
时间:2021-07-16 19:23:11

There are two tables:


Clients (id, name)

Order (id, id_client, name), where id_client - foreign key. 

Write a query that selects the identifier and name of the first table and the number of records in the second table, associated with them. The result should be sorted by surname in descending order.


I've tried

SELECT Clients.id, Clients.name, count(id) FROM clients INNER JOIN Order on Clients.id=Order.id_client GROUP BY Clients.id, Clients.name ORDER BY Clients.name DESC

but id doesn't work ;(


1 个解决方案



OK, Here is the query:


i have realized that table name can not be same as keyword. before post this answer, i haven't checked this as the OP give the Table name as 'Order'. here is the corrected version of the previous query: thank to " Jan Dvorak" for correcting me.

我意识到表名不能与关键字相同。在发布此答案之前,我没有检查过这个,因为OP将表名称作为'Order'。这是上一个查询的更正版本:感谢“Jan Dvorak”纠正我。

Select clients.id as `identifier`, clients.name as `Name` from clients INNER JOIN orders on clients.id = orders.id_client order by `Name` DESC;

SQLfiddle demo



OK, Here is the query:


i have realized that table name can not be same as keyword. before post this answer, i haven't checked this as the OP give the Table name as 'Order'. here is the corrected version of the previous query: thank to " Jan Dvorak" for correcting me.

我意识到表名不能与关键字相同。在发布此答案之前,我没有检查过这个,因为OP将表名称作为'Order'。这是上一个查询的更正版本:感谢“Jan Dvorak”纠正我。

Select clients.id as `identifier`, clients.name as `Name` from clients INNER JOIN orders on clients.id = orders.id_client order by `Name` DESC;

SQLfiddle demo