During Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster installation, the ASMSNMP account is created and its status is set to OPEN. It is granted the SYSDBA for ASM privilege. Oracle Enterprise Manager requires access to the ASMSNMP account to monitor Oracle ASM instances and retrieve data from ASM-related data dictionary views.
SQL> create user asmsnmp identified by oracle123; create user asmsnmp identified by oracle123 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01920: user name 'ASMSNMP' conflicts with another user or role name |
SQL> select * from v$pwfile_users; USERNAME SYSDB SYSOP SYSAS SYSBA SYSDG SYSKM CON_ID ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- SYS TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 0 ASMSNMP TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE 0 |
ASMCMD> lspwusr Username sysdba sysoper sysasm SYS TRUE TRUE TRUE ASMSNMP TRUE FALSE TRUE ASMCMD> help lspwusr lspwusr List the users from the local Oracle ASM password file lspwusr [--suppressheader] The options for the lspwusr command are described below. --suppressheader - Suppresses column headers from the output. The following is an example of the lspwusr example. The example lists the current current users in the local Oracle ASM password file. ASMCMD [+] > lspwusr Username sysdba sysoper sysasm SYS TRUE TRUE TRUE ASMSNMP TRUE FALSE FALSE |
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