
时间:2021-07-07 01:19:45

I have been trying to implement an animation that brings the users attention to a change in value in a label. I want to do this by quickly increasing and reducing the size of the label (can't think of a better way to describe it) and I've made some progress towards this. The problem is that while the animation increases in size as I want it to; the way it deceases in size isn't smooth. Also, once the animation is complete, the size of the font does not return to the original.


Here is what I have:


func bloat() {
    UIView.beginAnimations(nil, context: nil)
    currentBudgetDisplay.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(0.9, 0.9)

What changes can I make to get it to work as I intend it to?


2 个解决方案



The requirement is simple using core animation, try this


func bloat() {
    var animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "transform.scale")
    animation.toValue = NSNumber(float: 0.9)
    animation.duration = 0.3
    animation.repeatCount = 4.0
    animation.autoreverses = true
    currentBudgetDisplay.layer.addAnimation(animation, forKey: nil)



In iOS 6 and 7, transform UIView animations applied to UIViews under auto layout do not work (because the auto layout stops them). This is fixed in iOS 8, however.

在iOS 6和7中,在自动布局下应用于UIViews的变换UIView动画不起作用(因为自动布局会阻止它们)。但是,这在iOS 8中已得到修复。

If you insist on supporting iOS 7, there are many workarounds, including using CABasicAnimation (layer animation) instead of UIView animation. See also my essay here: How do I adjust the anchor point of a CALayer, when Auto Layout is being used?

如果您坚持支持iOS 7,则有许多变通方法,包括使用CABasicAnimation(图层动画)而不是UIView动画。另请参阅我的论文:当使用自动布局时,如何调整CALayer的锚点?



The requirement is simple using core animation, try this


func bloat() {
    var animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "transform.scale")
    animation.toValue = NSNumber(float: 0.9)
    animation.duration = 0.3
    animation.repeatCount = 4.0
    animation.autoreverses = true
    currentBudgetDisplay.layer.addAnimation(animation, forKey: nil)



In iOS 6 and 7, transform UIView animations applied to UIViews under auto layout do not work (because the auto layout stops them). This is fixed in iOS 8, however.

在iOS 6和7中,在自动布局下应用于UIViews的变换UIView动画不起作用(因为自动布局会阻止它们)。但是,这在iOS 8中已得到修复。

If you insist on supporting iOS 7, there are many workarounds, including using CABasicAnimation (layer animation) instead of UIView animation. See also my essay here: How do I adjust the anchor point of a CALayer, when Auto Layout is being used?

如果您坚持支持iOS 7,则有许多变通方法,包括使用CABasicAnimation(图层动画)而不是UIView动画。另请参阅我的论文:当使用自动布局时,如何调整CALayer的锚点?