Every man dies, but not every man really lives.
As I become older and older, I often feel sorry that I didn't do the right things at the right time.
When I was a teenager, I didn't find my love with a girl of the same age.
When I was a college student, I footled my time away instead of preparing for a profession.
So, it is not strange that I have fallen into current glum situation both in my personal affairs and my working life.
However, what is the use of regrets?
Depressed and frustrated, I often feel inferior to others and often place myself in a lower position, it seems that defeat is staring myself in the face.
Nevertheless, some one told me that no matter how many mistakes you had maken and how slowly you progress, you are still way ahead of those who stop moving forward.
That may be hope, and the only thing I have now.
Yesterday is gone, shake off the dust and move on. Don't let the past steal your future.
Just bring your very best today.
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
It is wonderful to see that others are benefited from what you have done.
And I think the bottom line of a man is doing no harm to others.
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