
时间:2022-05-20 00:13:43

I'm starting Android doing an application for searching restaurants, and some guidance would be welcome! On the first screen I'd like to have a search field with a submit button (I get the data from a web service), and below a list with the results of the search. When clicking on one of the items of the list it will show a screen with the restaurant details as well as a map showing its location. My questions are:


  • Can I do everything in one single activity or should I do an activity for the search, one for the result list, one for the restaurant description, and another for the map?
  • 我可以在一个活动中完成所有活动,还是应该为搜索执行活动,一个用于结果列表,一个用于餐馆描述,另一个用于地图?

  • Would doing one single activity make the application more responsive?
  • 做一个单独的活动会使应用程序更具响应性吗?

  • How can I use a list and a map within a normal activity (without ListActivity and MapActivity)?
  • 如何在正常活动中使用列表和地图(没有ListActivity和MapActivity)?

4 个解决方案



Can I do everything in one single activity or should I do an activity for the search, one for the result list, one for the restaurant description, and another for the map?


The answer to this really depends on the flow of your application. I think the most important thing to keep in mind here is how the user will control your app with the "back" button. When you create a new Activity, that puts it on the stack, and the user can always press "back" to pop it from the stack.


One extreme is to put all these steps into different Activities. Then the user has ultimate control using the "back" button, but they might get annoyed jumping around Activities. Putting it all into one Activity is the other extreme, and I highly advise against that; users expect new screens to be a different Activity, one that they can "back" out of, and so if you put all your eggs into one Activity you'll have to start handling "back" yourself.


I think there's a good middle ground that your app could take, though of course your UI design may differ than what I propose. I would say you could do this in two Activities; in the first, you have a search field at the top (with a submit button next to it), and below that search field is a ListView which is populated with results. In the second, you use a TabActivity, where one tab is for the description and the other is for the map. I think this is advantageous for two reasons: on the first Activity, the user sees the results of their search on the same page as the search, and can quickly change the search parameters if necessary. And on the second Activity, the back key encapsulates backing out of one restaurant.


Would doing one single activity make the application more responsive?


Not really. Activities take time to create/tear down, but not that much time. It's better to segment your application in a logical way (for the user experience).


How can I use a list and a map within a normal activity (without ListActivity and MapActivity)?


You can get away with a ListView inside of a normal Activity without ListActivity; just include a ListView in your Activity's content, then in code grab the ListView and set its adapter manually. All ListActivity does is add some handy wrapper functions for one primary ListView, but it's not necessary at all.


Maps are a different matter. You will need to use a MapActivity for displaying maps, because MapActivity has special setup and teardown code that needs to run. Sorry.




I would have an Activity with both the search and list, then another that shows the details of the restuarant.


I don't think it would work well with just a single Activity.


Activities can contain multiple views - a single activity can contain a map and a list if necessary.

活动可以包含多个视图 - 如果需要,单个活动可以包含地图和列表。



I would like to add some guidance to Daniel's excellent answer.


Users can't tell the difference between one activity with views that change and multiple activities each with their own view - until they press the back button. So it is actually quite important that the back button should have a natural and logical purpose in relation to what is on the screen when it is pressed. The user should never be surprised by what happens when they use it.

用户无法区分具有更改视图的一个活动与每个具有自己视图的多个活动之间的区别 - 直到他们按下后退按钮。因此,后退按钮应该具有与按下时屏幕上的内容相关的自然和逻辑目的,这一点非常重要。用户不应对使用它时会发生什么感到惊讶。

So for each activity you have, ask yourself if the behaviour of the back button is logical to the end-user at all times. If you find a scenario where it is not then you should look at refactoring your activities - which could involve combining two or more activities into one, moving some responsibilities from one activity to another (but keeping them both), or even splitting an activity in two.

因此,对于您拥有的每项活动,请随时询问自己后退按钮的行为是否符合最终用户的逻辑。如果你找到一个不存在的场景,那么你应该考虑重构你的活动 - 这可能涉及将两个或多个活动合并为一个,将一些活动从一个活动转移到另一个活动(但同时保留它们),甚至拆分活动二。

Creating a user interface that behaves logically as the user navigates around it is important, and the more your application does (and the more navigation there is) the more important it becomes. Unpredictable navigation behaviour stops people from learning how to get the best out of your application at the time when they are most likely to uninstall it - in the first few hours after downloading it.




If you are looking to write modular, reusable and portable code, one activity is the way to go. Activity is an Android-only concept. The main flow and the business logic of any well-designed application should be platform-independent. Involving activities in your higher-level code ties your project to Android, which goes against platform-independence, a core principle in both Java and quality programming in general.

如果您希望编写模块化,可重用和可移植的代码,那么就可以开展一项活动。 Activity是一个仅限Android的概念。任何设计良好的应用程序的主流和业务逻辑应该是独立于平台的。在高级代码中涉及活动将您的项目与Android联系起来,这违背了平*立性,这是Java和质量编程的核心原则。



Can I do everything in one single activity or should I do an activity for the search, one for the result list, one for the restaurant description, and another for the map?


The answer to this really depends on the flow of your application. I think the most important thing to keep in mind here is how the user will control your app with the "back" button. When you create a new Activity, that puts it on the stack, and the user can always press "back" to pop it from the stack.


One extreme is to put all these steps into different Activities. Then the user has ultimate control using the "back" button, but they might get annoyed jumping around Activities. Putting it all into one Activity is the other extreme, and I highly advise against that; users expect new screens to be a different Activity, one that they can "back" out of, and so if you put all your eggs into one Activity you'll have to start handling "back" yourself.


I think there's a good middle ground that your app could take, though of course your UI design may differ than what I propose. I would say you could do this in two Activities; in the first, you have a search field at the top (with a submit button next to it), and below that search field is a ListView which is populated with results. In the second, you use a TabActivity, where one tab is for the description and the other is for the map. I think this is advantageous for two reasons: on the first Activity, the user sees the results of their search on the same page as the search, and can quickly change the search parameters if necessary. And on the second Activity, the back key encapsulates backing out of one restaurant.


Would doing one single activity make the application more responsive?


Not really. Activities take time to create/tear down, but not that much time. It's better to segment your application in a logical way (for the user experience).


How can I use a list and a map within a normal activity (without ListActivity and MapActivity)?


You can get away with a ListView inside of a normal Activity without ListActivity; just include a ListView in your Activity's content, then in code grab the ListView and set its adapter manually. All ListActivity does is add some handy wrapper functions for one primary ListView, but it's not necessary at all.


Maps are a different matter. You will need to use a MapActivity for displaying maps, because MapActivity has special setup and teardown code that needs to run. Sorry.




I would have an Activity with both the search and list, then another that shows the details of the restuarant.


I don't think it would work well with just a single Activity.


Activities can contain multiple views - a single activity can contain a map and a list if necessary.

活动可以包含多个视图 - 如果需要,单个活动可以包含地图和列表。



I would like to add some guidance to Daniel's excellent answer.


Users can't tell the difference between one activity with views that change and multiple activities each with their own view - until they press the back button. So it is actually quite important that the back button should have a natural and logical purpose in relation to what is on the screen when it is pressed. The user should never be surprised by what happens when they use it.

用户无法区分具有更改视图的一个活动与每个具有自己视图的多个活动之间的区别 - 直到他们按下后退按钮。因此,后退按钮应该具有与按下时屏幕上的内容相关的自然和逻辑目的,这一点非常重要。用户不应对使用它时会发生什么感到惊讶。

So for each activity you have, ask yourself if the behaviour of the back button is logical to the end-user at all times. If you find a scenario where it is not then you should look at refactoring your activities - which could involve combining two or more activities into one, moving some responsibilities from one activity to another (but keeping them both), or even splitting an activity in two.

因此,对于您拥有的每项活动,请随时询问自己后退按钮的行为是否符合最终用户的逻辑。如果你找到一个不存在的场景,那么你应该考虑重构你的活动 - 这可能涉及将两个或多个活动合并为一个,将一些活动从一个活动转移到另一个活动(但同时保留它们),甚至拆分活动二。

Creating a user interface that behaves logically as the user navigates around it is important, and the more your application does (and the more navigation there is) the more important it becomes. Unpredictable navigation behaviour stops people from learning how to get the best out of your application at the time when they are most likely to uninstall it - in the first few hours after downloading it.




If you are looking to write modular, reusable and portable code, one activity is the way to go. Activity is an Android-only concept. The main flow and the business logic of any well-designed application should be platform-independent. Involving activities in your higher-level code ties your project to Android, which goes against platform-independence, a core principle in both Java and quality programming in general.

如果您希望编写模块化,可重用和可移植的代码,那么就可以开展一项活动。 Activity是一个仅限Android的概念。任何设计良好的应用程序的主流和业务逻辑应该是独立于平台的。在高级代码中涉及活动将您的项目与Android联系起来,这违背了平*立性,这是Java和质量编程的核心原则。