Monitor vs WaitHandle

时间:2023-03-09 04:43:24
Monitor vs WaitHandle


A problem with Monitor.Pulse/Wait is that the signal may get lost.

For example:

var signal = new ManualResetEvent(false);

// Thread 1
signal.WaitOne(); // Thread 2

This will always work no matter in which the two statements in the different threads are executed. It's also a very clean abstraction and expresses very clearly your intent.

Now have a look at the same example using a monitor:

var signal = new object();

// Thread 1
lock (signal)
} // Thread 2
lock (signal)

Here the signal (Pulse) will get lost if Pulse is executed before Wait.

To fix this problem, you need something like this:

var signal = new object();
var signalSet = false; // Thread 1
lock (signal)
while (!signalSet)
} // Thread 2
lock (signal)
signalSet = true;

This works and is probably even more performant and lightweight, but is less readable. And it's where the headache called concurrency starts.

  • Does this code really work?
  • In every corner case?
  • With more than two threads? (Hint: it doesn't)
  • How do you unit-test it?

A solid, reliable, readable abstraction is often better than raw performance.

Additionally, WaitHandles provide some nice stuff like waiting for a set of handles to be set, etc. Implementing this with monitors makes the headache even worse...

Rule of thumb:

  • Use Monitors (lock) to ensure exclusive access to a shared resource
  • Use WaitHandles (Manual/AutoResetEvent/Semaphore) to send signals between threads

