这篇文章是上篇的续集,本文将会继续介绍coreconsole.cpp里面的逻辑。也许大家会看一些CLR的书,我承认我没有看过,因为我觉得一个人,他再NB,那也是他自己的眼光,而且说句难听的,CLR也不是那个写书的人一个人完成的项目,所以他的眼光,我个人看来,也还是很有限的。 PS:谢谢@Grid Science 的建议
HMODULE TryLoadCoreCLR(const wchar_t* directoryPath) { //coreclr 路径
wchar_t coreCLRPath[MAX_LONGPATH];
//把形参赋给实参,也就是相当于coreCLRPath= directoryPath
wcscpy_s(coreCLRPath, directoryPath);
wcscat_s(coreCLRPath, coreCLRDll); //日志记录开始:尝试从路径载入CoreCLR
*m_log << W("Attempting to load: ") << coreCLRPath << Logger::endl; //LoadLibraryEx装载指定的动态链接库。
HMODULE result = ::LoadLibraryExW(coreCLRPath, NULL, 0); //载入失败的时候,记录日志
if (!result) {
*m_log << W("Failed to load: ") << coreCLRPath << Logger::endl;
*m_log << W("Error code: ") << GetLastError() << Logger::endl;
return nullptr;
} // Pin the module - CoreCLR.dll does not support being unloaded. //GetModuleHandleExW是获取一个应用程序或动态链接库的模块句柄
HMODULE dummy_coreCLRModule; //如果是GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_PIN,则模块一直映射在调用该函数的进程中,直到该进程结束
if (!::GetModuleHandleExW(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_PIN, coreCLRPath, &dummy_coreCLRModule)) {
*m_log << W("Failed to pin: ") << coreCLRPath << Logger::endl;
return nullptr;
} wchar_t coreCLRLoadedPath[MAX_LONGPATH];
::GetModuleFileNameW(result, coreCLRLoadedPath, MAX_LONGPATH); *m_log << W("Loaded: ") << coreCLRLoadedPath << Logger::endl; //返回动态链接库
return result;
// The path to the directory that CoreCLR is in
wchar_t m_coreCLRDirectoryPath[MAX_LONGPATH]; //带有log参数的构造函数,并初始化LOG和CLR运行时
HostEnvironment(Logger *logger)
: m_log(logger), m_CLRRuntimeHost(nullptr) { // Discover the path to this exe's module. All other files are expected to be in the same directory.
DWORD thisModuleLength = ::GetModuleFileNameW(::GetModuleHandleW(nullptr), m_hostPath, MAX_LONGPATH); // Search for the last backslash in the host path. //寻找路径当中的最后一个分隔符"\\",如果找到了,就跳出循环
int lastBackslashIndex;
for (lastBackslashIndex = thisModuleLength-1; lastBackslashIndex >= 0; lastBackslashIndex--) {
if (m_hostPath[lastBackslashIndex] == W('\\')) {
} // Copy the directory path //用m_hostDirectoryPath代替之前的路径目录的地址
::wcsncpy_s(m_hostDirectoryPath, m_hostPath, lastBackslashIndex + 1); // Save the exe name
//host 的EXE文件的名字,类似文件名,不过这里我有一个疑问:
m_hostExeName = m_hostPath + lastBackslashIndex + 1; *m_log << W("Host directory: ") << m_hostDirectoryPath << Logger::endl; // Check for %CORE_ROOT% and try to load CoreCLR.dll from it if it is set
//尝试从环境变量%CORE_ROOT%载入CoreCLR //coreRoot环境变量真实路径
wchar_t coreRoot[MAX_LONGPATH];
size_t outSize; //如果没有使用TryLoadCoreCLR方法的话,那么采用构造函数方式去初始化CoreCLR.
m_coreCLRModule = NULL; // Initialize this here since we don't call TryLoadCoreCLR if CORE_ROOT is unset. //取环境变量的值
if (_wgetenv_s(&outSize, coreRoot, MAX_LONGPATH, W("CORE_ROOT")) == 0 && outSize > 0)
wcscat_s(coreRoot, MAX_LONGPATH, W("\\"));
m_coreCLRModule = TryLoadCoreCLR(coreRoot);
*m_log << W("CORE_ROOT not set; skipping") << Logger::endl;
*m_log << W("You can set the environment variable CORE_ROOT to point to the path") << Logger::endl;
*m_log << W("where CoreCLR.dll lives to help this executable find it.") << Logger::endl;
} // Try to load CoreCLR from the directory that this exexutable is in
if (!m_coreCLRModule) {
m_coreCLRModule = TryLoadCoreCLR(m_hostDirectoryPath);
} //作用同上(thisModuleLength)
if (m_coreCLRModule) { // Save the directory that CoreCLR was found in
DWORD modulePathLength = ::GetModuleFileNameW(m_coreCLRModule, m_coreCLRDirectoryPath, MAX_LONGPATH); // Search for the last backslash and terminate it there to keep just the directory path with trailing slash
for (lastBackslashIndex = modulePathLength-1; lastBackslashIndex >= 0; lastBackslashIndex--) {
if (m_coreCLRDirectoryPath[lastBackslashIndex] == W('\\')) {
m_coreCLRDirectoryPath[lastBackslashIndex + 1] = W('\0');
} } else {
*m_log << W("Unable to load ") << coreCLRDll << Logger::endl;
} //析构函数,释放coreclr
~HostEnvironment() {
if(m_coreCLRModule) {
// Free the module. This is done for completeness, but in fact CoreCLR.dll
// was pinned earlier so this call won't actually free it. The pinning is
// done because CoreCLR does not support unloading.
bool TPAListContainsFile(wchar_t* fileNameWithoutExtension, wchar_t** rgTPAExtensions, int countExtensions)
if (!m_tpaList.CStr()) return false;//如果程序集路径为空,直接返回FALSE //循环后缀。
for (int iExtension = 0; iExtension < countExtensions; iExtension++)
wchar_t fileName[MAX_LONGPATH];
// So that we don't match other files that end with the current file name
wcscpy_s(fileName, MAX_LONGPATH, W("\\")); //wcscat_s函数,把第三个参数添加都第一个参数的结尾
wcscat_s(fileName, MAX_LONGPATH, fileNameWithoutExtension);
wcscat_s(fileName, MAX_LONGPATH, rgTPAExtensions[iExtension] + 1);
wcscat_s(fileName, MAX_LONGPATH, W(";")); // So that we don't match other files that begin with the current file name //类似于.NET中的Contains
if (wcsstr(m_tpaList.CStr(), fileName))
return true;
return false;
void RemoveExtensionAndNi(wchar_t* fileName)
// Remove extension, if it exists
wchar_t* extension = wcsrchr(fileName, W('.'));
if (extension != NULL)
extension[0] = W('\0'); // Check for .ni
size_t len = wcslen(fileName);
if (len > 3 &&
fileName[len - 1] == W('i') &&
fileName[len - 2] == W('n') &&
fileName[len - 3] == W('.') )
fileName[len - 3] = W('\0');
// Returns the semicolon-separated list of paths to runtime dlls that are considered trusted.
// On first call, scans the coreclr directory for dlls and adds them all to the list. //返回可信任的且分号分隔的列表给运行时
const wchar_t * GetTpaList() {
if (!m_tpaList.CStr()) { //文件后缀集合
wchar_t *rgTPAExtensions[] = {
// Probe for .ni.dll first so that it's preferred if ni and il coexist in the same dir
//如果是第一次加载 *.ni.dll文件,ni和il会有一个优先级的问题 W("*.ni.dll"),
}; // Add files from %CORE_LIBRARIES% if specified
wchar_t coreLibraries[MAX_LONGPATH];
size_t outSize;
if (_wgetenv_s(&outSize, coreLibraries, MAX_LONGPATH, W("CORE_LIBRARIES")) == 0 && outSize > 0)
wcscat_s(coreLibraries, MAX_LONGPATH, W("\\"));
AddFilesFromDirectoryToTPAList(coreLibraries, rgTPAExtensions, _countof(rgTPAExtensions));
*m_log << W("CORE_LIBRARIES not set; skipping") << Logger::endl;
*m_log << W("You can set the environment variable CORE_LIBRARIES to point to a") << Logger::endl;
*m_log << W("path containing additional platform assemblies,") << Logger::endl;
} //从目录中加载文件到TpaList中
AddFilesFromDirectoryToTPAList(m_coreCLRDirectoryPath, rgTPAExtensions, _countof(rgTPAExtensions));
} return m_tpaList.CStr(); //返回tpaList;
今天就说到这里了,下一篇跟大家预告一下,会 把GC的第三篇介绍写出来~~敬请期待哦~~~