Problem Link:
We solve this problem using DP algorithm, which only scans the prices list once. So the algorithm is in O(n) where n is the length of prices list.
By given a list prices[0:n], we represent a trasaction as (b,s) where 0<=b<=s is the day to buy and b<=s<=n-1 is the day to sell.
However, we do not need a O(n) table to store all local optimal solution. Instead, We use only three variables to keep track of local optimal solution.
Suppose prices[0:i] have been scanned, we maitain following variables:
- l - The day with the lowest prices in prices[0:i]
- b - The buy day of the local optimal transaction for prices[0:i]
- s - The sell day of the local optimal transaction for prices[0:i]
We initialize l = b = s = 0, and for each i = 1...n-1, we update by following steps:
- If prices[i] < prices[l], then update the lowest price day l.
- We update b = l and s = i if one of the following conditions is satisfied.
- prices[i] > prices[s]
- prices[s] - prices[b] < prices[i] - prices[l]
The following code in python is accepted by oj.leetcode.com.
class Solution:
# @param prices, a list of integer
# @return an integer
def maxProfit(self, prices):
DP solution: suppose already have following informations in prices[0:i]:
1. Lowest price
2. Current profit presented by the buy price and the sell price
Then for prices[0:i+1], we can update as follows:
If prices[i] > prices[s]:
sell_price = prices[i]
buy_price = lowest_price
elif prices[i]-lowest_price > prices[s] - prices[b]:
buy_price = lowest_price
sell_price = prices[i]
elif prices[i] < lowest_price:
lowest_price = prices[i]
After scan all prices, we return sell_price - buy_price
The initial case:
lowest_price = prices[0]
buy_price = prices[0]
sell_price = prices[0]
And we scan prices from prices[1].
# Special case: prices == []
if not prices:
return 0
# Initialize with prices[0]
b = s = l = 0
# Scan from i = 1 to n-1
for i in xrange(1, len(prices)):
if prices[i] < prices[l]:
l = i
elif prices[i] > prices[s] or prices[s] - prices[b] < prices[i] - prices[l]:
s = i
b = l
return prices[s] - prices[b]