December 1
1. All circles have the same shape. 所有圆的形状都是相同的。
2. She first drew a circle on the board. 她首先在板上画了一个圆。
3. He used a small circle and a square. 他使用的是一个小圆形和一个方形。
4. You can draw a round face or a square face. 你可以画出圆脸或是方形脸。
5. The two triangles coincide. 这两个三角形相重合。
6. Timbered cottages stood around a triangular green. 几所乡村小木屋环绕在三角形绿地周围。
7. How many diamonds are there in this picture? 在这幅图中有多少个菱形?
8. Dates are represented by diamonds. 日期用菱形符号表示。
9. He handed me a little rectangle of white paper. 他递给我一张小小的长方形白纸片。
10. It has four lines and four angles. 长方形有四条边和四个角。
December 2
1. What you really need is1 programmer and1 artist. 你真正需要的是一个程序员和一个美工。
2. This skill is valuable for programmers, of course. 当然,这个技巧对程序员是有价值的。
3. Doctors I came into contact with voiced their concern. 我接触到的医生都表示了他们的担心。
4. The doctor told me on the quiet his patient had cancer. 医生暗地对我说,那位病人患的是癌症。
5. I'm a teacher with 21 years 'experience. 我是个有21年教龄的教师。
6. I have a good friend who's a teacher. 我有一个当教师的好朋友。
7. They hired a nurse to care for her. 他们雇了个护士来照顾她。
8. I'm a trained nurse. 我是一名受过专业训练的护士。
9. The driver lost control when a tyre burst. 一个车胎爆了,司机失去了控制。
10. The cab pulled up and the driver jumped out. 出租车减速停下,司机跳了出来。
December 3
1. The police have uncovered a scheme of robbery. 警察当局破获了一起阴谋抢劫案。
2. The policeman used his baton to battle the rascal. 警察用警棍和歹徒搏斗。
3. The fireman battled to control the flames. 消防员与烈火斗争以控制火势。
4. We're gonna need paramedics and fire trucks. 我们需要消防员和急救人员。
5. Ten footballer stood in a row on the sport ground. 运动场上一字儿站着十名足球运动员。
6. The athlete takes off from one leg from an inward twist. 这名运动员向内转体一周单腿起跳。
7. They have sent for a repairman. 他们已经派人去请了一名修理工。
8. The repair man have come to mend the photocopier. 修理工已经来修理这台影印了。
9. I knew he worked for a security firm. 我知道他在一家保安公司工作。
10. He rang for the guard to let him out. 他按铃叫保安放他出去。
December 4
1. The military commander has been dismissed. 军队司令已经被免职了。
2. The commander congregated his staffs. 司令集合了他的参谋人员。
3. The army commander inquired after Comrade Li with solicitude. 军长关心地问起李同志的情况。
4. The commander, wounded and exhausted in the fighting, was taken *er. 军长力竭负伤,陷身囹圄。
5. The division commander ordered that we start the attack before dawn. 师长令我们在拂晓前发起攻击。
6. The youngest division commander was thirty-seven. 最年轻的师长是三十七岁。
7. He successively held the posts of brigade and army commander. 他历任旅长、军长等职。
8. The brigade's commander car, the M-1 ( Emochka), blew up on a mine. 旅长的指挥车,一辆M-1踩中了一颗地雷。
9. Mills was regimental colonel. 米尔斯当过团长。
10. French friends meet winners and the team leader. 法国朋友会见获奖演员和团长。
December 5
1. But I did have good battalion commanders. 我的营长们确实都很不错。
2. Tourist train was standing-by at Chung-Hsing Station, Hsin-Ying. 新营糖厂中兴车站待发中的营长牧场观光列车。
3. The company commander assigned me to stand guard. 连长派我去站岗。
4. The company commander gave the signal for advance. 连长发出了前进的信号。
5. The platoon leader will lead the patrol tonight. 今晚排长带班。
6. The platoon leader sounded the whistle for lunch. 排长吹响了午餐哨。
7. The teacher is talking to the monitor. 老师正在跟班长谈话。
8. He hit the mark when he became president of the class. 他达到了他的目标,被选为班长。
9. I have selected a Chief of Staff. 我选了一个参谋长。
10. At one time I was chief of staff of such a regiment. 我曾当过这样一个团的参谋长。
December 6
1. He was drenched with rain. 大雨浇得他全身都湿透了。
2. Oh, it's going to pour with rain. Let's run for shelter. 噢,天要下大雨了。我们快躲雨去
3. Strong winds blew away most of the dust. 大风卷走了大部分的尘土。
4. After the wind, there was a layer of dust on the desk. 大风过后,桌上落了一层灰。
5. Hailstones of abuse were pelting him. 阵阵辱骂冰雹般地向他袭来。
6. Hail and sleet are types of precipitation. 冰雹和冻雨都是降水的形式。
7. They made no progress in the heavy snow. 他们在大雪中无法前进。
8. The village became snowbound. 这个村子被大雪封住了。
9. Dust swept over the area again in black clouds that covered the sun. 黄沙象蔽日的乌云又一次地席卷这一地区。
10. Because of the sweep of the sandstorm, sand was all over the sky of the entire city. 由于刮起了沙尘暴,整个城市黄沙漫天。
December 7
1. They vanished into the haze near the horizon. 他们消失在天边的雾霾中。
2. That is an important step but in itself will not lift the smog that hangs over the city. 这是重要的一步举措,但其本身不会清除弥漫在北京上空的雾霾。
3. A thunder shower is coming up. 雷阵雨马上就要来了。
4. It looks like we are going to have a thunder shower. 看样子我们会遇上雷阵雨。
5. Conditions were damp and foggy after morning sleet. 早上的雨夹雪过后天气潮湿多雾。
6. Further outlook, rain and snow. 未来天气雨夹雪。
7. "Weather forecast: sunny, becoming cloudy". 天气预报,晴转多云
8. The weather for tomorrow: Clear in the morning, changing to light overcast in the afternoon. 明天的天气:上午晴,下午转多云。
9. The lightning flashed and thunder crashed. 电闪雷鸣。
10. Animation shows the scene of thunder and lightning. 动画显示了电闪雷鸣的场面。
December 8
1. He has just learned the rudiments of Chinese. 他学汉语刚刚入门。
2. He has a good grounding in Chinese. 他的汉语底子厚。
3. He speaks Englih and French with equal fluency. 他说英语和法语同样流利。
4. I found English much more difficult to learn. 我发现英语难学得多。
5. Now learning English and Korean! 现在在学英语和韩语!
6. I will continue to conscientiously study Korean. 我将继续认真学习韩语。
7. Japanese has borrowed heavily from English. 日语借用了很多英语词汇。
8. I can speak three languages, Chinese, English and Japanese. 我会说三种语言。中文,英文和日语。
9. Of or relating to the languages of the Thai people. 属于或关于泰国人讲的泰语的。
10. So if you teach me good english, I'll teach you good thai. 如果你教我学好英语,我你教你学好泰语。
December 9
1. I had hoped to brush up my Spanish. 我曾打算好好温习一下我的西班牙语。
2. Who taught you Spanish? 谁教了你西班牙语?
3. That's all the Italian I know. 这是我知道的所有意大利语了。
4. How was your Italian lesson? 你的意大利语课上的怎样了?
5. He speaks French, and Spanish as well. 他说法语,也会说西班牙语。
6. His mastery of the French language was proverbial. 他对法语的精通是众所周知的。
7. She can speak German and French, not to speak of English. 她能说德语和法语,更不用说英语了。
8. French and German were deemed essential. 法语和德语被认为是必不可少的。
9. Is Portuguese very different from Spanish? 葡萄牙语和西班牙语的差别很大吗?
10. Were they talking in Spanish or in portuguese? 他们是在用西班牙语还是葡萄牙语谈话?
December 10
1. She looks after children in the kindergarten. 她在幼儿园照看孩子。
2. There is a kindergarten behind my house. 我家后面有一所幼儿园。
3. I was just in grade school at the time, but I remember it perfectly. 那时我还在上小学,但是我记得非常清楚。
4. I knew this when I was in elementary school. 这个我上小学的时候就知道了。
5. This guy's living my junior high fantasy. 这人生活在我初中的梦幻中。
6. Middle and primary school vacation homework is not the same! 初中和小学的假期作业就是不一样!
7. In high school I was scared to death of you. 高中时我怕你怕得要命。
8. Today, I become a high school student. 就在今天,我成为了一名高中生。
9. He had wearied of teaching in state universities. 他已经厌烦了在州立大学教书。
10. I eventually got a place at York University. 我最终进了约克大学。
December 11
1. Of junior college after only one year. 一年的专科学校就退学了。
2. This is the website for * Academy of Medicine. 这是香港医学专科学院的网站。
3. Thus, I chose English as my major in the college. 因此,我选择了英语作为我的大学本科专业。
4. I went to four different undergraduate schools in four years. 我曾经在四年里上了四所本科学校。
5. I've a master's in economics. 我获得了经济学硕士学位。
6. He majored in mathematics and got a master's degree. 他主修数学,拿到了硕士学位。
7. Where did she do her doctorate? 她在哪里攻读博士?
8. Dr Ryan travelled the world gathering material for his book. 瑞安博士周游世界为他的书搜集资料。
9. The committee was composed of professors and engineers. 委员会由教授和工程师组成。
10. He was appointed professor in the university for life. 他被任为那所大学的终身教授。
December 12
1. We look forward to a timely resolution of this matter. 我们期待着这个问题得到及时解决。
2. The Canadian authorities arrested Meng at the request of the US on Dec 1. 应美国要求,加拿大当局于12月1日逮捕了孟。
3. Statistics indicate ongoing monetary easing to offset economic headwinds. 数据显示,中国正在放松货币政策,以抵消经济逆风的影响。
4. The country newly issued yuan-denominated loans of 1.25 trillion yuan. 中国新增人民币贷款1.25万亿元。
5. The statistics reflected ongoing monetary easing, started from the second half. 这些数据反映了从下半年开始的货币宽松政策。
6. The priority of Chinese monetary policy has shifted to strengthening corporate financing. 中国货币政策的重点已转向加强企业融资。
7. We expect a total of 250 basis points in RRR cuts before the end of 2019. 我们预计2019年底前存款准备金率总共将下调250个基点。
8. But it may also slow the nascent decline in system leverage over the past year. 但它也可能减缓过去一年系统杠杆率刚刚开始下降的趋势。
9. To maintain economic and financial stability is always the important target. 保持经济金融稳定始终是重要目标。
10. China's banking association to boost consortium loans. 中国银行业协会加大银团贷款力度。
December 13
1. Millions use online platforms to back athletic lifestyles. 数百万人利用网络平台支持运动生活方式。
2. I think the internet has really changed the way people work out. 我认为互联网真的改变了人们的工作方式
3. According to a report from market research consultancy Analysys in Beijing. 根据北京市场研究咨询公司易观国际(Analysys)的一份报告.
4. Users may not have that much time to go online and find solutions. 用户可能没有那么多时间上网寻找解决方案。
5. She sometimes uses its app for more than just registering for classes. 她有时使用它的应用程序不仅仅是为了注册课程。
6. You can search for some music and buy fitness gear with just one app. 你可以用一个应用程序搜索一些音乐和购买健身装备。
7. I think the fitness apps are trying to mix working out and socializing. 我认为健身应用程序试图将健身和社交结合起来。
8. China will soon deliver a world-class ship to a Swedish company. 中国将很快向一家瑞典公司交付一艘世界级的船舶。
9. China is an experienced builder of naval ships. 中国是一个经验丰富的造船国。
10. The country's shipbuilders have been striving to develop large cruise ships. 该国的造船厂一直在努力开发大型游轮。
December 14
1. Wish Guangxi a happy 60th birthday! 祝广西60岁生日快乐。
2. How would you describe Guangxi. 你如何描述广西。
3. Maybe you think it’s a melting pot of dozens of ethnic minorities. 也许你认为它是一个由几十个少数民族组成的大熔炉。
4. A wonderland far from the concrete jungle. 一个远离水泥丛林的仙境。
5. Or maybe you know it as the hometown of famous folk song singer Liu Sanjie and river snail rice noodles. 亦或是刘三姐和螺蛳粉的家乡。
6. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. 今年是广西壮族自治区成立60周年。
7. This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up. 今年是中国改革开放40周年。
8. Please use three words to describe China's changes in the past 40 years. 请用三个词来描述中国在过去40年的变化。
9. The past four decades in China represent an era of affluence. 过去的四十年在中国代表着一个富裕的时代。
10. In addition, a growing number of middle and high-income Chinese are opting to study in the US. 此外,越来越多的中高收入中国人选择到美国留学。
December 15
1. Seven priority areas in economic work for 2019. 2019年经济工作的七个重点领域。
2. A flamingo-themed park at a shopping mall in Changchun. 长春一家购物中心的火烈鸟主题公园。
3. Farmers collect apples in Ansai district of Yan'an, Shaanxi province. 陕西省延安市安塞区,农民们正在收集苹果。
4. They decorated the house for Christmas. 我们装饰房子迎圣诞节。
5. This dog was born on Christmas Eve in 2002. 这只狗出生于2002年的平安夜。
6. New Year's Day is a public holiday throughout Britain. 元旦是全英国的公众假日。
7. My sister and I went to * for four days in this winter vacation. 今年寒假,我和我姐去香港玩了四天。
8. We'll start another summer vacation when July comes. 到了7月我们又该放暑假了。
9. We caroused all through the night on new year's eve. 除夕大伙儿闹了一夜。
10. By midnight, New Year, firecrackers sounded the street. 到了十二点,大年初一了,街上响起鞭炮声。
December 16
1. They charged the cannon with shot. 他们给大炮装上了炮弹。
2. The guns destroyed the enemy's position. 大炮摧毁了敌人的阵地。
3. They're backed by allied warplanes and tanks. 他们受到盟军战机和坦克的掩护。
4. More than 100 tanks rolled into eastern Croatia. 100多辆坦克开进了克罗地亚东部。
5. He has taken to travelling in an armour-plated car. 他喜欢上了坐装甲车。
6. We use that armor car company all the time. 我们一直用那个装甲车公司。
7. He carried an antitank rocket launcher. 他携带一个反坦克火箭筒。
8. The situation has long demanded a bazooka. 这样的局面早就需要出动“火箭筒”。
9. He had only seven rounds of ammunition for the revolver. 他这把左轮手枪只有7梭子子弹。
10. She has a revolver containing live cartridges. 她有一支装了实弹的左轮手枪。
December 17
1. Ants and flies are insects. 蚂蚁和苍蝇都是昆虫。
2. Bees and ants are social insects. 蜜蜂和蚂蚁是群居昆虫。
3. A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale. 在这个卡通童话里王子变成了一只青蛙。
4. A frog can live both on land and in water. 青蛙既能生活在陆地上也能生活在水中。
5. The rooster chased me across the dirt floor of the barn. 公鸡追着我跑过谷仓的泥土地面。
6. The comb on the cock's head looks very beautiful. 公鸡头上的鸡冠很好看。
7. Giraffe's neck is really long, extended magpie's family continuously. 长颈鹿的脖子真长啊,一直伸到了喜鹊的家。
8. The magpie is the most charming bird in all the worid. 喜鹊是世界上最迷人的鸟了。
9. I counted 34 wild goats grazing. 我数了数,有34只野山羊在啃草。
10. The girl and the goose get in the goat's cart. 小女孩和鹅上了山羊的马车。
December 18
1. It is difficult to turn over in a hammock. 在吊床上翻身很困难。
2. This is your last chance to redeem yourself this time. 这是你最后翻身的机会了。
3. The baby was struggling to sit up. 娃娃挣扎着要坐起身子。
4. She sat up in bed and threw back the bedclothes. 她在床上坐起,把被子掀开。
5. He overbalanced and fell head first. 他站立不稳,摔了个脑壳着地。
6. The baby has reached the stage when he can stand up. 婴儿到了能站立的阶段了。
7. A baby does not need to wear shoes until he starts to walk. 婴儿在开始走路前不需要穿鞋。
8. Keep a watchful eye on babies and toddlers. 要看好婴儿和刚会走路的孩子。
9. Climb on to my back and hold tight. 爬到我背上抓紧了。
10. He climbed down from the cab. 他吃力地从出租车里爬了出来。
December 19
1. The three-point shot to give white boys a chance? 三分球是为了给白人机会?
2. We should strengthen the training of three-point shoot. 必须加强三分球技术的训练。
3. They've got some terrific penalty-takers. 他们有几个技术一流的罚球手。
4. He stepped to the line and made two free throws. 他走向罚球线,罚了两次球。
5. Players were warned twice for foul play. 运动员们因为犯规动作被警告了两次。
6. The footballer made a professional foul. 那位足球运动员故意犯规。
7. You have to love to attack and you have to love to defend. 你必须热爱助攻,也必须热爱防守。
8. He won the scoring title and assists title in the same season. 他在一个赛季中同时赢得了得分王和助攻王。
9. So you first dunked when you were in junior high? 所以,你的第一次扣篮时在初中了?
10. He jumped and slam dunk. 他跳起来扣篮。
December 20
1. I was born on Christmas day. 我出生在圣诞节那天。
2. We decorated the house for Christmas. 我们装饰房子过圣诞节。
3. We get grandfather up as father christmas. 我们把爷爷化装成圣诞老人。
4. What do you say to santa's dwarves? 你和圣诞老人说了什么?
5. I have a little christmas present for you. 我给你准备了一个小小的圣诞礼物。
6. You ready for your Christmas present? 做好接受你圣诞礼物的准备了么?
7. We celebrated Christmas with trees and presents. 我们用圣诞树和礼物来庆祝圣诞节。
8. Have you decorated your Christmas tree yet? 你装饰了圣诞树吗?
9. I bet you can't even name the reindeer. 我敢打赌你甚至叫不出驯鹿的名字。
10. You mean santa's got no reindeer this year? 你是说今年圣诞老人没有驯鹿?
December 21
1. The emperor unified the country by the sword. 那位皇帝用武力统一了全国。
2. The emperor abdicated in favor of his son. 皇帝自愿退位,由他的儿子登基。
3. You have been nominated for prom queen. 你被提名毕业舞会皇后了。
4. I don't want to marry the Queen, for she is married. 我不想娶皇后,因为她结婚了.
5. The Prince Imperial passed away last night. 皇太子昨晚去世了。
6. Then let me tell her that he is still alive. 那我去告诉她,太子还活着。
7. She was like a princess in a fairy tale. 她就像童话里的公主。
8. Princess Anne topped the guest list. 安妮公主排在宾客名单之首。
9. Did your husband get the Emperor's sword? 那驸马得到皇帝的剑了么?
10. So the little tailor became a prince. 于是,小个子裁缝成了驸马。
December 22
1. It's a beautiful mountain, right? 华山是一座美丽的山,对吗?
2. Huashan is a very high mountain. 华山是座非常高的山。
3. Songshan is one of the first-inhabited area of Chinese ancestors. 嵩山是中国祖先最早居住的地区之一。
4. Study on Protection and Sustainable Development of Songshan Geopark. 嵩山地质公园保护与可持续发展研究。
5. Mount Tai is praised as peerless under heaven. 泰山被誉称为天下第一山。
6. On my last day off, I went to climb Mountain Tai. 在我的上休息日,我去爬了泰山。
7. On Ecotourism and Sustaining Development in Nanyue Mountain. 南岳衡山生态旅游开发与可持续发展。
8. The city is situated on the south side of Hengshan Mountain and thus called hengyang. 此城位于衡山之南,故名衡阳。
9. Bukak Monastery of Hengshan is rare in the world. 北岳恒山的悬空寺更是世间罕见。
10. The Plan and Construction Method of Slope Treatment for Hengshan Tourist Road. 浅谈恒山旅游公路边坡整治方案与施工方法。
December 23
1. There is a famous place called "Shaolin Temple" in Henan. 河南有个很著名的地方叫做少林寺。
2. For thousands of years no girl had entered SHAOLIN TEMPLE. 几千年来没有女人进过少林寺。
3. The Wudang Mountain is also known as a "natural herbary". 武当山有“天然药库”之称。
4. I also learned swordplay at Wu Dang Mountain When I was only ten years old. 我还在武当山学过剑术,那时我才十岁。
5. We are going to Mount Emei on Friday. 星期五我们打算去峨嵋山。
6. The next morning, we climbed Mount Emei. 次日早上,我们去爬峨嵋山。
7. Buddhism had to adapt to the new world or perish. 佛教必须适应新时代,否则将会消亡。
8. This Buddhist temple in China's construction was rare. 这在中国佛教寺院的修建中是罕见的。
9. In Taoism and Buddhism the yellow color is a holy color. 在道教和佛教中,黄色是神圣的颜色。
10. He explained the beliefs of Taoism to us. 他向我们讲解了道教教义。
December 24
1. Ability to work well with others. 能够同他人一道很好地工作。
2. Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。
3. Be highly organized and efficient. 工作很有条理,办事效率高。
4. Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively. 善于同各种人员打交道。
5. Young, bright, energetic with strong career ambition. 年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。
6. Be able to work under high pressure and time limitation. 能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。
7. With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities. 有良好的管理艺术和组织能力。
8. Being active, creative and innovative is a plus. 思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。
9. Having good and extensive social connections. 具有良好而广泛的社会关系。
10. With good analytical capability. 有较强的分析能力。
December 25
1. It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview. 我很荣幸有这个机会参加面试。
2. Now i will introduce myself briefly. 现在我简单介绍一下我自己
3. Thank you for giving me the chance. 谢谢你给我这个机会。
4. What is your greatest strength? 你最突出的优点是什么?
5. What is your greatest weakness? 你最大的弱点是什么?
6. I'm such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done. 我是一个完美主义者,不把工作做好我是不会罢休的。
7. Excellent ability of systematical management. 有极强的系统管理能力。
8. A person with ability plus flexibility should apply. 需要有能力及适应力强的人。
9. Work well with a multicultural work force. 能够和不同文化的人一起出色地工作。
10. Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. 思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。
December 26
1. Finally, we came to an agreement. 最后我们达成了一致。
2. There are always two sides to everything. 每件是都有两面性。
3. I don’t think it’s necessary for us to discuss this question any further. 我想我们没有必要进一步讨论这个问题。
4. Is there any evidence to support what you have said? 有什么证据可以支持你的说法吗?
5. Does anybody share David’s opinion? 有谁同意大卫的观点吗?
6. Has anybody else anything to say on this? 关于这点,谁还有什么别的要说吗?
7. Please sum up what you said just now. 请把你刚才说的总结一下。
8. Let’s just run through the arguments for and against. 我们来看一下赞成和反对的理由。
9. The whole class is in a heated discussion. 全班同学正在热烈讨论。
10. I cannot agree with you on this point. 在这一点上,我不能同意你的意见。
December 27
1. Premier League and Bundesliga are the best league in the world. 英超和德甲才是最好的联赛。
2. We won the Carling cup, and two months later we won the premiership. 那年我们赢得了联赛杯,两个月后我们又赢得了英超冠军。
3. I believe Real Madrid is the strongest team in La Liga. 我相信皇马是西甲中最强大的球队。
4. How does the Premiership compare with La liga? 与西甲比起来,英超是怎样的?
5. He was one of the first black players in the Bundesliga. 他是最早在德甲效力的黑人球员之一。
6. Fans * with police after a CSL game. 中超联赛后河南球迷与警察冲突。
7. It means a lot to me as a Brazilian to play in the Champions League. 参加欧冠作为一个巴西人对我意味着很多。
8. The UEFA Champions League is something which is part of me. 欧冠联赛是我执教生涯的一部分。
9. The Asian Cup is going to begin, which team do you support? 亚洲杯马上就要开始了,你支持哪个队?
10. The Danes won that UEFA tie in a shoot-out. 丹麦人在点球大战中胜出,赢下了那场欧洲杯淘汰赛。
December 28
1. I am getting married on Monday. 我星期一结婚。
2. It was a Monday, so she was at home. 那天是星期一,因此她在家里。
3. The meeting has been arranged for Tuesday evening. 这次会议已安排在星期二晚上举行。
4. New York holds its primary election on Tuesday. 纽约州将在星期二举行预选。
5. The delegation arrived in Beijing on wednesday. 代表团星期三到达北京。
6. I found out I was playing on Wednesday. 我发现我将要在星期三参加比赛。
7. On the Thursday we went out on a day trip. 星期四我们出去玩了一天。
8. Heavy thundery rain fell throughout Thursday. 星期四下了一整天的雷暴雨。
9. On Friday evening he passed this word along. 星期五晚上他传来了这句话。
10. All tickets go on sale this Friday. 所有票在本星期五开始销售。
December 29
1. I've got the train ticket. 我买上火车票了。
2. The train began to move. 火车开动了。
3. The plane is about to take off. 飞机就要起飞了。
4. The aircraft caught fire soon after take-off. 飞机起飞后不久就着火了。
5. This ship was made in China. 这艘轮船是中国制造的。
6. We went by ship over to America. 我们搭轮船去美国。
7. The coach departs Potsdam in the morning. 长途客车早上从波茨坦开出。
8. Let's go on this coach tour! 让我们乘坐这趟长途客车旅游一次!
9. Claire had seen the taxi drawing away. 克莱尔看到出租车缓缓开走了。
10. He climbed down from the cab. 他吃力地从出租车里爬了出来。
December 30
1. The conference was originally planned to open in March. 会议原计划于三月开幕。
2. We plan to go to New York at the weekend. 我们计划周末去纽约。
3. The child was just beginning school. 那孩子刚开始读书。
4. He gave up his studies and went on the stage. 他不再读书而去当演员了。
5. Reading newspapers after lunch is my habit. 午饭后看报是我的习惯。
6. He reclined on the settee reading the newspaper. 他横在长沙发上看报。
7. You are really keen on playing chess. 你们下棋的瘾头可真不小。
8. Playing chess is one of my favourite pastimes. 下棋是我喜爱的一种消遣。
9. I always lose at cards, with my bad luck. 我运气不好,打牌总是输。
10. He wasted much of his time and money on playing cards. 打牌浪费了他的大量时间和金钱。
December 31
1. The Prime Minister made a stirring speech. 首相发表了一篇鼓舞人心的演讲。
2. There was no bombast or conceit in his speech. 他的演讲并没有夸大其词和自吹自擂。
3. Add Bluetooth Dial-up Networking support. 增加了蓝牙拨号网络支持。
4. You said you found my Bluetooth in a tunnel. 说你在隧道里找到了我的蓝牙耳机。
5. I wish you a happy New Year! 祝您新年快乐!
6. Will you help us to bring in the new year? 你能帮我们举办新年庆祝活动吗?
7. I made a sponge for my party. 我为我的聚餐会做了一块松糕。
8. Thanks for inviting me to your Thanksgiving dinner! 谢谢你邀请我参加感恩节聚餐。
9. She often does volunteer labour during holidays. 放假时她常去参加义务劳动。
10. What do you plan to do when school breaks up? 学校放假后你们打算做什么?