Mysql - 按多个表和列分组

时间:2022-01-12 23:16:27

I have the two following tables:


 cid | iid | qty
   1 |   7 | 42
   2 |   7 |  1
   3 |   8 | 21

 rid | cid | qty
   1 |   1 |   2
   2 |   1 |  10
   3 |   2 |   1

I would like to retrieve, for each iid, the sum of content.qty and ret.qty For exemple, for given tables, the result would be:


iid=7, SUM(content.qty) = 43, SUM(ret.qty)=13

iid = 7,SUM(content.qty)= 43,SUM(ret.qty)= 13

iid=8, SUM(content.qty) = 21, SUM(ret.qty)=0

iid = 8,SUM(content.qty)= 21,SUM(ret.qty)= 0

Is there any way to do it in one query?


In advance, thank you!


1 个解决方案



This is a bit complicated, because you don't want duplicates in your sums. To fix that problem, do the aggregations separately as subqueries. The first is directly on content the second joins back to content from ret to get the iid column.


The following query follows this approach, and assumes that cid is a unique key on content:


select c.iid, c.qty + coalesce(r.qty, 0)
from (select c.iid, SUM(qty) as cqty
      from content c 
      group by c.iid
     ) c left outer join
     (select c.iid, SUM(r.qty) as rqty
      from ret r join
           content c
           on r.cid = c.cid
      group by c.iid
     ) r
     on c.iid = r.iid;



This is a bit complicated, because you don't want duplicates in your sums. To fix that problem, do the aggregations separately as subqueries. The first is directly on content the second joins back to content from ret to get the iid column.


The following query follows this approach, and assumes that cid is a unique key on content:


select c.iid, c.qty + coalesce(r.qty, 0)
from (select c.iid, SUM(qty) as cqty
      from content c 
      group by c.iid
     ) c left outer join
     (select c.iid, SUM(r.qty) as rqty
      from ret r join
           content c
           on r.cid = c.cid
      group by c.iid
     ) r
     on c.iid = r.iid;