SQL select query from comma separated string

时间:2022-11-18 19:21:43

I have a table with with column location with values


row1: sector A, sector B, Sector c
row 2: sector B, sector f, Sector A
row 3: sector f

No I am looking for the sql query to search from these rows with comma separated string say I can search with Sector A, sector f in that case row 1 ,row2, row 3 values should print as Sector A is in row 1, row2 and sector f is in row 3


I am trying something like this but matches the exact string only ...


SELECT id , name FROM tb1 "+
" where    Charindex(','+cast(location  as     varchar(8000))+',',',"+loc+",') > 0

and loc is sector A,sector f


1 个解决方案



Instead of having "location" column in your main table with comma separated values, what you really should have is a second table. I'm going to call your first table inventory_item and assume here you're trying to track the locations where that inventory is located (since you didn't say what your application does).


So add a table called inventory_item_location with columns:


id, inventory_item_id, location


You would have one row per location in that inventory_item_location table and the inventory_item_id would be the id of your inventory_item table. So then you just query the inventory_item_location table for whatever sector you're looking for. And you know what items are in that locaiton.




Instead of having "location" column in your main table with comma separated values, what you really should have is a second table. I'm going to call your first table inventory_item and assume here you're trying to track the locations where that inventory is located (since you didn't say what your application does).


So add a table called inventory_item_location with columns:


id, inventory_item_id, location


You would have one row per location in that inventory_item_location table and the inventory_item_id would be the id of your inventory_item table. So then you just query the inventory_item_location table for whatever sector you're looking for. And you know what items are in that locaiton.
