[翻译] ZFTokenField

时间:2023-03-09 05:38:32
[翻译] ZFTokenField


[翻译] ZFTokenField

本人视频教程系类   iOS中CALayer的使用


[翻译] ZFTokenField

iOS custom view that let you add token view inside like NSTokenField

iOS定制的view,让你在NSTokenField中添加token view.

Installation - 安装

pod 'ZFTokenField'

Usage - 使用

ZFTokenFieldDataSource 数据源

You need to implement these in your datasource class


  • lineHeightForTokenInField:tokenField: return desire line height.  返回线条的高度
  • numberOfTokenInField: return number of token that you want to display.  返回你想要显示的token的个数
  • tokenField:viewForTokenAtIndex: return view that you want to display at specify index 返回你想要显示的某个指定的token

ZFTokenFieldDelegate 代理方法

  • tokenMarginInTokenInField: your prefered margin, default is 0  页边留白,默认值是0
  • tokenField:didRemoveTokenAtIndex: get called when user deletes token at particular index. 当用户删除了某个token后调用的方法
  • tokenField:didReturnWithText: get called when user hits return with text. 当用户点击了return按钮后执行的方法
  • tokenField:didTextChanged: get called when user changes text. 用户修改文本的时候调用的方法
  • tokenFieldDidBeginEditing: get called when user begins edit the field. 用户开始编辑的时候调用的方法
  • tokenFieldShouldEndEditing: get called to ask if the field should end editing. 将要结束编辑时调用的方法
  • tokenFieldDidEndEditing: get called when user stops edit the field. 用户结束编辑后调用的方法


Amornchai Kanokpullwad, amornchai.zoon@gmail.com @zoonref


ZFTokenField is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.