An overview of network penetration testing

时间:2021-06-09 10:11:55

1、 an SQLi vulnerability will allow you  to do the  following

  • query the database using select statement forezample users table. you might get the password or usersname
  • Bypass the login page executing successfuly query results
  • Execute system commands in the database in oreder compromise the web server
  • Execute inserts.delete commands to manipulate the records in the database

2、Command Injection

we can append other commands after the variable and the application will be to execute it for us , my goal is to make the backend execute someting like this [nslookup [domain name variable ] && [other command ]

An overview of network penetration testing

3、OWASP top 10

Injection-----> when a attacker can inject and execute a custom command in the backend because of missing sanitization,besides it ,command Injection are more like LDAP、XPath、NoSQLo  XML Parsers、STMTP Header

Broken Authentication  ------> a hacker finds the user's idntity, credentials bouth name and password or web session

Sesitive Data 、   XML External Entities  \ Broken Access Control \ Security Misconfig \Cross-site Scripting \ Insecure Deserialization \ Using Components with know vulnerability\ Insufficient logging


theharverster -d [目标网络域名地址] -l [邮件地址数量] -b [使用的搜索的公共知识库]  eg : theharvester  -d -l 20 -b baidu

An overview of network penetration testingAn overview of network penetration testingAn overview of network penetration testing

5、 use Whois search DNS and ip register name and phone number and email

step one we can use the  the url:   or another website is NetCraft   the url :

step two:  use the command  whois ,the screenshout as follow

An overview of network penetration testing

another wegit tools is host it can translate ip to hostname

An overview of network penetration testing

nslookup id find DNS

6、Reconnaissance or information gathering

a pen tester gather information an attacker's perspective ,anything that is useful is necessary to be collected:

  • network Digrams、 application and their version、security defences such IDS IPS
  • IP address     baidu & Social or perfessional networking websites
  • Domain names \sites\ 、 IP  Registries 、DNS registrars  \
  • Device name the company websites

7、nslookup is a windows tool to find the ip address associated with the given domain name

An overview of network penetration testing

8、Scanning  to finding  live  address

ICMP scanning  use command  Nmap -sP [ip range]   、 SYN scanning  Commands Nmap -sS -P0 [ip range]    、all port scanning  commamds Nmap -sS  -p1=65535 -P0 -max-rtt-timeout<time> [iprange]

Specific Prot scanning  we know the ususlly port  80` 443  wecan use command Nmap -sS -p80,443 -P0 [ip range]

9、OS ans service FingerPrintering

OS detecting is to be done find out the system ,by which know vulnerabilities can be exploited .we can use the commands Namp -O [ip range ]  or use Namp -sS -sV -O -P0[ip range]  of cose can use the comand to find all port Nmap -sS -sV -O -P0 -p1-65535 -max-rrt-timeout<time> [ip range]

10、Vulnerability  Scanning

Nmap has the vulnerability scan switch ,we can run the nmap vulnerability scan the command ;   nmap -sS --sV -P0 -p1 -65535 -A --max-rate 500 --reason iL<inputfile.txt><outputfile.txt>

another way we can use nessus nskipfish ,BurpSuite

11、make a conclusion

The reported Vulnerability have to to be tested manually and  confirmed since the vulnerability repprted by the scanners my be false positives at times.

An overview of network penetration testing