityResult(REQUEST_CODE)
void onResult(int resultCode) {
void onResult(Intent data) {
void onResult() {
Annotation 解析
1 运行时 Annotation 解析
(1) 运行时 Annotation 指 @Retention 为 RUNTIME 的 Annotation,可手动调用下面常用 API 解析
其他 @Target 如 Field,Class 方法类似
getAnnotation(AnnotationName.class) 表示得到该 Target 某个 Annotation 的信息,因为一个 Target 可以被多个 Annotation 修饰
getAnnotations() 则表示得到该 Target 所有 Annotation
isAnnotationPresent(AnnotationName.class) 表示该 Target 是否被某个 Annotation 修饰
(2) 解析示例如下:
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Class cls = Class.forName("cn.trinea.java.test.annotation.App");
for (Method method : cls.getMethods()) {
MethodInfo methodInfo = method.getAnnotation(
if (methodInfo != null) {
System.out.println("method name:" + method.getName());
System.out.println("method author:" + methodInfo.author());
System.out.println("method version:" + methodInfo.version());
System.out.println("method date:" + methodInfo.date());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
以之前自定义的 MethodInfo 为例,利用 Target(这里是 Method)getAnnotation 函数得到 Annotation 信息,然后就可以调用 Annotation 的方法得到响应属性值
2 编译时 Annotation 解析
(1) 编译时 Annotation 指 @Retention 为 CLASS 的 Annotation,甴 apt(Annotation Processing Tool) 解析自动解析。需要做的
a. 自定义类集成自 AbstractProcessor
b. 重写其中的 process 函数
这块很多同学不理解,实际是 apt(Annotation Processing Tool) 在编译时自动查找所有继承自 AbstractProcessor 的类,然后调用他们的 process 方法去处理
(2) 假设之前自定义的 MethodInfo 的 @Retention 为 CLASS,解析示例如下:
@SupportedAnnotationTypes({ "cn.trinea.java.test.annotation.MethodInfo" })
public class MethodInfoProcessor extends AbstractProcessor { @Override
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment env) {
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (TypeElement te : annotations) {
for (Element element : env.getElementsAnnotatedWith(te)) {
MethodInfo methodInfo = element.getAnnotation(MethodInfo.class);
map.put(element.getEnclosingElement().toString(), methodInfo.author());
return false;
SupportedAnnotationTypes 表示这个 Processor 要处理的 Annotation 名字。
process 函数中参数 annotations 表示待处理的 Annotations,参数 env 表示当前或是之前的运行环境
process 函数返回值表示这组 annotations 是否被这个 Processor 接受,如果接受后续子的 rocessor 不会再对这个 Annotations 进行处理