
时间:2022-10-20 19:21:36

I would like to select / filter the columns from a frame that do not contain negative Values. That means creating a new frame with the columns that only contain positive values.


Something like the following (syntax is wrong):


var myFrameNoNeg = myFrame.Columns.Where(kvp => kvp.Value > 0); // 

The idea is to Drop the columns which contain negative values.


Thank you.

1 个解决方案


Your code is pointing in the right direction - you need to use frame.Columns.Where. However, this does not give you individual values, but the whole column (as a series) and so you need to (again) iterate over all values in the column:

您的代码指向正确的方向 - 您需要使用frame.Columns.Where。但是,这不会给您单独的值,而是整列(作为一个系列),因此您需要(再次)迭代列中的所有值:

using Deedle;
using System.Linq;

Frame.FromColumns(frame.Columns.Where(kvp => 
  !kvp.Value.As<double>().Values.Any(v => v < 0.0)))

Since you are iterating over columns, you need to call Frame.FromColumns at the end to turn the series of columns back into a frame.


The Where method gives you the column data as boxed series containing objects. Using As<double>() is an efficient way to get the values as floating points.

Where方法为列数据提供包含对象的盒装系列。使用As ()是将值作为浮点获取的有效方法。


Your code is pointing in the right direction - you need to use frame.Columns.Where. However, this does not give you individual values, but the whole column (as a series) and so you need to (again) iterate over all values in the column:

您的代码指向正确的方向 - 您需要使用frame.Columns.Where。但是,这不会给您单独的值,而是整列(作为一个系列),因此您需要(再次)迭代列中的所有值:

using Deedle;
using System.Linq;

Frame.FromColumns(frame.Columns.Where(kvp => 
  !kvp.Value.As<double>().Values.Any(v => v < 0.0)))

Since you are iterating over columns, you need to call Frame.FromColumns at the end to turn the series of columns back into a frame.


The Where method gives you the column data as boxed series containing objects. Using As<double>() is an efficient way to get the values as floating points.

Where方法为列数据提供包含对象的盒装系列。使用As ()是将值作为浮点获取的有效方法。