struts2 CVE-2013-4316 S2-019 Dynamic method executions Vul

时间:2022-05-15 22:37:21


. Description
. Effected Scope
. Exploit Analysis
. Principle Of Vulnerability
. Patch Fix

1. Description

Dynamic Method Invocation is a mechanism known to impose possible security vulnerabilities, but until now it was enabled by default with warning that users should switch it off if possible.

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2. Effected Scope
3. Exploit Analysis

0x1: POC



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4. Principle Of Vulnerability
5. Patch Fix

0x1: upgrade struts2

In Struts the Dynamic Method Invocation is to false by default. Another option is to set struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation to false in struts.xml

<constant name="struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation" value="false"/>

0x2: 手动修复方法

. 使用过滤器对相关关键字进行拦截,需要修改struts.xml,并重启struts2应用进程
. 动态关闭struts2的属性开关(hotfix)
. 使用waf进行URL层面的拦截

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