Ready, fire, aim
Feb 16th 2006
From The Economist print edition
Foreword:A vice-president, a ★quail[1] and the first glimmer of class warfare in hunting
POLITICALGRAVEYARD.COM is (1)a goldmine for both trivia addicts and congenital time-wasters.▲ Do you want to find out about American politicians who were killed in duels (17 a______①_____ to the site)? Or about politicians who were murdered (86)? Or politicians who have been to outer space (6)? Or politicians who died while hunting or fishing (14)? Just point and click. But as yet the site doesn't have an entry for politicians who almost kill the poor ★saps[2] they are hunting or fishing with.
No doubt (2)the good people ▲at politicalgraveyard will soon update their site. Ever since Dick Cheney took aim at a quail on February 11th and hit a 78-year-old lawyer i_________②, America has been talking of little else. This is not only because Mr Cheney's tragicomic accident seemed to sum up his style of shooting first and asking questions later (hence a torrent of jokes about Mr Cheney's insistence that he was right to shoot despite the failure to find quail in the bushes). It is also because he handled the incident with astonishing ★ineptitude[3].
Harry Whittington's wounds were s________③: he was pepper-sprayed in the face, neck, chest and rib cage, and rushed to intensive care. But Mr Cheney didn't bother to tell the public that their vice-president had ★winged[4] a lawyer until the next day (when he got his host to phone her local paper, the ★Corpus Christi[5] Caller-Times) and he didn't give a television interview until February 15th, a day after his v_________④ suffered a mild heart attack. As one ally puts it, “(3)Dick is beyond PR.”▲
The media has ★pored over[6] every aspect of the incident: the fact that Mr Cheney had failed to buy the proper stamp for his licence (he subsequently sent $7 to the requisite authorities); that his host was a lobbyist; that the White House initially tried the strategy of t________⑤the shooting as a joke. But one thing was almost entirely ignored—(4)the fact that Mr Cheney was spending his weekend slaughtering innocent birds in the first place.▲
In many European countries, no ambitious politician would want to be seen with a hunting rifle in his hands and a ★cuddly[7] animal in his sights. In America, politicians ★go to great lengths[8] to get seen doing just that. The classic example of the shooting photo-op was (5)John Kerry's appearance in rather too ★pristine[9] duck-hunting gear▲ in October 2004. But even left-wingers like Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich ★(6)defer to[10] the hunting vote.▲
And why not? Hunters like to boast that their sport is as American as baseball and apple pie, a tradition shared by young and old, rich and poor, conservatives and l_______⑥. The US Fish and Wildlife Service claims that 80m Americans aged 16 or over—nearly 40% of the adult population—“enjoyed some recreational activity relating to fish and wildlife” in 2001, the latest year for which figures are a__________⑦. About 13m Americans shoot, and they spend some $20.6 billion a year on their pastime. (7)There is a hunting channel.▲ There are ★camouflaged[11] Bibles for people who want to read scripture before blasting off. There are also powerful lobbies, from the National Rifle Association to the ★Safari[12] Club International. The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation has more than 300 members.
But(8) the reality is not quite so ★tally ho[13]▲. The proportion of the population that goes hunting has been shrinking for the past 20 years. The number of hunters fell by 7% in the decade ending in 2001; the number of small-game hunters, including quail hunters, fell by 29%. The main cause of this is e__________⑧. Every year America loses 1.5m acres of wildlife habitat and 1m acres of farm and ranchland to development and ★sprawl[14]. But the real worry for hunters is, or should be, class.
1、according 2、instead 3、serious 4、victim 5、treating 6、liberals 7、available 8、economics
vi.(与at, before连用)畏惧;畏缩;沮丧:
如:He quailed at the thought of meeting the President.他对会见总统的打算感到害怕。
[3]ineptitude:n.不称职,不适当的动作(adj. inept)
[5] Corpus Christi:n.【罗马天主教】圣餐节:三一节(星期日)后的第一个星期四、食圣餐的日子
[6]pore over:v.注视,凝视
如:He pored over the classified ads in search of a new job.他仔细阅读分类广告栏以寻找新的工作
[8]go to great lengths:竭尽全力 go to great pains 费大力气
[9]pristine adj.纯洁的,质朴的;古时的,原来的
[10]defer to:v. 服从,遵从(出于尊敬他本人或由于承认他的权威、学识或判断力,听从他的意见,遵从他的愿望,服从他的决定)
如:Do you always defer to your parents wishes? 你总是顺从父母的意志吗?
yield, relent, bow, defer, submit, succumb
1) Yield的应用最为广泛:
如:yield to an enemy; 对敌投降;
yield to reason;屈服于理由;
yieldto desire. 屈服于欲望。
“The child . . . soon yielded to the drowsiness” (Charles Dickens). “这孩子…一会儿就支持不住昏昏欲睡了” (查尔斯•狄更斯)
2) relent 是指出于对处于自己权威和影响下的人的尊重而缓解某一制度或决定的苛刻或严格:
“The captain at last relented, and told him that he might make himself at home” (Herman Melville). “最后,船长缓和下来,告诉他随便些” (荷曼•麦尔维尔)。
“Bow and accept the end/Of a love” (Robert Frost). “屈服并接受爱情的结局” (罗伯特•弗罗斯特)
“Philip . . . had the good sense to defer to the long experience and the wisdom of his father” (William Hickling Prescott). “菲利浦…很明智地在他父亲的丰富经验和智慧面前作出了让步”(威廉姆•希克林•普莱斯哥特)。
“What must the King do now? Must he submit?” (Shakespeare). “现在国王必须做什么? 他必须投降吗?”(莎士比亚)。
6)Succumb 强烈暗示屈服不可一世的或无法抵抗的事物:
“I didn't succumb without a struggle to my uncle's allurements” (H.G. Wells). “我对叔叔的诱惑未作任何反抗便屈服了” (H.G.威尔斯)
如:The military vehicles were camouflaged.军车被伪装起来了。
[13] tally n. 符木(古时用,上有刻痕记载交货、欠款等的数量), 记账, 得分, 标记牌, 标签, 符合, 对应物, 计数器
如:Land ho! Westward ho!停下!向西!
[14] sprawl vi.摊手摊脚地坐卧,平躺,倒卧;不规则的伸展;蔓延
如:sprawling on the sofa平躺在沙发上
suburbs that sprawl out into the countryside乱七八糟向乡间扩展的市郊