i have this table (500,000 row)
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`hash` char(32) NOT NULL,
`source_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`link` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`short_link` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`cat_id` mediumint(5) NOT NULL,
`title` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`description` mediumtext,
`content` mediumtext,
`images` mediumtext,
`videos` mediumtext,
`views` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`comments` int(11) DEFAULT '0',
`comments_update` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`editor_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`auther_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`createdby_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
`createdon` int(20) NOT NULL,
`editedby_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
`editedon` int(20) NOT NULL,
`deleted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
`deletedon` int(20) NOT NULL,
`deletedby_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
`deletedfor` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`published` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`publishedon` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`publishedby_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
KEY `hash` (`hash`)
i'm thinking to make each query by the publishedon between x and y
(show in all the site just records of 1 month)
in the same time, i want to add with the publishedon
in the where clause published, cat_id , source_id
some thing like this:
SELECT * FROM listings
WHERE (publishedon BETWEEN 1441105258 AND 1443614458)
AND (published = 1)
AND (cat_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
AND (source_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
that query is ok and fast until now without indexing, but when trying to use order by publishedon
its became too slow, so i used this index
CREATE INDEX `listings_pcs` ON listings(
`publishedon` DESC,
`published` ,
`cat_id` ,
it worked and the order by publishedon
became fast, now i want to order by views
like this
SELECT * FROM listings
WHERE (publishedon BETWEEN 1441105258 AND 1443614458)
AND (published = 1)
AND (cat_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
AND (source_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
this is the explanation this query is too slow because of
这是因为ORDER BY视图DESC,这个查询太慢的解释
then i'm tried to drop the old index and add this
CREATE INDEX `listings_pcs` ON listings(
`publishedon` DESC,
`published` ,
`cat_id` ,
`views` DESC
its too slow also
what about if i use just single index on publishedon
? what about using single index on cat_id,source_id,views,publishedon?
i can change the query dependencies like publishedon in one month if i found other indexing method depend on any other columns
what about making index in (cat_id
, source_id
, publishedon
, published
) ? but in some cases i will use source_id only?
what is the best indexing schema for that table
4 个解决方案
One important general note as to why your query isn't getting any faster despite your attempts is that DESC
on indexes is not currently supported on MySQL. See this SO thread, and the source from which it comes.
In this case, your largest problem is in the sheer size of your record. If the engine decides it wouldn't really be faster to use an index, then it won't.
You have a few options, and all are actually pretty decent and can probably help you see significant improvement.
A note on SQL
First, I want to make a quick note about indexing in SQL. While I don't think it's the solution for your woes, it was your main question, and can help.
It usually helps me to think about indexing in three different buckets. The absolutely, the maybe, and the never. You certainly don't have anything in your indexing that's in the never column, but there are some I would consider "maybe" indexes.
absolutely: This is your primary key and any foreign keys. It is also any key you will reference on a very regular basis to pull a small set of data from the massive data you have.
maybe: These are columns which, while you may reference them regularly, are not really referenced by themselves. In fact, through analysis and using EXPLAIN
as @Machavity recommends in his answer, you may find that by the time these columns are used to strip out fields, there aren't that many fields anyway. An example of a column that would solidly be in this pile for me would be the published
column. Keep in mind that every INDEX
adds to the work your queries need to do.
Also: Composite keys are a good choice when you're regularly searching for data based on two different columns. More on that later.
Options, options, options...
There are a number of options to consider, and each one has some drawbacks. Ultimately I would consider each of these on a case-by-case basis as I don't see any of these to be a silver bullet. Ideally, you'd test a few different solutions against your current setting and see which one runs the fastest using a nice scientific test.
- Split your SQL table into two or more separate tables.
- 将SQL表拆分为两个或多个单独的表。
This is one of the few times where, despite the number of columns in your table, I wouldn't rush to try to split your table into smaller chunks. If you decided to split it into smaller chunks, however, I'd argue that your [action]edon
, [action]edby_id
, and [action]ed
could easily be put into another table, actions
这是少数几次之一,尽管你的表中有多列,但我不会急于尝试将你的表分成更小的块。但是,如果您决定将其拆分为较小的块,我认为您的[action] edon,[action] edby_id和[action] ed可以轻松地放入另一个表中,操作:
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| action_id | int(11) | NO | | NULL | |
| action | varchar(45) | NO | | NULL | |
| date | datetime | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
| user_id | int(11) | NO | | NULL | |
The downside to this is that it does not allow you to ensure there is only one creation date without a TRIGGER
. The upside is that when you don't have to sort as many columns with as many indexes when you're sorting by date. Also, it allows you to sort not only be created
, but also by all of your other actions.
Edit: As requested, here is a sample sorting query
SELECT * FROM listings
INNER JOIN actions ON actions.listing_id = listings.id
WHERE (actions.action = 'published')
AND (listings.published = 1)
AND (listings.cat_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
AND (listings.source_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
AND (actions.actiondate between 1441105258 AND 1443614458)
ORDER BY listings.views DESC
Theoretically, it should cut down on the number of rows you're sorting against because it's only pulling relevant data. I don't have a dataset like yours so I can't test it right now!
If you put a composite key on actiondate
and listings.id
, this should help to increase speed.
As I said, I don't think this is the best solution for you right now because I'm not convinced it's going to give you the maximum optimization. This leads me to my next suggestion:
- Create a month field
- 创建月份字段
I used this nifty tool to confirm what I thought I understood of your question: You are sorting by month here. Your example is specifically looking between September 1st and September 30th, inclusive.
So another option is for you to split your integer function into a month
, day
, and year
field. You can still have your timestamp, but timestamps aren't all that great for searching. Run an EXPLAIN
on even a simple query and you'll see for yourself.
That way, you can just index the month and year fields and do a query like this:
SELECT * FROM listings
WHERE (publishedmonth = 9)
AND (publishedyear = 2015)
AND (published = 1)
AND (cat_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
AND (source_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
in front and you should see massive improvements.
Because you're planning on referring to a month and a day, you may want to add a composite key against month and year, rather than a key on both separately, for added gains.
Note: I want to be clear, this is not the "correct" way to do things. It is convenient, but denormalized. If you want the correct way to do things, you'd adapt something like this link but I think that would require you to seriously reconsider your table, and I haven't tried anything like this, having lacked the need, and, frankly, will, to brush up on my geometry. I think it's a little overkill for what you're trying to do.
- Do your heavy sorting elsewhere
- 在其他地方进行重排
This was hard for me to come to terms with because I like to do things the "SQL" way wherever possible, but that is not always the best solution. Heavy computing, for example, is best done using your programming language, leaving SQL to handle relationships.
The former CTO of Digg sorted using PHP instead of MySQL and received a 4,000% performance increase. You're probably not scaling out to this level, of course, so the performance trade-offs won't be clearcut unless you test it out yourself. Still, the concept is sound: the database is the bottleneck, and computer memory is dirt cheap by comparison.
There are doubtless a lot more tweaks that can be done. Each of these has a drawback and requires some investment. The best answer is to test two or more of these and see which one helps you get the most improvement.
This query:
FROM listings
WHERE (publishedon BETWEEN 1441105258 AND 1443614458) AND
(published = 1) AND
(cat_id in (1,2,3,4,5)) AND
(source_id in (1,2,3,4,5));
Is hard to optimize with only indexes. The best index is one that starts with published
and then has the other columns -- it is not clear what their order should be. The reason is because all but published
are not using =
很难仅使用索引进行优化。最好的索引是以已发布的方式开始,然后是其他列 - 不清楚它们的顺序应该是什么。原因是因为除了已发布的所有内容都没有使用=。
Because your performance problem is on a sort, that suggests that lots of rows are being returned. Typically, an index is used to satisfy the WHERE
clause before the index can be used for the ORDER BY
. That makes this hard to optimize.
因为您的性能问题是排序,这表明正在返回许多行。通常,索引用于在索引可用于ORDER BY之前满足WHERE子句。这使得这很难优化。
Suggestions . . . None are that great:
建议。 。 。没有那么好:
- If you are going to access the data by month, then you might consider partitioning the data by month. That will make the query without the
faster, but won't help theORDER BY
. - 如果要按月访问数据,则可以考虑按月对数据进行分区。这将使得没有ORDER BY的查询更快,但不会帮助ORDER BY。
- Try various orders of columns after
in the index. You might find the most selective column(s). But, once again, this speeds the query before the sorting. - 在索引中发布后尝试各种列的列。您可能会找到最具选择性的列。但是,再一次,这会在排序之前加快查询速度。
- Think about ways that you can structure the query to have more equality conditions in the
clause or to return a smaller set of data. - 考虑一下如何构造查询以在WHERE子句中具有更多相等条件或返回更小的数据集。
- (Not really recommended) Put an index on
and the ordering column. Then use a subquery to fetch the data. Put the inequality conditions (IN
and so on) in the outer query. The subquery will use the index for sorting and then filter the results. - (不是真的推荐)在已发布和排序列上放置索引。然后使用子查询来获取数据。将不等式条件(IN等)放在外部查询中。子查询将使用索引进行排序,然后过滤结果。
The reason the last is not recommended is because SQL (and MySQL) do not guarantee the ordering of results from a subquery. However, because MySQL materializes subqueries, the results really are in order. I don't like using undocumented side effects, which can change from version to version.
If I were you, I'd at least INDEX
the fields in question individually. You're building multi-column indices but it's clear you're pulling a lot of disparate records as well. Having the columns indexed individually can't hurt.
Something you should do is use EXPLAIN which lets you look under the hood of how MySQL is pulling the data. It could further point to what is slowing your query down.
WHERE (publishedon BETWEEN 1441105258 AND 1443614458)
AND (published = 1)
AND (cat_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
AND (source_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
The rows of your table are enormous (all those mediumtext
columns), so sorting SELECT *
is going to have a lot of overhead. That's a simple reality of your schema design. SELECT *
is generally considered harmful to performance. If you can enumerate the columns you need, and you can leave out some of the big ones, you'll get better performance.
你的表的行是巨大的(所有那些中文文本列),因此排序SELECT *将有很多开销。这是您的架构设计的简单现实。 SELECT *通常被认为对性能有害。如果您可以枚举所需的列,并且可以省略一些大的列,那么您将获得更好的性能。
You showed us a query with the following filter criteria
- single-value equality on
. - 已公布的单值平等。
- range matching on
. - 发布的范围匹配。
- set matching on
- 在cat_id上设置匹配
- set matching on
. - 在source_id上设置匹配。
- Ordering on views.
- 订购视图。
Due to the way MySQL indexing works on MyISAM, the following compound covering index will probably serve you well. It's hard to be sure unless you try it.
CREATE INDEX listings_x_pub_date_cover ON listings(
published, publishedon, cat_id, source_id, views, id )
To satisfy your query the MySQL engine will random-access the index at the appropriate value of published
, and then at the begiining of the publishedon
range. It will then scan through the index filtering on the other two filtering criteria. Finally, it sorts and and uses the id
value to look up each row that passes the filter. Give it a try.
If that performance isn't good enough try this so-called deferred join
FROM listings a
JOIN ( SELECT id, views
FROM listings
WHERE published = 1
AND publishedon BETWEEN 1441105258
AND 1443614458
AND cat_id IN (1,2,3,4,5)
AND source_id IN (1,2,3,4,5)
) b ON a.id = b.id
This does the heavy lifting of ordering with just the id and views columns without having to shuffle all those massive text columns. It may or may not help, because the ordering has to be repeated in the outer query. This kind of thing DEFINITELY helps when you have ORDER BY ... LIMIT n
pattern in your query, but you don't.
这样就可以通过id和views列来完成排序的繁重工作,而无需对所有那些大量文本列进行洗牌。它可能有用也可能没用,因为必须在外部查询中重复排序。当您在查询中有ORDER BY ... LIMIT n模式时,这种事情肯定会有所帮助,但您却没有。
Finally, considering the size of these rows, you may get best performance by doing this inner query from your php program:
FROM listings
WHERE published = 1
AND publishedon BETWEEN 1441105258
AND 1443614458
AND cat_id IN (1,2,3,4,5)
AND source_id IN (1,2,3,4,5)
and then fetching the full rows of the table one-by-one using these id
values in an inner loop. (This query that fetches just id values should be quite fast with the help of the index I mentioned.) The inner loop solution would be ugly, but if your text columns are really big (each mediumtext
column can hold up to 16MiB) it's probably your best bet.
然后在内部循环中使用这些id值逐个获取表的完整行。 (在我提到的索引的帮助下,这个只获取id值的查询应该非常快。)内部循环解决方案很难看,但是如果你的文本列真的很大(每个中间文本列最多可以容纳16MiB),它可能是你最好的选择。
tl;dr. Create the index mentioned. Get rid of SELECT *
if you possibly can, giving a list of columns you need instead. Try the deferred join query. If it's still not good enough try the nested query.
TL;博士。创建提到的索引。如果可能的话,摆脱SELECT *,给出你需要的列列表。尝试延迟连接查询。如果仍然不够好,请尝试嵌套查询。
One important general note as to why your query isn't getting any faster despite your attempts is that DESC
on indexes is not currently supported on MySQL. See this SO thread, and the source from which it comes.
In this case, your largest problem is in the sheer size of your record. If the engine decides it wouldn't really be faster to use an index, then it won't.
You have a few options, and all are actually pretty decent and can probably help you see significant improvement.
A note on SQL
First, I want to make a quick note about indexing in SQL. While I don't think it's the solution for your woes, it was your main question, and can help.
It usually helps me to think about indexing in three different buckets. The absolutely, the maybe, and the never. You certainly don't have anything in your indexing that's in the never column, but there are some I would consider "maybe" indexes.
absolutely: This is your primary key and any foreign keys. It is also any key you will reference on a very regular basis to pull a small set of data from the massive data you have.
maybe: These are columns which, while you may reference them regularly, are not really referenced by themselves. In fact, through analysis and using EXPLAIN
as @Machavity recommends in his answer, you may find that by the time these columns are used to strip out fields, there aren't that many fields anyway. An example of a column that would solidly be in this pile for me would be the published
column. Keep in mind that every INDEX
adds to the work your queries need to do.
Also: Composite keys are a good choice when you're regularly searching for data based on two different columns. More on that later.
Options, options, options...
There are a number of options to consider, and each one has some drawbacks. Ultimately I would consider each of these on a case-by-case basis as I don't see any of these to be a silver bullet. Ideally, you'd test a few different solutions against your current setting and see which one runs the fastest using a nice scientific test.
- Split your SQL table into two or more separate tables.
- 将SQL表拆分为两个或多个单独的表。
This is one of the few times where, despite the number of columns in your table, I wouldn't rush to try to split your table into smaller chunks. If you decided to split it into smaller chunks, however, I'd argue that your [action]edon
, [action]edby_id
, and [action]ed
could easily be put into another table, actions
这是少数几次之一,尽管你的表中有多列,但我不会急于尝试将你的表分成更小的块。但是,如果您决定将其拆分为较小的块,我认为您的[action] edon,[action] edby_id和[action] ed可以轻松地放入另一个表中,操作:
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| action_id | int(11) | NO | | NULL | |
| action | varchar(45) | NO | | NULL | |
| date | datetime | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
| user_id | int(11) | NO | | NULL | |
The downside to this is that it does not allow you to ensure there is only one creation date without a TRIGGER
. The upside is that when you don't have to sort as many columns with as many indexes when you're sorting by date. Also, it allows you to sort not only be created
, but also by all of your other actions.
Edit: As requested, here is a sample sorting query
SELECT * FROM listings
INNER JOIN actions ON actions.listing_id = listings.id
WHERE (actions.action = 'published')
AND (listings.published = 1)
AND (listings.cat_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
AND (listings.source_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
AND (actions.actiondate between 1441105258 AND 1443614458)
ORDER BY listings.views DESC
Theoretically, it should cut down on the number of rows you're sorting against because it's only pulling relevant data. I don't have a dataset like yours so I can't test it right now!
If you put a composite key on actiondate
and listings.id
, this should help to increase speed.
As I said, I don't think this is the best solution for you right now because I'm not convinced it's going to give you the maximum optimization. This leads me to my next suggestion:
- Create a month field
- 创建月份字段
I used this nifty tool to confirm what I thought I understood of your question: You are sorting by month here. Your example is specifically looking between September 1st and September 30th, inclusive.
So another option is for you to split your integer function into a month
, day
, and year
field. You can still have your timestamp, but timestamps aren't all that great for searching. Run an EXPLAIN
on even a simple query and you'll see for yourself.
That way, you can just index the month and year fields and do a query like this:
SELECT * FROM listings
WHERE (publishedmonth = 9)
AND (publishedyear = 2015)
AND (published = 1)
AND (cat_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
AND (source_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
in front and you should see massive improvements.
Because you're planning on referring to a month and a day, you may want to add a composite key against month and year, rather than a key on both separately, for added gains.
Note: I want to be clear, this is not the "correct" way to do things. It is convenient, but denormalized. If you want the correct way to do things, you'd adapt something like this link but I think that would require you to seriously reconsider your table, and I haven't tried anything like this, having lacked the need, and, frankly, will, to brush up on my geometry. I think it's a little overkill for what you're trying to do.
- Do your heavy sorting elsewhere
- 在其他地方进行重排
This was hard for me to come to terms with because I like to do things the "SQL" way wherever possible, but that is not always the best solution. Heavy computing, for example, is best done using your programming language, leaving SQL to handle relationships.
The former CTO of Digg sorted using PHP instead of MySQL and received a 4,000% performance increase. You're probably not scaling out to this level, of course, so the performance trade-offs won't be clearcut unless you test it out yourself. Still, the concept is sound: the database is the bottleneck, and computer memory is dirt cheap by comparison.
There are doubtless a lot more tweaks that can be done. Each of these has a drawback and requires some investment. The best answer is to test two or more of these and see which one helps you get the most improvement.
This query:
FROM listings
WHERE (publishedon BETWEEN 1441105258 AND 1443614458) AND
(published = 1) AND
(cat_id in (1,2,3,4,5)) AND
(source_id in (1,2,3,4,5));
Is hard to optimize with only indexes. The best index is one that starts with published
and then has the other columns -- it is not clear what their order should be. The reason is because all but published
are not using =
很难仅使用索引进行优化。最好的索引是以已发布的方式开始,然后是其他列 - 不清楚它们的顺序应该是什么。原因是因为除了已发布的所有内容都没有使用=。
Because your performance problem is on a sort, that suggests that lots of rows are being returned. Typically, an index is used to satisfy the WHERE
clause before the index can be used for the ORDER BY
. That makes this hard to optimize.
因为您的性能问题是排序,这表明正在返回许多行。通常,索引用于在索引可用于ORDER BY之前满足WHERE子句。这使得这很难优化。
Suggestions . . . None are that great:
建议。 。 。没有那么好:
- If you are going to access the data by month, then you might consider partitioning the data by month. That will make the query without the
faster, but won't help theORDER BY
. - 如果要按月访问数据,则可以考虑按月对数据进行分区。这将使得没有ORDER BY的查询更快,但不会帮助ORDER BY。
- Try various orders of columns after
in the index. You might find the most selective column(s). But, once again, this speeds the query before the sorting. - 在索引中发布后尝试各种列的列。您可能会找到最具选择性的列。但是,再一次,这会在排序之前加快查询速度。
- Think about ways that you can structure the query to have more equality conditions in the
clause or to return a smaller set of data. - 考虑一下如何构造查询以在WHERE子句中具有更多相等条件或返回更小的数据集。
- (Not really recommended) Put an index on
and the ordering column. Then use a subquery to fetch the data. Put the inequality conditions (IN
and so on) in the outer query. The subquery will use the index for sorting and then filter the results. - (不是真的推荐)在已发布和排序列上放置索引。然后使用子查询来获取数据。将不等式条件(IN等)放在外部查询中。子查询将使用索引进行排序,然后过滤结果。
The reason the last is not recommended is because SQL (and MySQL) do not guarantee the ordering of results from a subquery. However, because MySQL materializes subqueries, the results really are in order. I don't like using undocumented side effects, which can change from version to version.
If I were you, I'd at least INDEX
the fields in question individually. You're building multi-column indices but it's clear you're pulling a lot of disparate records as well. Having the columns indexed individually can't hurt.
Something you should do is use EXPLAIN which lets you look under the hood of how MySQL is pulling the data. It could further point to what is slowing your query down.
WHERE (publishedon BETWEEN 1441105258 AND 1443614458)
AND (published = 1)
AND (cat_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
AND (source_id in(1,2,3,4,5))
The rows of your table are enormous (all those mediumtext
columns), so sorting SELECT *
is going to have a lot of overhead. That's a simple reality of your schema design. SELECT *
is generally considered harmful to performance. If you can enumerate the columns you need, and you can leave out some of the big ones, you'll get better performance.
你的表的行是巨大的(所有那些中文文本列),因此排序SELECT *将有很多开销。这是您的架构设计的简单现实。 SELECT *通常被认为对性能有害。如果您可以枚举所需的列,并且可以省略一些大的列,那么您将获得更好的性能。
You showed us a query with the following filter criteria
- single-value equality on
. - 已公布的单值平等。
- range matching on
. - 发布的范围匹配。
- set matching on
- 在cat_id上设置匹配
- set matching on
. - 在source_id上设置匹配。
- Ordering on views.
- 订购视图。
Due to the way MySQL indexing works on MyISAM, the following compound covering index will probably serve you well. It's hard to be sure unless you try it.
CREATE INDEX listings_x_pub_date_cover ON listings(
published, publishedon, cat_id, source_id, views, id )
To satisfy your query the MySQL engine will random-access the index at the appropriate value of published
, and then at the begiining of the publishedon
range. It will then scan through the index filtering on the other two filtering criteria. Finally, it sorts and and uses the id
value to look up each row that passes the filter. Give it a try.
If that performance isn't good enough try this so-called deferred join
FROM listings a
JOIN ( SELECT id, views
FROM listings
WHERE published = 1
AND publishedon BETWEEN 1441105258
AND 1443614458
AND cat_id IN (1,2,3,4,5)
AND source_id IN (1,2,3,4,5)
) b ON a.id = b.id
This does the heavy lifting of ordering with just the id and views columns without having to shuffle all those massive text columns. It may or may not help, because the ordering has to be repeated in the outer query. This kind of thing DEFINITELY helps when you have ORDER BY ... LIMIT n
pattern in your query, but you don't.
这样就可以通过id和views列来完成排序的繁重工作,而无需对所有那些大量文本列进行洗牌。它可能有用也可能没用,因为必须在外部查询中重复排序。当您在查询中有ORDER BY ... LIMIT n模式时,这种事情肯定会有所帮助,但您却没有。
Finally, considering the size of these rows, you may get best performance by doing this inner query from your php program:
FROM listings
WHERE published = 1
AND publishedon BETWEEN 1441105258
AND 1443614458
AND cat_id IN (1,2,3,4,5)
AND source_id IN (1,2,3,4,5)
and then fetching the full rows of the table one-by-one using these id
values in an inner loop. (This query that fetches just id values should be quite fast with the help of the index I mentioned.) The inner loop solution would be ugly, but if your text columns are really big (each mediumtext
column can hold up to 16MiB) it's probably your best bet.
然后在内部循环中使用这些id值逐个获取表的完整行。 (在我提到的索引的帮助下,这个只获取id值的查询应该非常快。)内部循环解决方案很难看,但是如果你的文本列真的很大(每个中间文本列最多可以容纳16MiB),它可能是你最好的选择。
tl;dr. Create the index mentioned. Get rid of SELECT *
if you possibly can, giving a list of columns you need instead. Try the deferred join query. If it's still not good enough try the nested query.
TL;博士。创建提到的索引。如果可能的话,摆脱SELECT *,给出你需要的列列表。尝试延迟连接查询。如果仍然不够好,请尝试嵌套查询。