组合模式(composite pattern) 迭代器(iterator) 具体解释
本文地址: http://blog.csdn.net/caroline_wendy
參考组合模式(composite pattern): http://blog.csdn.net/caroline_wendy/article/details/36895627
在组合模式(composite pattern)加入迭代器功能, 遍历每个组合(composite)的项.
1. 抽象组件类(abstract component)加入创建迭代器的方法.
* @time 2014年7月4日
package composite; import java.util.Iterator; /**
* @author C.L.Wang
public abstract class MenuComponent {
public void add(MenuComponent menuComponent) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); //假设未提供, 则不能调用
public void remove(MenuComponent menuComponent) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public MenuComponent getChild(int i) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String getName() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String getDescription() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public double getPrice() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean isVegetarian() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void print() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Iterator<MenuComponent> createIterator() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
2. 组合迭代器类(composite iterator).
* @time 2014年7月4日
package composite; import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Stack; /**
* @author C.L.Wang
public class CompositeIterator implements Iterator<MenuComponent> { Stack<Iterator<MenuComponent>> stack = new Stack<Iterator<MenuComponent>>(); /**
public CompositeIterator(Iterator<MenuComponent> iterator) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
} public boolean hasNext() {
if (stack.empty()) {
return false;
} else {
Iterator<MenuComponent> iterator = (Iterator<MenuComponent>)stack.peek();
if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
return hasNext(); //递归调用
} else {
return true;
} public MenuComponent next() {
if (hasNext()) {
Iterator<MenuComponent> iterator = (Iterator<MenuComponent>)stack.peek();
MenuComponent component = (MenuComponent)iterator.next();
if (component instanceof Menu) {
return component;
} else {
return null;
} public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} }
3. 组合类(composite)实现创建迭代器的方法, 并创建组合迭代器(composite iterator).
* @time 2014年7月4日
package composite; import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator; /**
* @author C.L.Wang
public class Menu extends MenuComponent { ArrayList<MenuComponent> menuComponents = new ArrayList<MenuComponent>();
String name;
String description; /**
public Menu(String name, String description) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
this.name = name;
this.description = description;
} public void add(MenuComponent menuComponent) {
} public void remove(MenuComponent menuComponent) {
} public MenuComponent getChild(int i) {
return (MenuComponent)menuComponents.get(i);
public String getName() {
return name;
} public String getDescription() {
return description;
} public void print() {
System.out.print("\n" + getName());
System.out.println(", " + getDescription());
System.out.println("--------------------"); Iterator<MenuComponent> iterator = menuComponents.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
MenuComponent menuComponent = (MenuComponent)iterator.next();
} public Iterator<MenuComponent> createIterator() {
return new CompositeIterator(menuComponents.iterator());
} }
4. 叶子类(leaf)实现创建空迭代器(null iterator)的方法.
* @time 2014年7月4日
package composite; import java.util.Iterator; /**
* @author C.L.Wang
public class NullIterator implements Iterator<MenuComponent> {
public MenuComponent next() {
return null;
public boolean hasNext() {
return false;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} /**
* @time 2014年7月4日
package composite; import java.util.Iterator; /**
* @author C.L.Wang
public class MenuItem extends MenuComponent { String name;
String description;
boolean vegetarian;
double price;
public MenuItem(String name, String description,
boolean vegetarian, double price) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
this.name = name;
this.description = description;
this.vegetarian = vegetarian;
this.price = price;
} public String getName() {
return name;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public double getPrice() {
return price;
public boolean isVegetarian() {
return vegetarian;
public void print() {
System.out.print(" " + getName());
if (isVegetarian()) {
System.out.println(", " + getPrice());
System.out.println(" -- " + getDescription());
public Iterator<MenuComponent> createIterator() {
return new NullIterator();
5. 客户类.
* @time 2014年7月4日
package composite; import java.util.Iterator; /**
* @author C.L.Wang
public class Waitress { MenuComponent allMenus;
public Waitress(MenuComponent allMenus) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
this.allMenus = allMenus;
} public void printMenu() {
} public void printVegetarianMenu() {
Iterator<MenuComponent> iterator = allMenus.createIterator();
System.out.println("\nVEGETARIAN MENU\n----");
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
MenuComponent menuComponent = (MenuComponent)iterator.next();
try {
if (menuComponent.isVegetarian())
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {}
} }
6. 測试类
* @time 2014年7月4日
package composite; /**
* @author C.L.Wang
public class MenuTestDrive { /**
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
MenuComponent pancakeHouseMenu = new Menu("PANCAKE HOUSE MENU", "Breakfast");
MenuComponent dinerMenu = new Menu("DINER MENU", "Lunch");
MenuComponent cafeMenu = new Menu("CAFE MENU", "Dinner");
MenuComponent dessertMenu = new Menu("DESSERT MENU", "Dessert course!");
MenuComponent coffeeMenu = new Menu("COFFEE MENU", "Stuff to go with your afternoon coffee"); MenuComponent allMenus = new Menu("ALL MENUS", "All menus combined"); allMenus.add(pancakeHouseMenu);
allMenus.add(cafeMenu); pancakeHouseMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"K&B's Pancake Breakfast",
"Pancakes with scrambled eggs, and toast",
pancakeHouseMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Regular Pancake Breakfast",
"Pancakes with fried eggs, sausage",
pancakeHouseMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Blueberry Pancakes",
"Pancakes made with fresh blueberries, and blueberry syrup",
pancakeHouseMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Waffles, with your choice of blueberries or strawberries",
3.59)); dinerMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Vegetarian BLT",
"(Fakin') Bacon with lettuce & tomato on whole wheat",
dinerMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Bacon with lettuce & tomato on whole wheat",
dinerMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Soup of the day",
"A bowl of the soup of the day, with a side of potato salad",
dinerMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"A hot dog, with saurkraut, relish, onions, topped with cheese",
dinerMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Steamed Veggies and Brown Rice",
"Steamed vegetables over brown rice",
3.99)); dinerMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Spaghetti with Marinara Sauce, and a slice of sourdough bread",
3.89)); dinerMenu.add(dessertMenu); dessertMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Apple Pie",
"Apple pie with a flakey crust, topped with vanilla icecream",
1.59)); dessertMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Creamy New York cheesecake, with a chocolate graham crust",
dessertMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"A scoop of raspberry and a scoop of lime",
1.89)); cafeMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Veggie Burger and Air Fries",
"Veggie burger on a whole wheat bun, lettuce, tomato, and fries",
cafeMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Soup of the day",
"A cup of the soup of the day, with a side salad",
cafeMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"A large burrito, with whole pinto beans, salsa, guacamole",
4.29)); cafeMenu.add(coffeeMenu); coffeeMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Coffee Cake",
"Crumbly cake topped with cinnamon and walnuts",
coffeeMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Flavors include sesame, poppyseed, cinnamon raisin, pumpkin",
coffeeMenu.add(new MenuItem(
"Three almond or hazelnut biscotti cookies",
0.89)); Waitress waitress = new Waitress(allMenus); waitress.printVegetarianMenu();
} }
7. 输出.
K&B's Pancake Breakfast(v), 2.99
-- Pancakes with scrambled eggs, and toast
Blueberry Pancakes(v), 3.49
-- Pancakes made with fresh blueberries, and blueberry syrup
Waffles(v), 3.59
-- Waffles, with your choice of blueberries or strawberries
Vegetarian BLT(v), 2.99
-- (Fakin') Bacon with lettuce & tomato on whole wheat
Steamed Veggies and Brown Rice(v), 3.99
-- Steamed vegetables over brown rice
Pasta(v), 3.89
-- Spaghetti with Marinara Sauce, and a slice of sourdough bread
Apple Pie(v), 1.59
-- Apple pie with a flakey crust, topped with vanilla icecream
Cheesecake(v), 1.99
-- Creamy New York cheesecake, with a chocolate graham crust
Sorbet(v), 1.89
-- A scoop of raspberry and a scoop of lime
Apple Pie(v), 1.59
-- Apple pie with a flakey crust, topped with vanilla icecream
Cheesecake(v), 1.99
-- Creamy New York cheesecake, with a chocolate graham crust
Sorbet(v), 1.89
-- A scoop of raspberry and a scoop of lime
Veggie Burger and Air Fries(v), 3.99
-- Veggie burger on a whole wheat bun, lettuce, tomato, and fries
Burrito(v), 4.29
-- A large burrito, with whole pinto beans, salsa, guacamole
Coffee Cake(v), 1.59
-- Crumbly cake topped with cinnamon and walnuts
Biscotti(v), 0.89
-- Three almond or hazelnut biscotti cookies
Coffee Cake(v), 1.59
-- Crumbly cake topped with cinnamon and walnuts
Biscotti(v), 0.89
-- Three almond or hazelnut biscotti cookies