
时间:2022-04-27 20:47:21

如何在别名列上使用聚合函数SUM? Invoice ID, PO Number and dueDate are shown in duplicates.


TotalPrice is an alias (It should be Unit Price, total price is a mistake, so assume it Unit Price not total price)


TotalShippingPrice shows the shipping price that was associated with the InvoiceID/PONumber, for every invoiceID/PONumber there will be single shipping price. Same rule applied to tracking number.

TotalShippingPrice显示与InvoiceID / PONumber关联的运费,对于每个invoiceID / PONumber,将有单个运费。同样的规则适用于跟踪号码。

Year represents what year this invoice was sent (don't worry about it).


isTaxPaid represents whether a tax was paid in Unit Price or not (don't worry about it)


My request is:


I need to have the remove invoiceID duplicate and have the sum of unit price for every invoice, so there should be only one record of every invoiceID/PONumber with sum of unit prices.

我需要删除invoiceID复制并且每个发票都有单价的总和,因此每个invoiceID / PONumber只有一个记录,单位价格总和。

For example:

30463 - 903315 - whatever due date - 368 (92 + 276) - ----- (trackingNumber) - 2010 - 0 (tax paid)

30463 - 903315 - 无论截止日期 - 368(92 + 276) - -----(trackingNumber) - 2010 - 0(已缴税)

So my question is:


Since "UnitPrice" column is an alias, i can not get the sum of it! What should i do? I would like to have the psedu-code or the idea on how to do it...


In case you want to see my query, here it is (warning it looks scary and awfully written, need to tuned later on):


SELECT     CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceID, CustomerQuote.PONumber, CustomerInvoice.dueDate, 
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM(((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15) * 1.15) * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty)
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15) * 1.15)
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty) * 1.15) 
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM(CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15)
                 WHEN (SELECT Count(isTaxPaid) FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15) * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty)
                 WHEN (SELECT Count(isTaxPaid) FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM(CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15)
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM(((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15)) * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty)
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15))
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty)) 
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM(CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice)
                 WHEN (SELECT Count(isTaxPaid) FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty))
                 WHEN (SELECT Count(isTaxPaid) FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM(CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice)
           END AS "TotalPrice",
           CASE WHEN row_number() OVER (partition BY CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceId ORDER BY newid()) = 1 
                THEN (
                              WHEN CustomerShipping.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM(CustomerShipping.shippingPrice * 1.15)
                              WHEN CustomerShipping.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM(CustomerShipping.shippingPrice)
           END AS "TotalShippingPrice",
           CASE WHEN row_number() OVER (partition BY CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceId ORDER BY newid()) = 1 
                THEN CustomerShipping.trackingNumber
           END AS "trackingNumber",
           DATEPART(year, CustomerInvDetail.sentDate) AS Year, CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid
FROM         CustomerInvoice INNER JOIN
                      CustomerInvDetail ON CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceID = CustomerInvDetail.cuInvoiceID INNER JOIN
                      CustomerQuote ON CustomerQuote.customerQuoteID = CustomerInvoice.customerQuoteID INNER JOIN
                      CustomerQuoteProducts ON CustomerQuoteProducts.customerQuoteID = CustomerQuote.customerQuoteID INNER JOIN
                      CustomerShipping ON CustomerShipping.customerQuoteID = CustomerInvoice.customerQuoteID INNER JOIN
                      Customer ON Customer.customerID = CustomerQuote.customerID
WHERE     (DATEPART(year, CustomerInvDetail.sentDate) BETWEEN 1999 AND 2999) AND (Customer.customerID = 500)
GROUP BY CustomerInvDetail.sentDate, CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceID, CustomerShipping.shippingPrice, CustomerInvoice.dueDate, CustomerQuote.PONumber, CustomerQuoteProducts.qty, CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID, CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice, CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid, CustomerShipping.isTaxPaid, CustomerShipping.trackingNumber

2 个解决方案



You could place another query around your original to produce the sum:


SELECT x.cuInvoiceID, x.PONumber, x.DueDate, sum(x.TotalPrice), x.trackingNumber, x.Year, x.isTaxPaid
    FROM (<YourOriginalQuery>) x
    GROUP BY x.cuInvoiceID, x.PONumber, x.DueDate, x.trackingNumber, x.Year, x.isTaxPaid



Just a shot at it but if you put the whole select statement into the FROM clause you can then sum across the alias:


SELECT (Going to have to include the fields here and group by them), SUM(TotalPrice) FROM
SELECT    CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceID, CustomerQuote.PONumber, CustomerInvoice.dueDate, 
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM(((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15) * 1.15) * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty)
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15) * 1.15)
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty) * 1.15) 
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM(CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15)
                 WHEN (SELECT Count(isTaxPaid) FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15) * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty)
                 WHEN (SELECT Count(isTaxPaid) FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM(CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15)
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM(((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15)) * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty)
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15))
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty)) 
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM(CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice)
                 WHEN (SELECT Count(isTaxPaid) FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty))
                 WHEN (SELECT Count(isTaxPaid) FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM(CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice)
           END AS "TotalPrice",
           CASE WHEN row_number() OVER (partition BY CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceId ORDER BY newid()) = 1 
                THEN (
                              WHEN CustomerShipping.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM(CustomerShipping.shippingPrice * 1.15)
                              WHEN CustomerShipping.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM(CustomerShipping.shippingPrice)
           END AS "TotalShippingPrice",
           CASE WHEN row_number() OVER (partition BY CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceId ORDER BY newid()) = 1 
                THEN CustomerShipping.trackingNumber
           END AS "trackingNumber",
           DATEPART(year, CustomerInvDetail.sentDate) AS Year, CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid
FROM         CustomerInvoice INNER JOIN
                      CustomerInvDetail ON CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceID = CustomerInvDetail.cuInvoiceID INNER JOIN
                      CustomerQuote ON CustomerQuote.customerQuoteID = CustomerInvoice.customerQuoteID INNER JOIN
                      CustomerQuoteProducts ON CustomerQuoteProducts.customerQuoteID = CustomerQuote.customerQuoteID INNER JOIN
                      CustomerShipping ON CustomerShipping.customerQuoteID = CustomerInvoice.customerQuoteID INNER JOIN
                      Customer ON Customer.customerID = CustomerQuote.customerID
WHERE     (DATEPART(year, CustomerInvDetail.sentDate) BETWEEN 1999 AND 2999) AND (Customer.customerID = 500)
GROUP BY CustomerInvDetail.sentDate, CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceID, CustomerShipping.shippingPrice, CustomerInvoice.dueDate, CustomerQuote.PONumber, CustomerQuoteProducts.qty, CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID, CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice, CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid, CustomerShipping.isTaxPaid, CustomerShipping.trackingNumber

GROUP BY (all fields in the select except total price).



You could place another query around your original to produce the sum:


SELECT x.cuInvoiceID, x.PONumber, x.DueDate, sum(x.TotalPrice), x.trackingNumber, x.Year, x.isTaxPaid
    FROM (<YourOriginalQuery>) x
    GROUP BY x.cuInvoiceID, x.PONumber, x.DueDate, x.trackingNumber, x.Year, x.isTaxPaid



Just a shot at it but if you put the whole select statement into the FROM clause you can then sum across the alias:


SELECT (Going to have to include the fields here and group by them), SUM(TotalPrice) FROM
SELECT    CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceID, CustomerQuote.PONumber, CustomerInvoice.dueDate, 
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM(((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15) * 1.15) * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty)
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15) * 1.15)
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty) * 1.15) 
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM(CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15)
                 WHEN (SELECT Count(isTaxPaid) FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15) * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty)
                 WHEN (SELECT Count(isTaxPaid) FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM(CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15)
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM(((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15)) * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty)
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 1 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * 1.15))
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty)) 
                 WHEN (SELECT isTaxPaid FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM(CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice)
                 WHEN (SELECT Count(isTaxPaid) FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty > 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM((CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice * CustomerQuoteProducts.qty))
                 WHEN (SELECT Count(isTaxPaid) FROM SupplierQuoteProducts WHERE productID = CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID) = 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.qty <= 0 AND CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM(CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice)
           END AS "TotalPrice",
           CASE WHEN row_number() OVER (partition BY CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceId ORDER BY newid()) = 1 
                THEN (
                              WHEN CustomerShipping.isTaxPaid > 0 THEN SUM(CustomerShipping.shippingPrice * 1.15)
                              WHEN CustomerShipping.isTaxPaid <= 0 THEN SUM(CustomerShipping.shippingPrice)
           END AS "TotalShippingPrice",
           CASE WHEN row_number() OVER (partition BY CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceId ORDER BY newid()) = 1 
                THEN CustomerShipping.trackingNumber
           END AS "trackingNumber",
           DATEPART(year, CustomerInvDetail.sentDate) AS Year, CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid
FROM         CustomerInvoice INNER JOIN
                      CustomerInvDetail ON CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceID = CustomerInvDetail.cuInvoiceID INNER JOIN
                      CustomerQuote ON CustomerQuote.customerQuoteID = CustomerInvoice.customerQuoteID INNER JOIN
                      CustomerQuoteProducts ON CustomerQuoteProducts.customerQuoteID = CustomerQuote.customerQuoteID INNER JOIN
                      CustomerShipping ON CustomerShipping.customerQuoteID = CustomerInvoice.customerQuoteID INNER JOIN
                      Customer ON Customer.customerID = CustomerQuote.customerID
WHERE     (DATEPART(year, CustomerInvDetail.sentDate) BETWEEN 1999 AND 2999) AND (Customer.customerID = 500)
GROUP BY CustomerInvDetail.sentDate, CustomerInvoice.cuInvoiceID, CustomerShipping.shippingPrice, CustomerInvoice.dueDate, CustomerQuote.PONumber, CustomerQuoteProducts.qty, CustomerQuoteProducts.ProductID, CustomerQuoteProducts.unitPrice, CustomerQuoteProducts.isTaxPaid, CustomerShipping.isTaxPaid, CustomerShipping.trackingNumber

GROUP BY (all fields in the select except total price).